WHC reorganization is here!

That is what burns my ass. John and the rest of the leaders are still making their handsome salaries, while their forecasting errors cause the rest of us to make considerably less bonus. Selling and working as hard as ever, making less, and bills still going up. Everything cost more, and we're making less. Unsustainable.


Didn't management tell you already that next year was not going to be any easier. Which means, low bonus, and managers brow beating reps, and weekly emails telling us how far we are behind our run rate. They do not want to pay high bonuses, the new reps being hired are being paid a fraction of our salaries and bonus potential. The bottom line is they would just as soon you go ahead and leave if you are not happy. They will hire someone with one or two years experience at way less the cost to the company and be done with you. Management does not value the sales force anymore.

Didn't management tell you already that next year was not going to be any easier. Which means, low bonus, and managers brow beating reps, and weekly emails telling us how far we are behind our run rate. They do not want to pay high bonuses, the new reps being hired are being paid a fraction of our salaries and bonus potential. The bottom line is they would just as soon you go ahead and leave if you are not happy. They will hire someone with one or two years experience at way less the cost to the company and be done with you. Management does not value the sales force anymore.

Exactly, they will look you in the eye and say how important you are, but as long as they are fat and happy, they don't give a shit.

We already know they are monitoring this post so they shouldn’t be surprised that no one is happy. But then again they also know all the good people have already moved on and those of us left just don’t want to get off the gravy train. Got that? No one is that good or motivated anymore. Good luck with your forecasts, getting a bunch of lazy people to sell sell sell!

My groceries are way more expensive, my heating bill is way more expensive, and my kid's clothes are way more expensive. My paycheck however is way less. Why? Was I not working as hard, or as smart, or as motivated? No, I am working as hard as ever, as smart as ever, and as motivated (my kids need food, heat, and clothes!). It's because someone has made an awful forecast, takes no responsibility or as Bayer says "accountability", so those who are bringing in the revenue actually suffer and are screwed!

Meanwhile, John's daughter gets that new expensive ball glove and bat for Christmas, Katie gets her daughter all those new clothes, and Kenny gets his boys everything they wanted. What is wrong with this picture?

Don't forget you got that nice We`re For Her hat. That should offset your lack of pay. What we have is no upper leadership, and the one's that do have an idea of how to manage the IUD franchise are too scared to speak up. Meanwhile we are getting more targeting data, because we aren't smart enough to figure out who your biggest potential customers are. We are getting more medical educators, who don't leave their home, and don't get in front of the customer. Yet, reps are covering a gigantic territory and expected to make 8 account calls per day in person.

Get ready for the rah rah bullshit. Less than one week left, until we start hearing how we are going to be laser focused, and do things different this year. Yet, it will be the same old meeting. Come on tell us how we are going to exceed our goals, hear from Dr. Y that her tik tok is convincing women single handedly to get an IUD, marketing has wonderful new information for us to use in the field ( some kind of marketing survey of 150 patients), the price increase will benefit customers, and then the LETS GOOO!!!!!!! Assholes chiming in on the comment section. Don't forget the ❤❤❤❤❤ emojis all around the new MSL slide deck, that won't work or glitch when they try to do another virtual training.... If I am wrong after our fast start meeting, I will apologize. Oh, I forgot the pre-planned success story section, that will motivate you to do it too.

Get ready for the rah rah bullshit. Less than one week left, until we start hearing how we are going to be laser focused, and do things different this year. Yet, it will be the same old meeting. Come on tell us how we are going to exceed our goals, hear from Dr. Y that her tik tok is convincing women single handedly to get an IUD, marketing has wonderful new information for us to use in the field ( some kind of marketing survey of 150 patients), the price increase will benefit customers, and then the LETS GOOO!!!!!!! Assholes chiming in on the comment section. Don't forget the ❤❤❤❤❤ emojis all around the new MSL slide deck, that won't work or glitch when they try to do another virtual training.... If I am wrong after our fast start meeting, I will apologize. Oh, I forgot the pre-planned success story section, that will motivate you to do it too.

It's going to be the same old same old! If you are worth a shit you won't have a success story, other than that you kept the competition out of your territory. But that just means you are in it and are working. Congrats. BTW, the competitors suck too and have no budget so if you lost market share to them it's because you suck...because you probably don't work. Hey, people that monitor- something to take a look at.

Get ready for the rah rah bullshit. Less than one week left, until we start hearing how we are going to be laser focused, and do things different this year. Yet, it will be the same old meeting. Come on tell us how we are going to exceed our goals, hear from Dr. Y that her tik tok is convincing women single handedly to get an IUD, marketing has wonderful new information for us to use in the field ( some kind of marketing survey of 150 patients), the price increase will benefit customers, and then the LETS GOOO!!!!!!! Assholes chiming in on the comment section. Don't forget the ❤❤❤❤❤ emojis all around the new MSL slide deck, that won't work or glitch when they try to do another virtual training.... If I am wrong after our fast start meeting, I will apologize. Oh, I forgot the pre-planned success story section, that will motivate you to do it too.

Wait! We have a Marketing team? What are they marketing and who are they marketing to? Bring Juan back! He was the best person we ever had in that department by leaps and bounds. HE LISTENED TO THE FIELD and made necessary changes. The current head of Marketing dictates and has done ZERO to give the field anything to work with.(Not talking about Jess because she rocks!). Of course Nexplanon has gained market share because they are advertising directly to the consumer. We are too busy partnering with these organizations that do nothing to grow the IUD franchise Both Kenny and Katie need to get back in touch with the field. Being a leader that thinks you know more than the minions will lead to failure. They know who will level with them. It’s not Dandridge or Dodsworth. It’s not 99% of the managers. We have more Directors than ever before and we are failing. What does that tell you? Top-heavy NEVER works. 2023 won’t be any different but HEY, keep blaming the ones working the hardest (the field).

My manager will call a zoom meeting and then my BDL calls for a zoom meeting and then my RAL calls a Zoom meeting. Then they get angry when all I do is call in and dont watch their slide show. I try to explain that my job is Field Based, not home based. I can't wait for my manager to try to ding me for low call average. There are days that I have 2 or 3 zoom calls in a day. I can't drive an 1 hr to a city to see customers after 2 back to back 1 hour calls so I end up going the same close proximity practices. This is ridiculous. They feel compelled to include me, but never really want to hear what I have to offer from the boots on the ground intelligence.

Like the previous post said too top heavy. BDLs think they are the most important people in the division. They tell the CSS what to do after having a single conversation with a customer. They gather all this useful information and then feel they must play manager and give marching orders. Meanwhile the CSS rolls their eyes and goes on about their business.

RBM here (Really). I get the frustration. The RBM’s have their own private text threads just like the rest of you and the morale is bad even at the RBM level. We play the game but we also are not overly inspired with how they want the business run this year. Burnout is the term I am hearing from my reps, reps from other teams and the RBM’s. There will be a lot of turnover this year. All planning is too short-sighted. I know for a fact my ABD is actively looking for other jobs outside of Bayer. I hope things improve but I don’t think it will happen and I don’t think they care who leaves.

CSS here ( really). Bayer has lost the trust of this sales force again. It happened when JS and Lisa, Lisa were here, and it is occurring once more. Our ABD had a kickoff meeting earlier, and couldn't even get rah rah responses from the field on the call. You could look at the faces on the meeting and tell people we're not buying CK marketing BS, MVB data driven analysis, or even excited to start the new year. KS popped on, and made a comment that everyone looked well rested.

CSS here ( really). Bayer has lost the trust of this sales force again. It happened when JS and Lisa, Lisa were here, and it is occurring once more. Our ABD had a kickoff meeting earlier, and couldn't even get rah rah responses from the field on the call. You could look at the faces on the meeting and tell people we're not buying CK marketing BS, MVB data driven analysis, or even excited to start the new year. KS popped on, and made a comment that everyone looked well rested.

RAL here (really). This role has no guidance and no true path. My manager won’t look at the whole picture and keeps sending me in the dumbest of direction that makes zero sense. My CSS’s have great ideas and understand the territories much better than the RBM but my RBM is controlling every step I take. She has been out of the field too long. There is zero room for planning. It’s all about getting in front of the customer which is great but the customers won’t see us unless we have a well thought-out purpose and mission. I also feel this will be a year of large turnover. Everyone I talk to is keeping their resumes polished and talking to head hunters. We can be replaced but some of these relationships have taken years to build.