WHC reorganization is here!

Go, don’t come back. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out okay?
Spoken like a true AGM troll now I know you’re desperate . Just bc you got a promotion and are happy does not mean that everyone else around you is or has to be. It’s not the same from where we sit you got paid more money and got a promotion and we are sitting here suffering. You cannot control how we feel or how this current DSO model is shaking things out for us low rung employees. Stop coming on here and making us feel bad for feeling bad. Get over yourself and understand morale is NOt good and we are not okay. Most want to leave, accept that and stop pretending everything is good. Take off your rose colored glasses. This apples to all BUs and all GMs everything here sucks and is NOT working. We cannot fake it until we make it.

Spoken like a true AGM troll now I know you’re desperate . Just bc you got a promotion and are happy does not mean that everyone else around you is or has to be. It’s not the same from where we sit you got paid more money and got a promotion and we are sitting here suffering. You cannot control how we feel or how this current DSO model is shaking things out for us low rung employees. Stop coming on here and making us feel bad for feeling bad. Get over yourself and understand morale is NOt good and we are not okay. Most want to leave, accept that and stop pretending everything is good. Take off your rose colored glasses. This apples to all BUs and all GMs everything here sucks and is NOT working. We cannot fake it until we make it.
Go drop your fake tears in a muffin bag

Let me get this right, Kerendia has been out for 3 years. The sales force hired to sell it can't sell it, the contract sales force hired to sell it can't sell it, and now someone thinks the WHC sales force, who does something entirely different, is going to sell it? Did NJ legalize weed? What in the?

Let me get this right, Kerendia has been out for 3 years. The sales force hired to sell it can't sell it, the contract sales force hired to sell it can't sell it, and now someone thinks the WHC sales force, who does something entirely different, is going to sell it? Did NJ legalize weed? What in the?

It's not the sales team nor contract team that failed. It's the leadership and crappy culture that killed this brand. I saw several messages 1 page back about PB. The buck stops with him, the brand lead and he destroyed morale, culture, and any kind of ambition. If the big bosses are smart, they will give him the boot soon. We don't need the infection to spread to other more successful brands.

It's not the sales team nor contract team that failed. It's the leadership and crappy culture that killed this brand. I saw several messages 1 page back about PB. The buck stops with him, the brand lead and he destroyed morale, culture, and any kind of ambition. If the big bosses are smart, they will give him the boot soon. We don't need the infection to spread to other more successful brands.

well that’s already too late other brands are already Infected with the same BS Kerendia and WHC have been dealing with. Trust me leaving Kerendia for ONC is NOT any better nor safer

It's not the sales team nor contract team that failed. It's the leadership and crappy culture that killed this brand. I saw several messages 1 page back about PB. The buck stops with him, the brand lead and he destroyed morale, culture, and any kind of ambition. If the big bosses are smart, they will give him the boot soon. We don't need the infection to spread to other more successful brands.
I am still shaking my head how Bill Anderson has kept and put individuals like Paul Bernard and Bill McClain, who last time I checked were part of the old guard who were instrumental in Bayer’s downward spiral continue to have leadership roles which will have a direct impact on Bayer’s future. Even more humorous is DSO. Does Bill Anderson even know that DSO isn’t being implemented at all in CVR or WHC? I am pretty sure DSO at its core wasn’t designed to continue to have a push down approach, excessive micro management, decreased efficiencies (countless calls, and admin tasks). I didn’t realize DSO consists of a culture built on fear, instability, and do as I say. I had high hopes for Bill Anderson to turn around this sinking ship, but it’s tough to have any semblance of trust in him as CEO moving forward when he puts incompetent individuals like Paul Bernard and Bill McClain in leadership roles. Some dark days lie ahead for Bayer if Bill Anderson doesn’t wake up and realize his leadership team and the old ways of doing things needs a massive overhaul.

Funny you say that. Kerendia is quite literally one of a small handful of drugs that are keeping the entire company afloat. Get back to your home study materials.
Kerendia launched what like 3 yrs ago, and pretty sure it generated only $130 million in 2023. IUD’s account for $700+ million in annual sales. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand which business unit is keeping the lights on for Bayer. It’s not that any of us in WHC feel we are too good for Kerendia, it’s just an extremely poor business decision by PB to disrupt the WHC business unit when Bayer needs all the revenue they can get from business units that are drivers for a company that has a less then impressive pipeline.

What’s up with the WHC leadership team? I’m gone but wondering how they are truly treating the CSSs who matter the most. They were so full of themselves, (all of them)
Hopefully karma is biting them in their A$$es!

What’s up with the WHC leadership team? I’m gone but wondering how they are truly treating the CSSs who matter the most. They were so full of themselves, (all of them)
Hopefully karma is biting them in their A$$es!
Matt and Ty are just happy to be here and are relieved because they are not being required to micro manage their people any longer. Big Red had them doing things they are not used to doing or agree with. Jessica is over her head after spending 2 years with the BDL team who are good at their jobs but their jobs have an extremely narrow focus. Molly is climbing the ladder and doesn’t care about her people she never has and has never met a back she wasn’t ready to stab to get ahead. She is still micro managing and if her people quit oh well move along. Katie and Kenny are resting comfortably. Huge salaries far less responsibility and headaches. Brian and Craig are just kissing ass as usual and waiting on the next opportunity.

They are all in self preservation mode as WHC transition to primary care. Most probably agree it’s a shit show but none will say it. They are really good at playing the game or they wouldn’t be where they are. Nothing has changed since you left.

Matt and Ty are just happy to be here and are relieved because they are not being required to micro manage their people any longer. Big Red had them doing things they are not used to doing or agree with. Jessica is over her head after spending 2 years with the BDL team who are good at their jobs but their jobs have an extremely narrow focus. Molly is climbing the ladder and doesn’t care about her people she never has and has never met a back she wasn’t ready to stab to get ahead. She is still micro managing and if her people quit oh well move along. Katie and Kenny are resting comfortably. Huge salaries far less responsibility and headaches. Brian and Craig are just kissing ass as usual and waiting on the next opportunity.

They are all in self preservation mode as WHC transition to primary care. Most probably agree it’s a shit show but none will say it. They are really good at playing the game or they wouldn’t be where they are. Nothing has changed since you left.

What’s up with the WHC leadership team? I’m gone but wondering how they are truly treating the CSSs who matter the most. They were so full of themselves, (all of them)
Hopefully karma is biting them in their A$$es!
I wish I was on Katie’s team. Her reps love working for her. Ya might want to survey more than 1 or 2 reps. It’s not the AGM’s. It’s the dumb decisions of Paul that is making people hate their jobs.

True, and don’t forget his wing man Bill, who is so far up his ass he can see out his ear holes. But its the AGM’s job to push back in DSO and professionally question the strategy when they are one rung closer to the customer. They are not because their job doesn't really change in all of this and they only know how to be submissive. It will only become a problem for them if their paycheck is effected. None of them have the balls to say this is distracting a highly specialized salesforce from doing what they do in a major way. None of them have the balls to tell them they are destroying culture that brings in 800m. Despite this, we are still selling and that provides shade to the bad strategy.

Vegas odds just in for which AGM leaves first:

Brian. 5-2
Kenny 7-1
Molly 8-1
Jessica 10-1
Craig 15-1
Matt 20-1
Ty 20-1
Katie 25-1
If you had Molly at 8-1, you're a winner. Big Red is out the door. Karma is real and a bitch! All those folks you step on while on your way to the top, hold the door for you on your way out. One to many scandals she couldn't kiss ass through. When are some going to learn, SMH.

If you had Molly at 8-1, you're a winner. Big Red is out the door. Karma is real and a bitch! All those folks you step on while on your way to the top, hold the door for you on your way out. One to many scandals she couldn't kiss ass through. When are some going to learn, SMH.
Why did she leave? Don’t leave us hanging like that!