WHC reorganization is here!

Spot on. When you look at all the new "Squad Leaders" they are almost all career pharma people. Matt, Ty, Jessica, Molly, Katie, Kenny, Craig, and Brian. Brian and Craig may have slight outside experience but even with that, they all played the pharma game enough to get in the spots they had prior to this role. They bring nothing to the table as far as the business goes, they have been behind their monitors for over 3 years now immersed in daily bullshit meetings. They will live off the backs of us in the field who have been carrying the weight for many years. Now that we know they will cut our throats in a second, it will be a toxic work culture.

Wow. I cannot believe what I read here. It’s truly pathetic. This place is a mess. I just want to say leaving here was the best thing I ever did. I liked my job, my manager and WHC but I see nothing has changed or improved. Sad. To anyone thinking they have to settle, don’t. I make more, am happier and don’t work with people who cannot learn and grow as leaders. Bayer is what happens when you promote people just because they stay or because they don’t rock the boat. What a shame. It didn’t have to be this way.

Wow. I cannot believe what I read here. It’s truly pathetic. This place is a mess. I just want to say leaving here was the best thing I ever did. I liked my job, my manager and WHC but I see nothing has changed or improved. Sad. To anyone thinking they have to settle, don’t. I make more, am happier and don’t work with people who cannot learn and grow as leaders. Bayer is what happens when you promote people just because they stay or because they don’t rock the boat. What a shame. It didn’t have to be this way.
Glad your gone skippy how much you make giving the Greek a tossed salad

Vegas odds just in for which AGM leaves first:

Brian. 5-2
Kenny 7-1
Molly 8-1
Jessica 10-1
Craig 15-1
Matt 20-1
Ty 20-1
Katie 25-1
$1000 on Kenny, too much ego to be a RBM for long
$500 Molly, she'd step on anyone to get up the ladder now she's fallen down one
$500 on Jessica, short fused NY'r and won't deal well with menial day to day duties of a RBM

You all must be WHC folks who just breed drama and complain with each other. Childish behavior. Go get another entry level sales roles somewhere else and make yourself happy! Your posts are garbage in and garbage out!

$1000 on Kenny, too much ego to be a RBM for long
$500 Molly, she'd step on anyone to get up the ladder now she's fallen down one
$500 on Jessica, short fused NY'r and won't deal well with menial day to day duties of a RBM

Kenny does have a bit of an ego but he is a good dude and a smart guy. Molly is a sharp cookie. Love Katie and Craig. Don’t know the others well enough to comment. All these comments are based out of jealousy. Being “big dogs” isn’t always what it is cracked up to be. These are all family people that are probably happy to spend more time with what REALLY matters in life - - -Family (and God). You all have a choice….stay or go. I know when I die, people won’t remember what my career was, they will remember what kind of person I was. Attacking good people on an anonymous social media platform is pathetic and you are weak and have zero balls for doing it.

Kenny does have a bit of an ego but he is a good dude and a smart guy. Molly is a sharp cookie. Love Katie and Craig. Don’t know the others well enough to comment. All these comments are based out of jealousy. Being “big dogs” isn’t always what it is cracked up to be. These are all family people that are probably happy to spend more time with what REALLY matters in life - - -Family (and God). You all have a choice….stay or go. I know when I die, people won’t remember what my career was, they will remember what kind of person I was. Attacking good people on an anonymous social media platform is pathetic and you are weak and have zero balls for doing it.

100% agree with this and let me add “some of you need to find Jesus!” Holy cow, you are misguided souls.

The worst thing that ever happen to CVR is hiring those WHC reps! Can’t sell and just complain all day, all the time. They actually thought the product was a real device. Then complain about having to really sell once they came over.

This company is a disgrace to the industry.
Some good products, but leadership is a joke and so are their chosen coaches (downgraded from your irrelevant titles!!!)

God bless the CSSs you are the back bone of WHC.

I left this company as a strong performer, but I was not part of the inner squad. Grass is greener…better base salaries, good bonuses, great PTO, stock at rep and DM level, but minimal churn or toxicity at other companies.

May the leaders rot away! CSS run as fast as you can away

You need to be spoon fed. This is not where you should be working in 2024.
So the AGMs are supposed to be the smartest people in the room, but have no answers for most of the questions asked, and didn't think of any of all the small stuff they were too busy for in their previous jobs. Now they are drowning. As they continue to show their incompetence, our sales will suffer just like the last 3 years. Who put them there? And how exactly are they going to coach something they know nothing about?

So the AGMs are supposed to be the smartest people in the room, but have no answers for most of the questions asked, and didn't think of any of all the small stuff they were too busy for in their previous jobs. Now they are drowning. As they continue to show their incompetence, our sales will suffer just like the last 3 years. Who put them there? And how exactly are they going to coach something they know nothing about?

I am pretty sure that the AGM’s have been pretty open about going to Jersey next week to learn about the DSO model and what their role is. They have been clear that this is not going to happen overnight. At least my AGM has been very open with us. Unless you were hired yesterday you know what your job is. Just go sell some IUD’s. I don’t need a coach to tell me to do that.

Ok, try us! You are one of the ones who make it hard on the good reps and managers. You sound privileged! You are stealing from those who actually want and need jobs! Do your manager a favor, quit! The GM’s are people who have worked their asses off getting to the position they are in. If you don’t like yours, quit! Stop being a Bitch!
Come back in 6 months and reread this one to check accuracy.

This right here tells you all you need to know. All of these AGMs have been in Pharma so long its all they know. They may all be good people but they all have big egos having managed managers in traditional pharma hierarchy. They can go to immersion training to be enlightened on their new role, but they will fall back to what they know and its not the business.
Its the pharma mindset of do what I tell you. They can disguise their mandates as business goal setting sessions for all to decide, but dont be fooled. They will push their agenda and if you dont buy in, you will be labeled a malcontent. They will find ways to force those out, much like they have always done.

It will continue be toxic. Meetings will continue to be blank stares. There will be no loyalty to AGMs after they stabbed RBMs in the back. It will be more silo’d than ever. Remember their boss’s are career pharma too, its all they know.

You heard it here first!

To all those stupid leaders who claim to ‘make Bayer great again’ just loo at the colossal damage you have made with this reorg one as monumental as this and remember in 2-3 years from now what that told us- we never matters neither did our managers what mattered was your executive level leadership and felt the need to keep them safe at the expense se of all those people who actually did the work. It’s so disgusting and all of you ALL of Yoh who played a had in actually ca

To all those stupid leaders who claim to ‘make Bayer great again’ just look at the colossal damage you have made with this reorg one as monumental as this and remember in 2-3 years from now what did that tell us- we never mattered neither did our managers what mattered was your executive level leadership and felt the need to keep them safe at the expense of all those people who actually did the work. It’s so disgusting and all of you ALL of Yoh who played a hand in actual hand in making those decisions you should be ashamed of what you did. This has caused a gregarious outpouring of distrust that time will never heal no matter how hard those at the top want us to forget. They are watching us on here and waiting to see when it will die down because they know how much shit they stirred up. Now I see what they are doing to those in HQ very pivotal and active members of our internal teams are not being pushed aside for their senior directors who are stealing their jobs. Don’t think for one second we don’t see what you have done, are doing and will continue to do. we all see it and are disgusted by it. I hope you’re reading this and remember this post because I promise you it’s NOT alright and will NEVER be alright again. To my friends in HQ who they have robbed I hope you land in a far better place then those a&& holes and when they reach out to you ina few years because those same people find themselves in a similar situation slam the sore right back in their faces. I’m taking to you my FFEs and operational partners what they did and are continuing to you is despicable. Shame on them

To all those stupid leaders who claim to ‘make Bayer great again’ just loo at the colossal damage you have made with this reorg one as monumental as this and remember in 2-3 years from now what that told us- we never matters neither did our managers what mattered was your executive level leadership and felt the need to keep them safe at the expense se of all those people who actually did the work. It’s so disgusting and all of you ALL of Yoh who played a had in actually ca

Are ya drinking on the job there Spanky? Longest run-on sentence ever!

To all those stupid leaders who claim to ‘make Bayer great again’ just loo at the colossal damage you have made with this reorg one as monumental as this and remember in 2-3 years from now what that told us- we never matters neither did our managers what mattered was your executive level leadership and felt the need to keep them safe at the expense se of all those people who actually did the work. It’s so disgusting and all of you ALL of Yoh who played a had in actually ca

Are ya drinking on the job there Spanky? Longest run-on sentence ever!

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