Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

RW,please go to bed. Not sure why you have such a hard on for reps. You're evil.

If they both got those amounts it would be a crime. You know they did not. Quit trying to be an asshole.
Yeah someone who make 200k times two weeks per year times 30 is not 1.5 mil. More like 400 k ish. They deserve it. Go crawl under a rock.

Yeah they get medical, they are old enough to properly retire.

What is wrong with you. Pot stirrer.

Not RW. Those figures aren't severance, they are the lump sum pension amounts if they don't take the annuity. I know this as I have overheard both fools bragging about this on separate occasions. I think Whack should take his lump sum and start the Whackyass Foundation. Funds to be dispersed to employees and families who suffered under his reign. Of course this is well underfunded. Can we use our Partnership for Giving to get a Whackyass Foundation match? Baaaaa haaaaa see

It looks like the thread I started years ago has run it's course. Jim Whackyass Welch is gone-never to be back.

I know for sure that old Jim knew about, saw, and read this thread. He told his executive team and others at various meetings over time. He was affected by it. Lesson to be learned is that you can change things if you put things on CP. Everybody reads it. I'm amazed how popular this thread became. Mission accomplished.

I have only added 5 posts since the beginning and am glad others chimed in to try to expose this man for what he was. He got rid of some very qualified and great reps because he was unduly influenced by one other CTL, and then the whole executive team followed suit. It's a fitting end to someone who's destroyed so much.

With that-I will not be wishing Jim Whackyass Welch good luck. Why?

See you later Welch. Like many others have said, and a warning to those who think they will carry on in the Whackyass Welch method of managing: KARMA!

It looks like the thread I started years ago has run it's course. Jim Whackyass Welch is gone-never to be back.

I know for sure that old Jim knew about, saw, and read this thread. He told his executive team and others at various meetings over time. He was affected by it. Lesson to be learned is that you can change things if you put things on CP. Everybody reads it. I'm amazed how popular this thread became. Mission accomplished.

I have only added 5 posts since the beginning and am glad others chimed in to try to expose this man for what he was. He got rid of some very qualified and great reps because he was unduly influenced by one other CTL, and then the whole executive team followed suit. It's a fitting end to someone who's destroyed so much.

With that-I will not be wishing Jim Whackyass Welch good luck. Why?

See you later Welch. Like many others have said, and a warning to those who think they will carry on in the Whackyass Welch method of managing: KARMA!

You couldn't be more correct, and about many things you wrote.

I get a huge laugh out of all the phony's I know that say they never read CP, yet I've heard those same people almost quote verbatim something I read on CP!

It wasn't this thread that brought down Welch. It was started on November 21st 2011. If it was this thread that was responsible for Welch's departure, it wouldn't have taken 2 and a half years for it to happen. Nah, it was more like the inevitable change that's forced upon all businesses due to the current business environment a company finds itself in.

Over the years, I worked for mangers that I had to tell myself "This idiot too shall pass" and they always did. But I will say I've never seen a manager vilified as badly as Welch was in this thread. That tells me that there must have been a large measure of truth in what was posted.

nope. all companies in pharma have done the same thing as us. this had nothing to do with that and everything to do with exposing his management style/attitude and his approach to the business. You can get things done in this environment but you can't with the way he ran the region. and unfortunately it carried right on over to his minion executive team-aka-the circus clowns