Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

Old Whacky sends out a message about an LER opening!!!!! Yes! Even though they already have the guy picked out(from Vegas)he want's to let us know about it!! Thanks Whacky. I couldn't think of a better company kool-aid drinker to work with. Why would someone want that position? It's not worth the extra dollars associated with it-which isn't much. Yeah, I like it. Love the name-fits perfectly Whackyass.

WHACKYASS...just seeing the name has made a perfect start to my week and month. I wish I reported to whackyass since I'd be able to laugh a lot in the performance of my job.

Old whackyass comes to the rescue again! Can you believe the LER promotion in the west? He could've picked a weak one from Vegas, but he picks an even weaker one from Utah! You want to see incompetence on display? Come on out west and see it front center stage. The latest promotion has a person in it who has always been at the bottom of the list-for years and across many field forces. We knew you would pull through whacky! Way to go! Yeah, go ahead and pass on the more experienced and more successful to hand pick your kook-aid puppet. She'll do all you ask her to do. As is typical for the LER's in the west, she'll fit in nicely by asking everybody else to do her job on teleconferences and meetings. Way to go Whacky!

It's sickening to see what this company has turned out to be. If you wonder why we've become the company we now are, this is just a microcosm of why. Oh but wait-didn't we have surveys that came back to say that Merck is the most valued and trusted? Yeah, and I've got a bridge to sell you....

LMAO! Whackyass! YOU all were quick to call out his game plan! Watch your back and hang on tight, it is his way or no way. I imagine he has designs on taking over Marilyns position if she ever retires. This is just a calculated move and he doesn't care what he leaves in his wake.

This is Hilarious!! Keep the truth going about Whacky!

If you have problems with the leadership and their decisions, talk with them about it. Don't be a coward and post your pent up anger on a website. And, if they disagree with you, at least they know where you stand. Grow a spine, talk with whomever you need to and stop complaining. As Master Yoda would say..."let go of your hate."

"..talk with them about it." Yeah, right. This let's us all know what kool-aid you drink and the make believe world you managers live in. That's like saying "it's safe to speak up." Uh-huh. You ever try to say anything to the so-called "executive team" out here in the west? If you did, you'd know that once you do that, you're done-targeted for action to be taken against you
That's alright. Don't worry about my pent-up anger. The bigger worry is the pent-up anger of the majority of the sales force. Very little performance. I don't know, maybe it's just the west performance. Time to replace the big-dog whacky. If you think the sales force is motivated in this company, you truly do live in a cave. If you think I'm wrong, take a look at the companys value in the past 10 years. It's only going one way, and it's been doing that for a long time.
Now go back to the movie house and memorize some more Hollywood movie lines. Yeah, that's what we need around here. Someone coming in here and quoting movie lines to correct reality. No wonder we're where we are. You should grow a backbone and say something when you're in the "executive team" meetings. Oh yeah, you're one of the kook-aid drinkers so we can't count on you. Unreal.

"..talk with them about it." Yeah, right. This let's us all know what kool-aid you drink and the make believe world you managers live in. That's like saying "it's safe to speak up." Uh-huh. You ever try to say anything to the so-called "executive team" out here in the west? If you did, you'd know that once you do that, you're done-targeted for action to be taken against you
That's alright. Don't worry about my pent-up anger. The bigger worry is the pent-up anger of the majority of the sales force. Very little performance. I don't know, maybe it's just the west performance. Time to replace the big-dog whacky. If you think the sales force is motivated in this company, you truly do live in a cave. If you think I'm wrong, take a look at the companys value in the past 10 years. It's only going one way, and it's been doing that for a long time.
Now go back to the movie house and memorize some more Hollywood movie lines. Yeah, that's what we need around here. Someone coming in here and quoting movie lines to correct reality. No wonder we're where we are. You should grow a backbone and say something when you're in the "executive team" meetings. Oh yeah, you're one of the kook-aid drinkers so we can't count on you. Unreal.

?????? Who's this cat thinking going to and quoting movies are the answer to our problems? What a punk

Gotta love it-whackyass! I'm anxiously awaiting our next motivational MVX from him. Oh wait that's right, he's not motivating. Dont sweat it-I don't know one person who takes him seriously. Come on out and see the circus everyone-it's whackyass and the 8 clowns! What a show to watch!

"..talk with them about it." Yeah, right. This let's us all know what kool-aid you drink and the make believe world you managers live in. That's like saying "it's safe to speak up." Uh-huh. You ever try to say anything to the so-called "executive team" out here in the west? If you did, you'd know that once you do that, you're done-targeted for action to be taken against you
That's alright. Don't worry about my pent-up anger. The bigger worry is the pent-up anger of the majority of the sales force. Very little performance. I don't know, maybe it's just the west performance. Time to replace the big-dog whacky. If you think the sales force is motivated in this company, you truly do live in a cave. If you think I'm wrong, take a look at the companys value in the past 10 years. It's only going one way, and it's been doing that for a long time.
Now go back to the movie house and memorize some more Hollywood movie lines. Yeah, that's what we need around here. Someone coming in here and quoting movie lines to correct reality. No wonder we're where we are. You should grow a backbone and say something when you're in the "executive team" meetings. Oh yeah, you're one of the kook-aid drinkers so we can't count on you. Unreal.

You are all over the place. Stick to the topic so we can have a real discussion. First of all, I never said we aren't motivated. I just told you to grow a pair and speak your mind. I've done it on many occasions and I'm still here. No action taken. Part of the problem with our sales force is the lack of us reps being willing to speak our mind. Most of us just go along with everything...who's the puppet? Look in the mirror.
Second, have you checked the percent increase in MRK stock over the past year? It outperformed many other stocks and has had an impressive upward trend. And, of course the value of our company went down. We are losing patent protection left and right. All of the experts rate our stock as a buy or hold. Gain some credibility by researching before you post your thoughts.

I love it! A Merck manager coming in here and talking about credibility! You're obviously a short term employee and weren't here in the 90's so it doesn't do any good to educate you. Sure thing-you spoke up. I'll bet you did. You and yourself are the only self-delusional people who truly believe it's safe to speak up around here. Go back to your whackyass puppet house, have some kook-aid, and have some worthless field visits with your reps. Let me guess, as a manager you think you bring trust and value! Yeah, we believe that. Everybody take a look at the response from one of the members of the clown show. It's great. Keep it coming softy.

I love it! A Merck manager coming in here and talking about credibility! You're obviously a short term employee and weren't here in the 90's so it doesn't do any good to educate you. Sure thing-you spoke up. I'll bet you did. You and yourself are the only self-delusional people who truly believe it's safe to speak up around here. Go back to your whackyass puppet house, have some kook-aid, and have some worthless field visits with your reps. Let me guess, as a manager you think you bring trust and value! Yeah, we believe that. Everybody take a look at the response from one of the members of the clown show. It's great. Keep it coming softy.

You guessed wrong...I'm not a manager. I'm a rep, probably just like you. I definitely don't drink the kool-aid; the flavor is bad and it isn't sweet. I just shoot straight and don't take crap from others. It sounds to me like you are the puppet, not me. You live in fear, never contribute, only say what you think others want you to say, act how you think they want you to act and all because you have no spine. Me, a puppet? I think not. I'm done with this conversation.

hey welch you need to be on tconferences with hoskinstrevor-what a sheer waste of time. this is the quality of managers that sits on your exec team. how sad. if it starts at the top then we as reps have to look to hoskinstrevor which sucks. but then we have to follow that up a little higher which brings us to you. such arrogance, smallness, and pretend we have in this region. wont get better unless changes happen at dco level and filter down to ctl level. these guys/gals bring nothing to the discussion and only serve to harass us and our customers. keep up the show

Now be nice to whackyass! He and his "exec team" are our leaders. Can you picture a more sorry ass group sitting in a meeting somewhere behind closed doors talking business?

Sorry but when I picture an "executive team" in my mind I just can't see this group if you know what I mean.

Go whacky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are definitely a puppet master. We can see why your ashamed to admit your a manager. I would be too

I figured you wouldn't respond to my comments about you being the puppet. I have you pegged and you know it. Bottom line is this: you lose because you have no spine and you live in fear. Maybe if people like you would stop accepting everything and being 'yes men' we could actually function like a normal sales force. Now go on the transformation jam and speak up! Obviously I say that tongue in cheek since we all agree what a joke that is.