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What is Eli Lilly company culture like?

I leave the hospital at 4:30PM and when I get to the Y at 5:00 the Lilly reps are finishing their aerobics class so it must be a culture that promotes wellness and life-balance.

Culture -

- Disrespect for everyone
- Rewards for lying and coverups
- Evil people get ahead

This is the one constant that never changes in this company. From the moment you hire into the company, you will have co-workers who hate you and make up lies about you. They will persist in this behavior throughout your entire career and you will suffer excruciating pain and humiliation as a result of this, if you are lucky enough not to be totally destroyed and shoved out the door through their deception. These people are cunning liars and exceptionally manipulative. One can only assume their management is complicit in the behaviors, since management never punishes them for their dishonesty--quite the opposite: they are rewarded with promotions and favors that no one else gets and YOU will be thrown out the door! Makes you want to work there, doesn't it?

This is the one constant that never changes in this company. From the moment you hire into the company, you will have co-workers who hate you and make up lies about you. They will persist in this behavior throughout your entire career and you will suffer excruciating pain and humiliation as a result of this, if you are lucky enough not to be totally destroyed and shoved out the door through their deception. These people are cunning liars and exceptionally manipulative. One can only assume their management is complicit in the behaviors, since management never punishes them for their dishonesty--quite the opposite: they are rewarded with promotions and favors that no one else gets and YOU will be thrown out the door! Makes you want to work there, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, this has become a problem with pharma and not necessarily just with Lilly. I can't imagine why it has come to this and anyone would belief that it will help the industry survive. Must be they don't care that it does.


Worked their 19 years
Major problems with my Diabetes of 45 years
Then, I needed to be off for illness, the next year I was laid off.

My doctor said many of his patients were able to discontinue even High Blood pressure meds after leaving Lilly. I believe my diabetes suffered due to this culture.

Amazing....since this is supposed to be the "Leader in Diabetes Care"

Your message sounds familiar. I was employed 22 years with great reviews when I sufferred a heart attack. As soon as i returned to the office, my performance was considered by my supervision to be suddenly poor. Reallocated and let go the following year.

Worked their 19 years
Major problems with my Diabetes of 45 years
Then, I needed to be off for illness, the next year I was laid off.

My doctor said many of his patients were able to discontinue even High Blood pressure meds after leaving Lilly. I believe my diabetes suffered due to this culture.

Amazing....since this is supposed to be the "Leader in Diabetes Care"

I cut both the blood pressure meds and the Prozac after leaving Lilly. Haven't had a single sick day or even a doctor visit during the past two years. I feel GREAT.

It's a pressure cooker. Kentucky Fried Employees.

This is the one constant that never changes in this company. From the moment you hire into the company, you will have co-workers who hate you and make up lies about you. They will persist in this behavior throughout your entire career and you will suffer excruciating pain and humiliation as a result of this, if you are lucky enough not to be totally destroyed and shoved out the door through their deception. These people are cunning liars and exceptionally manipulative. One can only assume their management is complicit in the behaviors, since management never punishes them for their dishonesty--quite the opposite: they are rewarded with promotions and favors that no one else gets and YOU will be thrown out the door! Makes you want to work there, doesn't it?

Heavens. Why do you think everyone hates YOU so much? I am nicely loved by my counterparts and manager. But hey, I have boobs and use them to my advantage... obviously you are not so ample in that department. Or maybe just a jerk of a guy.

This is the one constant that never changes in this company. From the moment you hire into the company, you will have co-workers who hate you and make up lies about you. They will persist in this behavior throughout your entire career and you will suffer excruciating pain and humiliation as a result of this, if you are lucky enough not to be totally destroyed and shoved out the door through their deception. These people are cunning liars and exceptionally manipulative. One can only assume their management is complicit in the behaviors, since management never punishes them for their dishonesty--quite the opposite: they are rewarded with promotions and favors that no one else gets and YOU will be thrown out the door! Makes you want to work there, doesn't it?

I wish I came on this board a long time ago. You are right about the culture. What hurt me the most are your "partners" telling managers the dirt while turning a different face to you. I was both destroyed and pushed out the door after increasing sales in my territory. But that was the last chapter of a long story that I didn't know was being written.

Forget research... This company worships Chinese people. (Don't the Chinese already have enough American jobs?) Do we have to do it here... physically in America? I'm discusted with LRL.

Forget research... This company worships Chinese people. (Don't the Chinese already have enough American jobs?) Do we have to do it here... physically in America? I'm discusted with LRL.

It seems JCL has this fantasy that increased sales in places like Japan and BRIC countries, particularly China, will save Lilly prosperity as it loses patent protection on the majority of its current product line over next few years (while failing to bring any successful new products to market). I don't think there will be enough profit margin from these operations, so Lilly prosperity is going down either way. But the expectations of China saving the company may play a role in any increased fawning over the Chinese members of LRL.

Eli Lilly is an organisation run by stooges at all levels. Employees at all levels are trained and taught such, that if by some weird coincidence a rep's father and manager suffered a stroke at the same time, the rep would instinctively run to his drooling manager. They have no sense of a normal work/life balance.
Lilly's management and HR have effectively brainwashed and blinkered an entire generation of bright young boys and girls who can see nothing beyond Lilly.
The employees are treated like college students, managers are extremely patronising, creativity is crushed. In other words it is run like a dictatorship. Their demeanour belies the crummy products they sell. They with their holier than thou attitude are a disgrace to this profession. To benchmark your employees against the best is one thing, but Lilly is run like Russia during WW2, it is filled with Stakhanovs. I doubt if they have any friends outside of work. Lilly fosters a rather unhealthy completely dependant bond among it's workers. I shudder to think of such a life.
I have been told of instances when managers have phoned their reps at 6 in the am, and asked them the marketing message for Distaclor. This was narrated with a lot of nostalgia... and pride... Ohhh the good old days. I was appalled.
It is good I have worked with organisations like Pharmacia and later Pfizer where I was treated like an adult who knew his responsibilities. My manager had a life of his own beyond his work. He never called me at ungodly hours.
I pity the fools who work with Lilly.