WHC reorganization is here!

I sit in my office on Sunday afternoon preparing for the week and I am just really disturbed by the lack of commitment from Leadership of this business unit. I love my job and my customers but let’s face it, we won’t come close to our National quota for the year. The part that is disturbing is they are putting the blame on the salesforce. We didn’t add an 8th year indication, get rid of marketing, triple the size of territories, provide inconsistent data, etc etc etc. The salesforce continues to grind every day, making less money than ever but WE are the ones taking the blame. WHO is going to be held accountable for making poor decisions at the top? If I hear one more “Nexplanon is gaining market share!!!” from my manager!!!!!!!! Well Nexplanon has out-marketed us all year long. We, as a salesforce cannot reach the consumer. If the consumer comes in wanting a Nexplanon(which is a effective contraceptive) a provider will NOT try to talk them out of it. Quit being naive Bayer RBMS, ABDs, K&K&J. Give us something to work with. Craig & JB, no need to respond with one of your BS ass-kissing responses.

The above post is spot on. Of course, upper management would not be focused on Nexplanon. That was 3 quarters ago. Now the evil in the room is OCPs. Just wait, Plan B is growing, and our next marketing gurus are going to tell us that's where the business is. We have no direction in upper management. Maybe we need to add 3 pharmacy calls to our 8 account calls per day. And if you think it's fun now, wait til we announce that nice big price increase in 2 weeks. And then wait till they try to feed the line that a price increase will benefit our customers even more. This division has become worse than the JS Era. The K and K show should be on PBS right after Sesame Street.

Same old worn-out playbook. My RBM is in San Diego kissing her ABD's ass and telling them how great they are. ABD's glorified cheerleaders with no ideas, just filled calendars with meaningless meetings. Not a whisper about those of us actually selling something, just whips cracking. Mules about to collapse and die.

The RBMs will come back from San Diego and tell their CSS's lots of great things are going to happen next year. I believe that the best sales reps in the company are the RBMs, they have to sell this flea circus to their district team. My manager will have a Zoom meeting and tell us that they have really done their homework, and next year is going to be so much better. Corporate has been into the field to see how things are really occurring, and they are going to be laser focused on field intelligence. My team will listen, swallow the shit being shoveled down their throat, send texts to each other afterwards making fun of the great new ideas, and then go about their business. Management will come up with better ideas about 8 weeks into the quarter, and the cycle will start all over again.

The RBMs will come back from San Diego and tell their CSS's lots of great things are going to happen next year. I believe that the best sales reps in the company are the RBMs, they have to sell this flea circus to their district team. My manager will have a Zoom meeting and tell us that they have really done their homework, and next year is going to be so much better. Corporate has been into the field to see how things are really occurring, and they are going to be laser focused on field intelligence. My team will listen, swallow the shit being shoveled down their throat, send texts to each other afterwards making fun of the great new ideas, and then go about their business. Management will come up with better ideas about 8 weeks into the quarter, and the cycle will start all over again.

I am an RBM sitting in SanDiego and I could not agree more with all of the comments above. Kenny needs to write a book on the Art of Kissing Ass. The guy has it down pat. He could write a chapter on JB. Here is the issue. Kissing ass isn’t selling IUD’s. Until they listen to the FIELD NOT THE RBM’s, they won’t make the changes needed to increase sales. Katie needs to get back to calling those she trusts in the field (both reps and managers) to tell her the truth of what needs to be done. Her ABD’s sugarcoat things also. I get it, they don’t want negative feedback but until they allow REAL feedback they cannot increase sales.

I am an RBM sitting in SanDiego and I could not agree more with all of the comments above. Kenny needs to write a book on the Art of Kissing Ass. The guy has it down pat. He could write a chapter on JB. Here is the issue. Kissing ass isn’t selling IUD’s. Until they listen to the FIELD NOT THE RBM’s, they won’t make the changes needed to increase sales. Katie needs to get back to calling those she trusts in the field (both reps and managers) to tell her the truth of what needs to be done. Her ABD’s sugarcoat things also. I get it, they don’t want negative feedback but until they allow REAL feedback they cannot increase sales.

The issue isn’t so much KandK. It’s the RBMs that we’re never qualified to be managers in the first place. Mine was the biggest complainer on our team until JB desperately asked her to apply. She’s lost multiple positions and can’t accept any responsibility for it. She lacks real people skills and gossips about everyone, including those she kisses ass to. This culture will never work. Bayer needs to drain the swamp and listen to the reps. This is not even selling anymore. An old product with an 8 year life is boring to Drs. Clean house, get rid of middle management and get a new product.

The issue isn’t so much KandK. It’s the RBMs that we’re never qualified to be managers in the first place. Mine was the biggest complainer on our team until JB desperately asked her to apply. She’s lost multiple positions and can’t accept any responsibility for it. She lacks real people skills and gossips about everyone, including those she kisses ass to. This culture will never work. Bayer needs to drain the swamp and listen to the reps. This is not even selling anymore. An old product with an 8 year life is boring to Drs. Clean house, get rid of middle management and get a new product.

I think I know which manager you are talking about! Is it the one that has the full-time side business? Double dipping at it’s best. I give her credit! I agree IUD’s are boring to sell BUT the thrill of shutting down the competition is still what fires me up. I like this job, I like my customers, I like my team but what I do not like is:

1. They don’t let us run our territories the way they need to be run. They can run all the fancy reports they want and tell us who to target but if they don’t know the territory and the customers personally those reports don’t mean shit.

2. We can’t keep doing business like we did before Covid. It truly has to be hybrid. We accomplish so much more virtually most days than not. Of course if you have access you need to go and continue building those relationships.

3. They think inside sales can replace us. They do need US in the field and not inside sales to run these territories because as stated before, you need intel of the territory to really know how to reach these providers. Someone sitting in NJ won’t ever have the knowledge we do by living in our territories.

4. What I dislike the most ??? The fact that I am working harder, longer hours and spending way too much time away from my wife and kids, yet making less than ever. HO won’t take accountability for low sales. Morale is VERY low right now. Even the cheerleaders appear to be defeated. It’s sad.

5. Price increases. I don’t like price increases. When Ralph gets on the call next week and gives us his “pep” talk I will be flipping him off (with my camera off of course)

6. Ford Escapes. I am convinced they are giving us the crappiest car out there so we will quit so they can hire some 22 year old that will just love a free car and won’t realize they are putting us in a death trap

7. They are whining that Nexplanon is gaining market share. Am I the only one that is wondering what happened to a marketing strategy in 2022? Last time I checked I can’t even type a product name on a social media post so how are we reaching customers?

8. POA’s in cold climates in Jan/Feb. For God’s sake, throw us a bone. I need a tan.

Other than that, it’s a good job. LOL

She had that business when she was a rep. Funny who gets promoted here. It’s not the people driving hours to see customers or trying to collaborate. It’s the ass kissers. Time to drain the swamp.

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6738259"]I think I know which manager you are talking about! Is it the one that has the full-time side business? Double dipping at it’s best. I give her credit! I agree IUD’s are boring to sell BUT the thrill of shutting down the competition is still what fires me up. I like this job, I like my customers, I like my team but what I do not like is:

1. They don’t let us run our territories the way they need to be run. They can run all the fancy reports they want and tell us who to target but if they don’t know the territory and the customers personally those reports don’t mean shit.

2. We can’t keep doing business like we did before Covid. It truly has to be hybrid. We accomplish so much more virtually most days than not. Of course if you have access you need to go and continue building those relationships.

3. They think inside sales can replace us. They do need US in the field and not inside sales to run these territories because as stated before, you need intel of the territory to really know how to reach these providers. Someone sitting in NJ won’t ever have the knowledge we do by living in our territories.

4. What I dislike the most ??? The fact that I am working harder, longer hours and spending way too much time away from my wife and kids, yet making less than ever. HO won’t take accountability for low sales. Morale is VERY low right now. Even the cheerleaders appear to be defeated. It’s sad.

5. Price increases. I don’t like price increases. When Ralph gets on the call next week and gives us his “pep” talk I will be flipping him off (with my camera off of course)

6. Ford Escapes. I am convinced they are giving us the crappiest car out there so we will quit so they can hire some 22 year old that will just love a free car and won’t realize they are putting us in a death trap

7. They are whining that Nexplanon is gaining market share. Am I the only one that is wondering what happened to a marketing strategy in 2022? Last time I checked I can’t even type a product name on a social media post so how are we reaching customers?

8. POA’s in cold climates in Jan/Feb. For God’s sake, throw us a bone. I need a tan.

Other than that, it’s a good job. LOL[/QUOTE]


yes, that’s her. had the side hug as a rep too.
QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6738259"]I think I know which manager you are talking about! Is it the one that has the full-time side business? Double dipping at it’s best. I give her credit! I agree IUD’s are boring to sell BUT the thrill of shutting down the competition is still what fires me up. I like this job, I like my customers, I like my team but what I do not like is:

1. They don’t let us run our territories the way they need to be run. They can run all the fancy reports they want and tell us who to target but if they don’t know the territory and the customers personally those reports don’t mean shit.

2. We can’t keep doing business like we did before Covid. It truly has to be hybrid. We accomplish so much more virtually most days than not. Of course if you have access you need to go and continue building those relationships.

3. They think inside sales can replace us. They do need US in the field and not inside sales to run these territories because as stated before, you need intel of the territory to really know how to reach these providers. Someone sitting in NJ won’t ever have the knowledge we do by living in our territories.

4. What I dislike the most ??? The fact that I am working harder, longer hours and spending way too much time away from my wife and kids, yet making less than ever. HO won’t take accountability for low sales. Morale is VERY low right now. Even the cheerleaders appear to be defeated. It’s sad.

5. Price increases. I don’t like price increases. When Ralph gets on the call next week and gives us his “pep” talk I will be flipping him off (with my camera off of course)

6. Ford Escapes. I am convinced they are giving us the crappiest car out there so we will quit so they can hire some 22 year old that will just love a free car and won’t realize they are putting us in a death trap

7. They are whining that Nexplanon is gaining market share. Am I the only one that is wondering what happened to a marketing strategy in 2022? Last time I checked I can’t even type a product name on a social media post so how are we reaching customers?

8. POA’s in cold climates in Jan/Feb. For God’s sake, throw us a bone. I need a tan.

Other than that, it’s a good job. LOL[/QUOTE]

Nothing wrong with a side hustle as long as you get your job done. It’s the only way to get ahead financially. Need it everywhere, but especially if you live in California.

That is what burns my ass. John and the rest of the leaders are still making their handsome salaries, while their forecasting errors cause the rest of us to make considerably less bonus. Selling and working as hard as ever, making less, and bills still going up. Everything cost more, and we're making less. Unsustainable.