Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

Anyone that draws this much vitriol must be doing something correct. Knowing what he has to deal with I can certainly understand. A very large group of lack luster performers. However, July is approaching and the problems will go away.

"Anyone that draws this much vitriol must be doing something correct."

Tell that to Peter Kim. We all know what happened to him. I guess he must have been doing something right too dickwad

Good of you to chime in whacky!

No, you're exaggerates sense of ego is coming through loud and clear. You can throw out 75% of the comments on here and you'd still have a lot of problems. You're not doing anything correct-but if you tell yourself that enough times maybe you'll actually believe it? Nice

And don't start with the layoff threats. You're on here in other threads talking about nothing. No layoffs planned and your a muckracker-that's all. You've been wrong on all accounts with this layoff business for years. Now go back to your cubby hole and make up some more worthless tasks for everyone to do.

I am happy to inform you that the worthless task, in your mind, that you will have the opportunity to participate in very shortly is signing the pinkslip papers.

we'll see about that-let's see how much you know. You'll have more egg on the face than you already do. You're all over the place with the same threats and nonsense. Try working for once bottom feeder

Just wait until he shows up at one of your local meetings. you'll see just how valuable he is-he's totally useless. No idea of what it takes to get this job done correctly. He's PC and kool-aid all the way. Don't even waste your time giving any ideas because whack always goes back to kool-aid

You ever head this guy explain why he does things? How about that explanation for cutting RFM expenses? Can't anything be simple to explain? Way too verbose-loves to hear himself talk and always thinks he's got the better way.

Sorry welch-go back to Disneyland where life is make believe and you can tell yourself how great you are. Your own executive team can't even stand you. But I know one of the brown-nosing LER's like you. And she's just like you-phoney

Why haven't we heard from Whacky and the 8 clowns lately?

I see we get to hear from the fabulous and ever ready to show us S3's-what a joke!

We have the best S3's in the west. Goes right along with whacky and the clowns. It's a great show on earth

Speak for yourself. I'm an LER and I fake my way through all of my interactions with Whacky as you call him. I think he's a horrible leader but I'm not stupid enough to say it. Be smarter.

This is the worst excuse for a DCO that I've ever seen. No balls. No leadership qualities. He's just riding it out until he gets the next promotion. Then we can have another do-nothing individual in a position of power and authority who knows nothing except the inside of his home office space. Nice going whackyass. We know how it is.

I've known this sad fellow since he was a representative. Every job he has had, have been beyond his capabilities. He was especially weak when in WP. His dad still worked here and he was riding on those coat-tails. His maintaining the role of a DCO says much more about the current state of leadership within Merck than it does about him. Heartbreaking.

Welsch, or however you spell his name, is a total buffoon. Your point is right on. What does it say when we're lead by a nin-come-poop? He can't offer us anything that works because h'es never done anything that works. And because he's been in so few positions for any length of time he can't offer he's got no real experience.

What a dilemma we're in. He's terrible

And so is the "executive" team

you all hear whackys explanation why we don't have more RFM money? What a bunch of bullshit

Because people spent it all on meals for their friends and families then got crooked caterers to backdate receipts? No? Damn, I thought we had finally reached the point where management could be transparent on where all the budget seems to go these days.