The irony of these AGMs are that they have been part of the same leadership team that feels like every customer facing rep is expendable and if you don't like it here just leave. That they have created this fantastic culture that anyone should be begging to stay in. Now ironically they will rely on those customer facing reps for their success.So the AGMs are supposed to be the smartest people in the room, but have no answers for most of the questions asked, and didn't think of any of all the small stuff they were too busy for in their previous jobs. Now they are drowning. As they continue to show their incompetence, our sales will suffer just like the last 3 years. Who put them there? And how exactly are they going to coach something they know nothing about?
They will continue with their arrogant attitudes and think that it won't matter what type of talent we have as reps because anyone can do that work. Solid reps will continue to leave unappreciated or stay and be undervalued and results will continue to suffer.
Just ask the smug John Berrios how that worked for him. Just ask anyone who is hiring right now. Good people are hard to find especially if you are offering minimal wage. These AGMs are in for a surprise when they have 2-3 vacancies and no one wants to help.