Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

Who cares if he can surf? He surely can't manage and that's all that counts. You look up the word incompetent in the dictionary and you'll see whackys picture next to it. Fool I tell you, a fool.

I won't say too much. Whacky came in for a field visit a while back. I come in to see this clinic a few weeks later, doc says: "dude, what was that?" Knowing what he was referring to but hoping I was wrong, I gave it the "what are you talking about?" "the manager you brought in-the guy with the ego the size of a mountain who couldn't stop asking me questions. Tries to act like he's interested in my practice. Please, try not to bring him back."

He then tells me that he didn't appreciate whackys attempt at humor. I knew that was coming. Doc didn't have much time but was good to us because of my relationship with him. But then whacky doesn't know when to quite-doc tried to leave a couple of times but whack just kept asking him questions that don't matter.

Thanks whacky. Do me a favor-stay at home. Forget the field visits. You add nothing, you waste everybody's time, and you don't seem to understand that. Besides, are you so far removed from reality that you don't realize that it's a milk run, set-up, and fake day? Sounds like there's more than just me who feels this way. But then again, your Whacky, so you think you're special.

You're special alright

I won't say too much. Whacky came in for a field visit a while back. I come in to see this clinic a few weeks later, doc says: "dude, what was that?" Knowing what he was referring to but hoping I was wrong, I gave it the "what are you talking about?" "the manager you brought in-the guy with the ego the size of a mountain who couldn't stop asking me questions. Tries to act like he's interested in my practice. Please, try not to bring him back."

He then tells me that he didn't appreciate whackys attempt at humor. I knew that was coming. Doc didn't have much time but was good to us because of my relationship with him. But then whacky doesn't know when to quite-doc tried to leave a couple of times but whack just kept asking him questions that don't matter.

Thanks whacky. Do me a favor-stay at home. Forget the field visits. You add nothing, you waste everybody's time, and you don't seem to understand that. Besides, are you so far removed from reality that you don't realize that it's a milk run, set-up, and fake day? Sounds like there's more than just me who feels this way. But then again, your Whacky, so you think you're special.

You're special alright

Spot on!! How did Whack ascend to a position of responsibility? Did his dad call in that many favors to the higher ups? How can Merck be so foolish?? Oh wait...I know the answer to that...


I like the way whacky acts like he's interested in the "new ideas"-the "new way to approach things."

Soon as you bring up an idea-he shit cans it right away. Then give him some time and he'll come up with a variation of something you just brought up and call it his own. Takes credit for everything everybody else does.

Way to go whackyass!

Biggest loser of a DCO ever

Seriously, ever


How's it feel welch? See, you stab us in the back privately, and we always hear about it in the end, but now you have this very public smack on this site. I love it. You know what everyone is thinking whenever you get up in front of a group don't you? If you don't, you're beyond help. Which might be very possible

Wait it out. The reasons for poor sales results over the years will catch up with old whacky soon.

If we can just hold him here before he's able to move on to a promotion-or a change of location-so that the consequences can catch up to him before he's discovered-now that would be great!

I think some are already on to him and why we suck ass so bad in the west.

But if you listen to whacky he will have you thinking we're kicking ass. Not true

It was a stretch for Jw to be a manager. Now look at him and look at us. You shouldn't wonder why we have the problems we do

A stretch indeed. It was a stretch for him to be a field rep and even more so in the hospital division. We all knew he'd end up in a position like this because of daddy though. Nice job whack-way to instill confidence in your abilities.

Oh wait, you don't have any abilities

Know whackyass well-never performed in the field-never performed in management. He will do anything to advance his agenda-at the expense of all those under him. Been doing it the entire time hes been at merck. The carnage he's left in our region is palpable. Nobody listens to him or takes him seriously. Time to turn the page and get him out of here. And don't ever expect a real answer for questions you may have.

I was in the room and remember when WA told us he didn't believe the results of the region survey. He doesn't believe anything thats real. I got news for you WA-things are worse than you could ever imagine in the field. You'll just do your time until you get the next promotion. You sir, are a fool!

WA townhall meeting! Can't wait! You actually think anybody cares what WA says after everything we read and know about him? Right on.

We will be so inspired to hear your motivational messages! And the company kool aid responses!

Will there be any discussion about the execution of launch plans by the executive team? That includes you whacky, and the rest of the circus clowns.

We're here on pins and needles Jimmy to hear your wisdom that you'll share with us.