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What is Eli Lilly company culture like?

3 words " COMMAND AND CONTROL" if you can live with that you are golden!

You need to be a Democrat and a supporter of the Bamster.

The company is full of Dems who try to give the appearance of keeping their politics out of business, but who rapidly punish good Republicans who do keep their politics out of business.

You need to be a Democrat and a supporter of the Bamster.

The company is full of Dems who try to give the appearance of keeping their politics out of business, but who rapidly punish good Republicans who do keep their politics out of business.
I've found exactly the opposite. If you're not a card carrying NRA, young republican, Reagan worshiper you'll have nothing in common with your manager or your teammates.

I've found exactly the opposite. If you're not a card carrying NRA, young republican, Reagan worshiper you'll have nothing in common with your manager or your teammates.

It's really a mix. The company, however, should be lining republikans pockets because the demokrats...as always...will try to suppress drug pricing or just ask for another hand-out. One such hand-out being free drugs. Whether it's free healthycare, free housing, free food stamps, free wellllfare, free this, free that. Demokrats want something for nothing. Some third world countries get free walmart bags to poopy in. That's where this country is headed. Just another hand-out closer until the time when there will be no one left to give the hand-outs.

You are SOOOO full of yourself, and SHIT too!!!

The female reps RARELY sleep with the higher-ups. The men of pharma are generally too effeminate to be considered as sex partners.

The "culture" of Lilly is---no culture at all. Boring, flat, midwestern-influenced people. Whatever the current fashion is--you`ll never see a Lilly rep wearing it!!!

White men dominate management. Ugly, single women are making inroads into lower management, and they are all, to a one, bitches.

There is a real push to force out experienced people. It`s working beautifully!!! The last 3 years have seen a mass exodus, as the talented, higher-paid, most-tenured sales representatives have become disgusted by the erosion/corrosion of values and the ill-treatment by the poorly-educated young DMs with no science backgrounds that care nothing for patients, doctors, or reps, but only for themselves. The company encourages these DMs, and the mass exodus continues. Lilly has lost it`s soul-------and we aren`t coming back.

However, we ARE suing. Age discrimination is illegal. Lilly should take heed.

I aglee totary you are velly crever witer. I go back Japan! In Eri Rirry aways have to suck cock to getta pay laise. Not fair! Donta wanta sucka cocka evelly day!
Mrs Kawasaki

I can honestly say that after 10+ years as an employee, I detest Eli Lilly for how the employees are treated. It's not what you know, but who you know and how far you can get your head up their ass that gets one promoted. It's the corporate world at its political "finest". Management says they value personnel doing the "right thing" and being there for the consumer, but I can personally say that they do an about face on their support of this if it digs into their annual bonus or their pockets in some way...it's NOT about the safety and respect for the patients or providers, or even the lower man on the totem pole who works there - it's about making money and a name at anyone's expense. Oh, and you will be crucified basically if you say anything about one of their pharmaceuticals heaven forbid, or if you prefer to purchase generic scripts over their product. Lilly should have chosen the original shirts that marketing approved (which were abruptly pulled), which indicated "Ask me if I care"...I'm sure that many who work there would say no, they no longer care about Lilly. They are using Lilly for the paycheck, and can no longer feel loyal or trust that they are working for a company that has the patient's best interest at hand. Col Eli Lilly would roll over in his grave.

I can honestly say that after 10+ years as an employee, I detest Eli Lilly for how the employees are treated. It's not what you know, but who you know and how far you can get your head up their ass that gets one promoted. It's the corporate world at its political "finest". Management says they value personnel doing the "right thing" and being there for the consumer, but I can personally say that they do an about face on their support of this if it digs into their annual bonus or their pockets in some way...it's NOT about the safety and respect for the patients or providers, or even the lower man on the totem pole who works there - it's about making money and a name at anyone's expense. Oh, and you will be crucified basically if you say anything about one of their pharmaceuticals heaven forbid, or if you prefer to purchase generic scripts over their product. Lilly should have chosen the original shirts that marketing approved (which were abruptly pulled), which indicated "Ask me if I care"...I'm sure that many who work there would say no, they no longer care about Lilly. They are using Lilly for the paycheck, and can no longer feel loyal or trust that they are working for a company that has the patient's best interest at hand. Col Eli Lilly would roll over in his grave.

Truer words have never been spoken. I have one colleague there who loudly proclaims that she only played golf with her boss to get a promotion (one would hope it stopped at that stage) and that she is only there for a paycheck! You are 100+ % right about the intolerance of self criticism - it's wrong and it will kill this company. Check this out... look who is winning with the flagship Lilly product --NOVO

Truer words have never been spoken. I have one colleague there who loudly proclaims that she only played golf with her boss to get a promotion (one would hope it stopped at that stage) and that she is only there for a paycheck! You are 100+ % right about the intolerance of self criticism - it's wrong and it will kill this company. Check this out... look who is winning with the flagship Lilly product --NOVO

I really don't know exactly how to tell you this, but you guys are whining because you are on the bottom rung of a ladder that you are new to, and that those of us already here, are here becasue we have been focused, trained on and educated for since before we went to our private high school. This crap about ass-kissing and suck-ups is only nonsense to you because you are foreign to it; it is new to you in the business world. What you midgets don't understand is that this IS the business world, and that's how it works. Some of us have recognized this for 20 or 30 years, and that's why we are successful and at (or near) the top, with stock benefits and deferred compensation, buyouts and contracts, while you are whining about company car costs and cell phone bills.
You have no concept of what goes on at the senior or even the middle management level; the decisions that we make are based on information and trending that you have no clue about and have never even heard of. It is pathetic that you even think you can make a relevant comment about how we manage the company.
My suggestion to you is that you stick to your sales aid, stay on-label, follow the call plan and STFU about things you have no idea of. There is no career path from where you are, so deal with it and move on.

I really don't know exactly how to tell you this, but you guys are whining because you are on the bottom rung of a ladder that you are new to, and that those of us already here, are here becasue we have been focused, trained on and educated for since before we went to our private high school. This crap about ass-kissing and suck-ups is only nonsense to you because you are foreign to it; it is new to you in the business world. What you midgets don't understand is that this IS the business world, and that's how it works. Some of us have recognized this for 20 or 30 years, and that's why we are successful and at (or near) the top, with stock benefits and deferred compensation, buyouts and contracts, while you are whining about company car costs and cell phone bills.
You have no concept of what goes on at the senior or even the middle management level; the decisions that we make are based on information and trending that you have no clue about and have never even heard of. It is pathetic that you even think you can make a relevant comment about how we manage the company.
My suggestion to you is that you stick to your sales aid, stay on-label, follow the call plan and STFU about things you have no idea of. There is no career path from where you are, so deal with it and move on.
Yeah right and Mass Gen Hospital just cured your Type 1 diabetes free ride at Lilly - I hope you have your retirement plans sewn up real tight.

As one who recently departed, I would describe the culture at Lilly as one of fear and apprehension. As the famous 5500 job reduction project winds down this year, I think anyone who isn't completely delusional knows that much more cuts are coming soon. Almost nothing has gone right since the 5500 number was announced almost 2 years ago. Effient? Bydureon? Erbitux? all dogs. Phase 3 portfolio is very questionable.

Everyone at Lilly is in full cover your ass mode, and the smart ones are looking for an exit strategy.