Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

number 1 rule: never trust him with anything confidential

Really, never trust him with anything-learned from 1st hand experience

Give him the company line and you'll be golden

so Whacky just wants us to make that "extra call or two" each day huh? tell you what whack, I'll make that extra call or two a day when you decide to just work one day. Or how about this: I'll work that extra call when you can tell us all how hard you worked as a rep in the field. Or how many extra calls a day you made during the day before hitting the beach?

Oh wait, you didn't work? Guess there's no deal on that extra call then.

Total hypocrite-you should not be asking others to do something that you never did. EVER

so Whacky just wants us to make that "extra call or two" each day huh? tell you what whack, I'll make that extra call or two a day when you decide to just work one day. Or how about this: I'll work that extra call when you can tell us all how hard you worked as a rep in the field. Or how many extra calls a day you made during the day before hitting the beach?

Oh wait, you didn't work? Guess there's no deal on that extra call then.

Total hypocrite-you should not be asking others to do something that you never did. EVER


so Whacky just wants us to make that "extra call or two" each day huh? tell you what whack, I'll make that extra call or two a day when you decide to just work one day. Or how about this: I'll work that extra call when you can tell us all how hard you worked as a rep in the field. Or how many extra calls a day you made during the day before hitting the beach?

Oh wait, you didn't work? Guess there's no deal on that extra call then.

Total hypocrite-you should not be asking others to do something that you never did. EVER

Like they say welch-ain't karma a bitch?

Easy. Just listen to everything he does and everything he asks us to do. For instance, WA told an us all at a local meeting if you want to talk about something off-label, certainly don't do it on mvx or by email. but you can pick up the cell phone and call your clustermate. Hmmmm. How would that sound to a company attorney sitting in the room at the time.

Oh wait-there wasn't any in the room. Maybe they would like to know about this and other similar things.

Lots of ways to go about this. Just be smart, and listen-always make sure someone else is around to also hear it. He's been doing it for a long time

Easy. Just listen to everything he does and everything he asks us to do. For instance, WA told an us all at a local meeting if you want to talk about something off-label, certainly don't do it on mvx or by email. but you can pick up the cell phone and call your clustermate. Hmmmm. How would that sound to a company attorney sitting in the room at the time.

Oh wait-there wasn't any in the room. Maybe they would like to know about this and other similar things.

Lots of ways to go about this. Just be smart, and listen-always make sure someone else is around to also hear it. He's been doing it for a long time

I'm just doin' time. I got a couple of things on him that are solid. First time he tries to can me it all comes out. Karma

This guy Whacky is the new definition of slick. He's manipulative as hell, and has no integrity. He does nothing to foster an attitude of team-work and behind closed doors with a select number of executive team members screws all kinds of people. I agree with the previous post about KARMA. He'll get his in due time. He talks one way in front of you and then uses the knife in the back when you're not around.

Exec team member here-I think you've got it. Just know that the feelings of dislike are the same inside as they are outside. We just have to play our part. Give him what he wants to hear and you'll be fine.