WHC reorganization is here!

Thoughts on today’s call??. Very confusing message and they are apparently grasping at straws to try and get numbers up. Our call panels are not accurate as far as Grow/Defend. They say “no one has the intel on their territory like the CSS does” yet they won’t let us TRULY run our territories the way they should be run. I am also confused about the hoopla about the new drug like it is being rolled out next month. Isn’t it coming out in 2025? Also confused about the prof-ed budget. Dining has increased soooo much since covid. $400 meals now cost $600. Did they consider that when creating the budget? I don’t know if Molly should have led our call with the messaging she delivered. She always comes off as if she understands the needs of the territories more than we do. Very confusing call.
Dont cross Big Red, she’ll cut you off at the knees. Watch your back KS shes coming for you

Is anyone else having Lisa Wassel flashbacks with the “call on 6 Grow and Defend accounts a day” to check a box? This is absolutely ridiculous and SUCH a waste of time. Instead of focusing on what WE KNOW IN THE FIELD let’s go back to the days of John and Lisa and do wasteful tasks to make them look like they know what they are doing. Come on K&K, you are better than this.

Bayer CEO to ax management jobs ahead of overhaul: Reuters (fiercepharma.com)

Maybe ours is next? What pisses me off, Im out 5 days a week 8-9 hrs covering a huge territory trying to get as much as possible. Still selling a lot of units and making this company a lot of money. I will finish Q3 just under 90% and not make shit. Our leaders are sitting back in the chairs in Whippany making 5-6X my income, and havent produced shit in years. Perfected kissing ass. Cut the fat here!

My take-away from John’s call. If you have been here too long with a large base, you might be let go. If you don’t live in a big city where the bulk of the business is, you might be let go. If you have secured the business or won it back from Liletta by giving too much of a discount, you might be let go. The success stories were not appropriate for todays call. People’s livelihoods are at stake, I don’t need a pep talk.

To satisfy the Warn Act, we might know our fate by Nov 3 if we are in this first 90 day wave. When JB hasn’t been filled in on what decisions are being made, it can only mean our whole division is at serious risk. Unless you can retire, you should already be interviewing and applying.