WHC reorganization is here!

You think they don't know what they are doing, wait till you get to Dallas and get to see it live and in person. Just watch the lap dogs suck up to their masters, meanwhile watch the eye rolling from the sales force. This meeting is going to be a new level of incompetence.

You think they don't know what they are doing, wait till you get to Dallas and get to see it live and in person. Just watch the lap dogs suck up to their masters, meanwhile watch the eye rolling from the sales force. This meeting is going to be a new level of incompetence.

But Kenny will somehow find a way to pat himself on the back despite poor performance. At least his hair will look pretty on stage.

Kenny can actually perform the very difficult task of patting himself on the back and kissing ass at the same time. This takes years to master. Meanwhile JB will play the part of John Belushi in Animal House, and slurp food, belch, be obnoxious, and laugh at his own jokes. Bluto....Bluto....Bluto....

not sure what all the hype is about you say a reorganization but then all you see are many WHC positions on LinkedIn etc. to apply so are they truly hiring and replacing or is it just a run around of having reps' interview but then no one is actually ever hired just another bogus bs move on this part of the company you are either hiring or you are not >>.

WHC is hiring. All new reps are coming in at a lower job rating and lower pay grade than the current reps. It's their way of transitioning the sales team back to a straight pharma division.

And a lower target bonus. But if they sell over their quota, can get to the bonus of a CSS at 100%. But with the way the company has set their sales forecast, good luck on hardly anyone hitting the number.

Well this division is done especially since they are back peddling on who they hire etc you can’t get good talent going backwards and pay and expect to get top notch candidates who have been in women’s health . WTF WHC
maybe this division will make it 18 months if they are lucky

Well they can hire the used up liletta reps if they can even come up with a decent salary . But otherwise this place is a total disaster and is never ever going to recover !!!!