Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

This poor soul has been in over his head in every position he has held. Always the last one promoted from his peer group and always playing catch up. It's not fun to watch, must be a terrible way to live.

This poor soul has been in over his head in every position he has held. Always the last one promoted from his peer group and always playing catch up. It's not fun to watch, must be a terrible way to live.

let me guess...Jim is one of the rare, (and arguably lucky??) guys that has the magic
fairy dust sprinked on them, (like the MGAMS) and sort of floats along until full pension
retirement in a safe, insulated bubble...?


Well old whackyass told the whole region that we all need to get our resumes ready so that were prepared for anything in the future. After all, one of his friends is doing that! So, that's the answer?

When you have leaders like this that cannot motivate and come up with nonsense like this, they dont realize that they will just get the minimum from pretty much everybody. People will just sit around and wait until they are cut. And in the meantime our company worth shrinks.

well with all the "positive feedback" whacky hears i guess were good! i dont want to address any of the things in the last survey. you remember-the ones that you dont believe. this is awful. welcome to fairyland

I love it when these clowns call a tc for 1 1/2 hours at the end of the day with 15-20 minutes of content and then fill the rest of the time with questions. Because nobody is motivated or has had any real questions addressed nobody has any questions. In an effort to make himself relevant he starts calling on others to ask them questions.

Then we get the brown-nosers and you know them all pavc/corson/other ler's etc. asking their stupid ass questions. What a drill. What a joke. How pathetic.

And you change agents-name changed to "leadership council" because of the negative connotations of what you all do-quit giving welch the feedback that its all well out here. It sucks ass like a previous poster said. you're all a waste of time and money with the zero that you bring to the table

So, now we can all be well

When the truth is denied, avoided, sacrificed, or whatever it is Merck does with truth, one can never be free. It is frightening when you think about it. It is kind of amazing, too. In the end, no truth, no trust.....and no value to anyone.

old whackyass comes to town on field visit and thinks he brings "value." What a freaking joke. One of my doctors begged me not to bring him around again. He said he could see right through all the phony-ass questions he was asking. Acting like he was really interested in what he-the doctor-had to say. Whacky leaves town thinking he knows something about our business. What a freaking fool. How would you like to pretend like this guy does and hope that nobody finds out how ignorant or piss-ass short you are in business acumen? Its no wonder how we got to this level with guys like this steering the ship. Can't wait for the next rounds of surveys. Going to be tough to not believe them 2 years running. Perfect.

old whackyass comes to town on field visit and thinks he brings "value." What a freaking joke. One of my doctors begged me not to bring him around again. He said he could see right through all the phony-ass questions he was asking. Acting like he was really interested in what he-the doctor-had to say. Whacky leaves town thinking he knows something about our business. What a freaking fool. How would you like to pretend like this guy does and hope that nobody finds out how ignorant or piss-ass short you are in business acumen? Its no wonder how we got to this level with guys like this steering the ship. Can't wait for the next rounds of surveys. Going to be tough to not believe them 2 years running. Perfect.

Sounds the same as bringing Mark Stevens into town for his field visits. Hey Mark, you wanna bring real value to my customers? Stay home! You have nothing to bring to the table.