Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

Because people spent it all on meals for their friends and families then got crooked caterers to backdate receipts? No? Damn, I thought we had finally reached the point where management could be transparent on where all the budget seems to go these days.

Transparency? Yeah, and knowing how much we're just like our federal government, I don't think so. It's uncanny how we operate just like the feds.

Does he know anything about how to run a business? Hey WA-you ever worked a real job in your life?

I'm stunned at what I hear in the exec meetings. Better not say too much. He's stupid, but not that stupid

we have exec teams members on here checking this out? Hey welch, how's it feel to have all your little tricks exposed to the entire company. Last time I looked this thread was one of the busiest on the whole merck site. Looks like people know about you. what i like is this: KARMA! You sit there and backstab and pull your games behind closed doors with your exec team about reps in the region. we're out here trying to do our job and you keep coming up with new ways to snuff us down. nice going. and then you act like we just need to "find new ways" to go about the business. theres nothing new about you. the only "new" is that your "new" to the dco position-one which doesn't fit for us or you. I like the fact that everyone sees you for what you are and that your getting your due exposure! kind of a bad feeling when you go to a meeting and you know everybody in the room has read this and even participated in it. and you're up there trying to lead the group knowing this feeling about you exists? thats got to be a terrible feeling. couldn't happen to a more deserving person as far as Im concerned. think about that the next time you start bashing reps in your little meetings.
Have a take, do not suck.

He is disliked only be those that don't work- he actually expects these slothes to work much to their dislike. He is a much admired exec in the company an deservedly so

Mrs. Welch, the internet is no place for someone nice like you. You really shouldn't waste your time here. Your son can take care of himself...can't he?

Mrs. Welch, the internet is no place for someone nice like you. You really shouldn't waste your time here. Your son can take care of himself...can't he?

You leave my Mommy out of this scumball. Just for the insult, I am going to think of some unique requirements for you to qualify for bonus - I bet I can eliminate the bonuses all together thru tighter management rules - better get a taste for Black Label Beer.

I bet you could too. Problem is that you'd demotivate everybody more than they already are. You never learn do you? You want all the reps working but it's something that you didn't do as a rep in the territory and/or the hospital. I love it when you manager-types get in here and start with the "how smart I am" routine. You're not smart. It's all show.

New article out today about how 70% of America is "actively disengaged." I can promise you one thing-it's a lot worse here than it is anywhere else. Probably more like 9%% actively disengages. Thank you to all the Whacky types at Merck

I don't know the guy thus thread is named for but I have to recognize the OP for thread title most likely to make me laugh. I'm sorry for the folks this guy frustrates but whenever the thread pops up top it makes me laugh. Thanks for that!

be glad you don't know him. its an exercise in company kool aid and PC. he has no clue of what it takes to do this job successfully. hey whack-by eliminating rfm money lets see how fast the place tanks. no rfm=no access=no sales results. dont tell us how we need to do things differently. if you really want to know how to do things differently, then lets try this experiment you're doing by not funding rfm's. lets see how it works out. after we fail, then we can say "we did things differently!" nice job whack. same for the exec team. what a bunch of sorry-ass losers

I haven't had that much interaction with welch. My first impressions are that he's a corporate guy who got there by kissing butt and doing what he needed to. My other impression is that he wasn't that good of a rep because the advice he gives seems very elementary. Almost like he must not have had that much experience with the weakness of his answers. He also seems a little unrealistic-which is what you have to do to get to his level.

I was around him briefly at a large dinner we had as a group. I found myself being guarded with my comments even off hours based on how he answered things even over the dinner table.

Typical exec. Never lets his guard down-or maybe he does and it's not that different than what we see during business hours? Always the motivator, always the answer guy.

Maybe not, but that's what we have.

No longer in the company-got out when it was still good. I was in the same district as Welsh many years ago. This thread has it pretty much the way I remember it: he did nothing. Mediocre sales results at best. He did do one thing well-brown nose the manager who had blinders on when it came to whacky.

Sorry to see that things haven't changed. I'm now selling against Merck and I've found out this important fact along the way: I didn't know there was such vitriol directed at Merck as a whole. I never would have believed it when I was at Merck. I guess you could say I was drinking the company kool-aid. There are a lot of physicians who dislike Merck-to the degree that they will take their patients off a Merck drug and put them on a competitor-all things being equal. Many of them will start a patient on a drug-but not a Merck drug if they can help it.

I think it's because of not only Whackyass, but because this embodies the whole attitude over at Merck as I remember it. When you have an entire middle/upper, and executive management team who's built in the same frame as whacky, you're going to have problems. Too bad for the average worker-I have a couple of great friends that are still with the company, but are just holding on. They complain bitterly about the morale within.

Some things never change.

I can't wait to get the latest selling tips from whacky in the next few of weeks. He's pressing the panic button for sure. Hey Whack-this is what happens when you don't get what's going on in the real business world.

Do us a favor and stay in your cubicle at home, or where ever you sit and surf the internet for the latest selling techniques and how to spin it.

We all know what to expect when JW holds a meeting. As an member of the exec team, I personally can't stand him. My stomach turns when I realize I will be in the same room with him and the others(who also can't stand him)for a couple of days. It keeps me up at night. He doesn't have my back, and he doesn't have your back. Facts be know, he stabs in the back.

It's very difficult to see what JW has done to this region. I for one am looking and hoping for a change soon so that we can begin to heal our wounds and get back to being a stronger company.