Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

Dont lose any sleep over it dude. This is a CTL or the DCO himself pipping in. NO way anybody who actually works in the field would believe this load of crap. He/she is already marginalized by their title at this company.

If you have problems with the leadership and their decisions, talk with them about it. Don't be a coward and post your pent up anger on a website. And, if they disagree with you, at least they know where you stand. Grow a spine, talk with whomever you need to and stop complaining. As Master Yoda would say..."let go of your hate."

How delusional can one get? It's probably one of the LERs who also drinks high doses of company kool-aid

old whackyass comes to town on field visit and thinks he brings "value." What a freaking joke. One of my doctors begged me not to bring him around again. He said he could see right through all the phony-ass questions he was asking. Acting like he was really interested in what he-the doctor-had to say. Whacky leaves town thinking he knows something about our business. What a freaking fool. How would you like to pretend like this guy does and hope that nobody finds out how ignorant or piss-ass short you are in business acumen? Its no wonder how we got to this level with guys like this steering the ship. Can't wait for the next rounds of surveys. Going to be tough to not believe them 2 years running. Perfect.

I hear ya brother. Old whacky came out to visit me on one of these field visits-I wasted a whole 10 days in order to get the milk run set-up. After he left town I was asked to never bring him back again. His faked interest in questions he was asking was easy to see through and these doc's knew it.

Go figure. Another leader who thinks he knows what we actually do on a daily basis. Youve got to "close more!" Uh-huh, right. And that fakeness was what will eliminate him from seeing anybody else in my territory ever again.

I do miss old whackyass. I loved giving him my undivided attention as though my very life hung on his every word. I knew the second I could say goodbye to him, my unofficial vacation would began for as long as was necessary to get over the disdain and vile feelings that accumulated during his visit. Old whackyass could kiss mine for sure.

I do miss old whackyass. I loved giving him my undivided attention as though my very life hung on his every word. I knew the second I could say goodbye to him, my unofficial vacation would began for as long as was necessary to get over the disdain and vile feelings that accumulated during his visit. Old whackyass could kiss mine for sure.

You are such a pansie. Our leadership is the way they are because people like you do exactly what you described. You agree with everything they say and you just sit and accept the criticism, coaching, etc. Stop perpetuating the myth that they are right. The more we do this, the less freedom we have and the more robotic we become. When you behave like this, they feel more powerful and have no idea that they are moving in the wrong direction. Grow a spine and respectfully disagree when you need to. Nobody is going to fire you for disagreement. This is the only way the leadership in this company will begin to see things differently.

You are such a pansie. Our leadership is the way they are because people like you do exactly what you described. You agree with everything they say and you just sit and accept the criticism, coaching, etc. Stop perpetuating the myth that they are right. The more we do this, the less freedom we have and the more robotic we become. When you behave like this, they feel more powerful and have no idea that they are moving in the wrong direction. Grow a spine and respectfully disagree when you need to. Nobody is going to fire you for disagreement. This is the only way the leadership in this company will begin to see things differently.

In your dreams, maybe. What you state might work in a "functional" corporation, but if you are a Merck employee, you should know we are very dsyfunctional. What you recommend would give me a reputation of having an attitude problem and we know what goes along with that. Life's too short and I choose other battles. It has nothing to do with having a spine. The only way things will ever change at Merck is when different leadership arrives that already sees things differently and hopefully, functionally.

Your right on dude. Only the stupidest of people speak up and think its safe. Let the know it all learn by experience. Ive been around long enough to know that this is not the way to change anything. All this tact does is get you labeled as a grouse, a trouble maker, not a team player, etc. Your also right that it will only change with a functional group of leaders which Im sad to say, we don't have. Corporate yes men rule the day around here. this company doesnt want to hear the truth-take the marketing department for example. NOw thats a fine look at whats wrong.

Gross incompetence.

Go whacky

be well


You are such a pansie. Our leadership is the way they are because people like you do exactly what you described. You agree with everything they say and you just sit and accept the criticism, coaching, etc. Stop perpetuating the myth that they are right. The more we do this, the less freedom we have and the more robotic we become. When you behave like this, they feel more powerful and have no idea that they are moving in the wrong direction. Grow a spine and respectfully disagree when you need to. Nobody is going to fire you for disagreement. This is the only way the leadership in this company will begin to see things differently.

This comment has to be from whackyass himself or one of the 8 clowns. Dream on Alice. Anybody know this "executive" team? Give me a break. Dont give me all that "they have no idea that they are moving in the wrong direction" crap. They know. Change agents-or whatever their new title is-ever heard of them? We keep funneling all these topic up and it never makes any difference. Might even make it worse. Take the frequency/tenacity of the field visits for example. My CTL is getting me in all kinds of trouble and whackyass knows it. Think it changes anything? Not one bit Respectfully disagree huh? Yeah right

Sit there quietly. Never offer an opinion on anything and when you're forced to, agree with whatever senior manager is there. Do exactly as you are told, like a good little boy or girl, and never question anything. As long as you have less than 12 years in and have a base under $100K, you should be fine.

What a pathetic company. The housecleaning has been going on for so many years I'm losing count. We are barely a shadow of what we were 10 years ago and it's getting worse every day.

Why haven't we heard from Whacky and the 8 clowns lately?

I see we get to hear from the fabulous and ever ready to show us S3's-what a joke!

We have the best S3's in the west. Goes right along with whacky and the clowns. It's a great show on earth

So who is stupid enough to send feedback on their managers to whacky or through the change agent? Anonymous-yeah, what a laugh that is

What a bunch of cowards this group is. Why don't you send us a feedback form on managers after we get our year end review? I'll bet the managers would be a little less hesitant to throw their people under the bus if they knew that was around the corner. Thats what we get with our manager in the reno/utah district

Right now whacky is sitting in his office, er, I mean home, and trying to think of what to say to spin the latest survey results. This will be the best part of the upcoming meetings! Lets hear it for whacky!

Whacky came out for a field ride along with me too this year. You'd die if you heard what my providers said after his visit. Its freakin hilarious. Jokes on this guy and he doesn't even know it

good ol'd whackys at it again. trying to spin survey results. merck number one in the industry according to providers? yeah, according to who? Oh yeah, us. how freaking unrealistic can you get? this guys lives in another world-sucks

Ya'll hear the latest cultural survey results? Whackyass is at it again. He took all those negatives and made them positives! Way to go Whacky! I know of almost 2 entire districts who gave nothing higher than a 2 on the surveys and all we get is "88, 90, 90+ favorable results."
Uh-huh. Sure thing. We believe that. Get ready for a year of some of the greatest make-believe you've ever seen. You aint seen nothing yet from Whacky and the 8 clowns. And he wont be in the room to go over all the real details of the results with the rest of the region like he was last year. So he won't know of the disdain the region/company has towards him. He can play pretend in his office in front of his computer. Now lets hear from one of the 8 clowns telling us to get in line. 15X15 here we come-like it or not.
What a cesspool around here. 15X15 rules

You've got to be kidding me. You're not posting my last comments because I write "it's the little man thing" but you post some of this other vile, cuss written posts? You're as bad as whacky