Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

This is the new Merck. The hiring of whackyass as you call him is yet another example of how the company is run. Here's a guy who's father worked for the company for many years. So we have some nepotism right off the bat. Then we get a guy who wants to make a lot of money and will do anything to get to the next level. Never mind what he might have done in a territory(more accurately described as "didn't do"), lets move him up because of the brown-factor. Then after lackluster results in the field as a rep, he expresses a desire to become a manager. He gets promoted. Now we have a manager in position who pretends to know what's going on, but has no real clue because he didn't do anything in either rep job-territory or hospital. Then you get the brown-factor that plays with what will become his new boss as a DCO. He's good as the game because he's done it his entire career. He get's the DCO job. Now we have a director in place that didn't produce as a territory rep, a hospital rep, was a poor district manager, and now he's a DCO. He has no experience to draw from because it was all showmanship-which I agree he'e pretty good at. As long as you know it's not real and all show, you'll understand why we, as a company, are in the straits that we are. Very few upper management in this company were successful reps in the field. They might be excellent at the brown-factore, but that shouldn't qualify them to be candidates for promotion. At least, it shouldn't be. But now it is. Live with it and know you won't ever get any solid leadership ideas and go your way.

Be well.

What Im guessing is that its similar to a brown loaf-we all know what that is
And Im guessing whacky probably fits that description pretty well along with a few other choice adjectives

Well I guess I'll chime in. Word is that Whackdogg is applying pressure to be passed down to the rep level. He likes to play games with people. Because of that I've now adapted the 15X15 style of effort. I know of others doing the same thing. You want to play games, great. Now I'm playing too. We'll see you fast you get that much sought after promotion.

Maybe along the way your inability to manage and your overall lack of business knowledge will be discovered by others. It's so obvious to see.

ineptness at the highest degree. Love the comments about the clowny executive team. sounds pretty good to me. MW, JOS, and OH are some of the leaders of the show from what I've heard. Nice. very nice

"My expectation is that everyone arrives at the meeting refreshed and ready to discuss innovative launch plans that will have a strong impact."

Yeah right welch. You wouldn't know innovative if it bit you in the arse. When all is said and done, lets look at the "innovative" plans and see if it's any different from the old plans. Other than the fact that patient access is worse for this drug than virtually any other drug, good luck selling this piece.

Your leadership in non-existent. This whole show is a circus and we're all invited!

My expectation is that you show up "refreshed" and let's see your novel, innovative ways to launch a new drug.

Can't wait.

Don't visit CP often but do when I need a laugh. This thread caught me a little off-guard-didn't know there was so much dislike of whacky, but Im glad to read it as it verifies my feelings about not only the company but why the company is in the tank as it is. You can't progress with DCO's and the management team as it exists-no way.

Every time I hear an MVX from JW I think of only one thing: lightweight.

remember a few years back when we all got feedback forms to fill out at the end of every sales meeting? With the likes of whack and company I think I know why they aren't to be found anywhere. It's ok for the clown show to say and do all sorts of things to the people of the region like they do in their "executive team" meetings, but they don't want to really know what the rest of us think of them. Bring back the end of meeting surveys you bunch of cowards

"My expectation is that everyone arrives at the meeting refreshed and ready to discuss innovative launch plans that will have a strong impact."

Yeah right welch. You wouldn't know innovative if it bit you in the arse. When all is said and done, lets look at the "innovative" plans and see if it's any different from the old plans. Other than the fact that patient access is worse for this drug than virtually any other drug, good luck selling this piece.

Your leadership in non-existent. This whole show is a circus and we're all invited!

My expectation is that you show up "refreshed" and let's see your novel, innovative ways to launch a new drug.

Can't wait.

All show. Whacky isn't the least bit interested in doing anything else but towing the company line. This guy shows up in town a while back and says we need to challenge things a little more than we do. The managers at the meeting were all rah-rah when he said it, but all the reps are like-is he serious? This is the direction from a dco?

You can bring up all the suggestions in the world but if they aren't "approved" don't plan on every getting anything done with this guy. He is weak-as weak as they could possibly come. I cringe when I have to attend a sales meeting with whack and his circus team in the same room. You talk about incompetent boobs. Come to think of it, king of the boobs-Tyron-I wonder if whacky knew him?

We've replaced one for the other.

I heard whacky is showing up in SLC for a meeting. So glad it's you all and not us...God help you all because you'll need it.

"We need to do things differently"

Count how many times he says that.

And then take note on what he suggests so you can use it for HR issues. You have to get him by the balls.

Don't visit CP often but do when I need a laugh. This thread caught me a little off-guard-didn't know there was so much dislike of whacky, but Im glad to read it as it verifies my feelings about not only the company but why the company is in the tank as it is. You can't progress with DCO's and the management team as it exists-no way.

Every time I hear an MVX from JW I think of only one thing: lightweight.

Spot on

Anyone that draws this much vitriol must be doing something correct. Knowing what he has to deal with I can certainly understand. A very large group of lack luster performers. However, July is approaching and the problems will go away.

Anyone that draws this much vitriol must be doing something correct. Knowing what he has to deal with I can certainly understand. A very large group of lack luster performers. However, July is approaching and the problems will go away.

Good of you to chime in whacky!

No, you're exaggerates sense of ego is coming through loud and clear. You can throw out 75% of the comments on here and you'd still have a lot of problems. You're not doing anything correct-but if you tell yourself that enough times maybe you'll actually believe it? Nice

And don't start with the layoff threats. You're on here in other threads talking about nothing. No layoffs planned and your a muckracker-that's all. You've been wrong on all accounts with this layoff business for years. Now go back to your cubby hole and make up some more worthless tasks for everyone to do.