Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

Whack-job will never get it. He's in it for himself and his future only. Like someone said awhile back-never trust him. I've learned from firsthand experience how true that is

Go Whacky!!!!!!!!
When can you come back out for a field visit and ruin some more relationships like you did last time

What a freaking joke

Whack-job will never get it. He's in it for himself and his future only. Like someone said awhile back-never trust him. I've learned from firsthand experience how true that is

Go Whacky!!!!!!!!
When can you come back out for a field visit and ruin some more relationships like you did last time

What a freaking joke

Just yesterday I was setting up a field visit with a few offices for my visitor next week-a wasted day. As I was setting up the milk-run one of the doctors asked who I was bringing around, and I said it was just my manager. Although this group will probably ban managers soon for field visits, this doc says to me "just as long as it's not your regional manager." He doesn't know that's the wrong title, but he remembers the visit from Welsh last year. I couldn't believe it. I asked him what the deal was and he talked about how he didn't have time to small talk with a guy he didn't know, didn't like, and who had his own little agenda-trying to act like he cares about his practice, asking too many irrelevant questions, etc.

Hopefully, whacky will not be back to my territory

Ol Whackyass-he sure likes to hear himself talk. Nothing but hot air-and a lot of it. Isn't there a welch kool-aid? Like grape? Sounds familiar. Remember king of the boobs? Now we get king of the empty suit-go whacky!

You need to know 2 things about welsh. Remember these.
There is whackys way
and then theres
whackys way

All you had to do was listen to him go on and on and on and on....at the kick off meetings. he loves to hear himself talk but theres nothing there except shallowness

Whackyass work!

Diabetes Confidence training, eh?

Nice-it's not like we have anything else to do like your job whack

Piece of work isn't he?

This guy even know what we do during the course of the day?

Hes got no answers for anything. All politics
Couple years back whack shows up in town and meets with all the clusters. Acts like hes interested in hearing from everyone else. At the end he thanks everybody for their ideas and cans every freaking one of them. He then proceeds to give us all his old, dry ideas that don't work. Things he never would have done as a rep. Scratch that-he didn't do anything as a rep anyway. The california life was his to live! And he did!

Whacky to the rescue! Be well. Emptiness in clothes

You hear whacky with the survey results? Merck-the number 1 trust and valued company in pharma! YES! Doesn't he know that the company running the surveys tells us what we want to hear?


Hes got no answers for anything. All politics
Couple years back whack shows up in town and meets with all the clusters. Acts like hes interested in hearing from everyone else. At the end he thanks everybody for their ideas and cans every freaking one of them. He then proceeds to give us all his old, dry ideas that don't work. Things he never would have done as a rep. Scratch that-he didn't do anything as a rep anyway. The california life was his to live! And he did!

Whacky to the rescue! Be well. Emptiness in clothes

nice job on that one mitch. we had the same experience with whack a short time ago. way to keep our hands tied jim-we can't do anything that would actually help us sell and make the company more profitable. how pathetic. are there any real leaders around? seriously? are they all like this?

Hes got no answers for anything. All politics
Couple years back whack shows up in town and meets with all the clusters. Acts like hes interested in hearing from everyone else. At the end he thanks everybody for their ideas and cans every freaking one of them. He then proceeds to give us all his old, dry ideas that don't work. Things he never would have done as a rep. Scratch that-he didn't do anything as a rep anyway. The california life was his to live! And he did!

Whacky to the rescue! Be well. Emptiness in clothes

nice job on that one mitch. we had the same experience with whack a short time ago. way to keep our hands tied jim-we can't do anything that would actually help us sell and make the company more profitable. how pathetic. are there any real leaders around? seriously? are they all like this?

Why is it that Merck prefers to have managers like WackyAss Welch? And why does Merck insure that they virtually have secure, unthreatened careers for life.

People like Whack should be sniffed out, and show the door quickly. Instead, they get a free pass, and enjoy Corporate Welfare for life...

It makes no sense...(Other than he is the son of a legendary Merck District Manager)

LOL! Brings back memories
When he was a manager it was the big joke-ask a question and see if he can answer it. At first you think he might answer it but then give him time-which he always goes over on-and then you get nothing.
Sounds like things haven't changed
As long as you know you can't trust him just keep your distance
And then hope he doesn't have a field visit because those were never good for customers-the comment was too many artificial, self-serving questions

i know a rep who was displaced many years ago and is now a PA in a busy PC clinic. She is actively taking patients off merck drugs if there is an equivalent copay because of how the company treated her. whacky didnt do it but another regional manager did-who now is long gone from the company. the point? keep the managers and whackyass away from customers. they see right through them and it will hurt you in the end. go whackyass! any survey results to give us?

I remember our old hospital district together when whacky first told me about CP. Turns out he was a regular reader and poster so be careful what you write. If he knows who is posting there will be hell to pay! Very immature and revengeful-shocked he's gotten to where he is now

Proof that you don't have to be good to get promoted

Welshass-I can't wait for our townhall meeting this week! How inspiring! I'm sure you'll have something dynamite to talk to us about. After all, you wouldn't want to waste our time, would you? You're the greates! Merck leads! The "executive team" is the best! I can hardly sleep in anticipation of this. After the meeting is over you can go back to your nice cubical office and dream up some more shi$ to tell us about.

Go whackyass!

i know a rep who was displaced many years ago and is now a PA in a busy PC clinic. She is actively taking patients off merck drugs if there is an equivalent copay because of how the company treated her. whacky didnt do it but another regional manager did-who now is long gone from the company. the point? keep the managers and whackyass away from customers. they see right through them and it will hurt you in the end. go whackyass! any survey results to give us?

I love reading posts like these...I can't think of a better example of karma, then someone that was treated shitty by Merck (which is just about everyone that ever worked there) saying enough is enough and switching people of Merck products...

I wish there were more clinicians like her, and I am sure there will be...

I know a couple of pharmacists (hospital) that got screwed by Merck and now make it next to impossble for Merck reps to access their facilities...

Merck's bad behavior does come back to bite them...Don't think it doesn't....


Welshass-I can't wait for our townhall meeting this week! How inspiring! I'm sure you'll have something dynamite to talk to us about. After all, you wouldn't want to waste our time, would you? You're the greates! Merck leads! The "executive team" is the best! I can hardly sleep in anticipation of this. After the meeting is over you can go back to your nice cubical office and dream up some more shi$ to tell us about.

Go whackyass!


Old whacky still around? I figured he'd move up the food chain but never really followed him after his promotion to manager many years ago. We all knew that he'd do just about anything to get a promotion.

Too bad he wasn't a producer as a rep, which would have helped him as a manager

A bumbling fool mostly