Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!


you have to be kidding whacky?


lets hear what happens whacky...you can take all the notes you want but nothings going to change with you in the lead. you couldn't make a good decision to save anything.

this is a bunch of kool ade crap. there's nothing here. nobody will say anything of substance.



Anybody else notice that Whackyass spoke for almost an hour and a half? I thought he wasn't going to do that?
Nothing changes with him, the region, or the company.
Same people+same way of doing things=the same as what you've always gotten
Ever learn that one in school whacky?
Thats right, you didn't go to business school, your a journalist. If youre as good at journalism as you are at managing a pharma group, I can understand why you're no longer in journalism. You don't know what to do

I noticed. What i want to know is when this company will figure out that it's because of the leadership of this company-of which Whackyass is a part-that we are sinking so fast. Isn't there something that can be done? Do we all have to hang on for as long as we can? To ride the gravy train as long as possible. Some of us actually cared about the company before all this-whatever you want to call it-started to happen.

So sad. Whacky-you're part of the problem too

welch sucks ass! He just announced lay-offs in the region. Nobody is safe. Total liar. Answered no questions specifically. It's all about saving the brass's asses. This place sucks big time

Jim Whackyass Welch has not clue as to how to successfully run anything. You reference a hot dog stand, but I don't think he could even do that. He's got the region so un-engaged and he doesn't even know it. Rank and file along with CTL's. Nobody trusts him, nobody trusts the company. He is living proof that it's now what you've done in the past to get promoted, it's who you know(his dad was big-name but equally unqualified)

I hope I'm not around to be followed around by a leader like this with the new announcements we had yesterday from Whackyass. I'll find something else without the relentless drama of what whackyass will do next. This is complete and final mis-management.

One would have to look long and far to find someone as disliked as this man is

Please folks. A third grader can identify that the same disgruntled male is replying to his own posts. He banters on giving the appearance that dozens of people are replying and chiming in. Fact is this poor sole spends day and night with this post. Fact is he is upset with himself. After all these years and still a lowly schlep rep. Everyone knows who HE is. Soon to be babye and should have polished up on communications policy letters. HE should have known better. Fifty bucks will get you an ip AND home billing address even from a private account-phone number. Just wait from JW.

Uh-huh. Not likely. You seen how many views this thread has? I talk to people every day that have something to say about whacky-none of it good

Speaking for myself, I think whacky is one of the most manipulative, calculating, deplorable people I've ever met.

No info shared on CP-unless its criminal investigation and this isn't. Just a lot of dislike for a person few trust or like. But you keep trying whacky.

Company sucks as a result of this kind of leadership.

  • cafead   Sep 06, 2013 at 10:12: AM
Please folks. A third grader can identify that the same disgruntled male is replying to his own posts. He banters on giving the appearance that dozens of people are replying and chiming in. Fact is this poor sole spends day and night with this post. Fact is he is upset with himself. After all these years and still a lowly schlep rep. Everyone knows who HE is. Soon to be babye and should have polished up on communications policy letters. HE should have known better. Fifty bucks will get you an ip AND home billing address even from a private account-phone number. Just wait from JW.

Just a reminder that per our policies, cafepharma does not record IP addresses or other identifying information with anonymous posts. So if the posts were made anonymously, we would have no information to provide to an attorney or any other party, for pay, subpoena, or otherwise.

Ive known the whack for many years. I think over time he's just gotten better at playing the game as he certainly has little in the way of leadership skills. Been with him in personal settings as well and he still cant leave the business alone. Some guys have nothing better to do than to live merck 24/7.

Weak individual

Oct 7-D day for everyone in the west to see who stays and who goes-all to protect the bonuses of a$$wipes like WA

Part of me hopes I'm gone so I can get on with a life without whackyass. I don't really want to start all over again in my career, but I'm at least young enough where I can. My life will definitely be better if that happens. some of my colleagues are not in the same boat however. If I'm gone I'll finally get rid of all the losers at Merck with WA and his team of circus clowns leading the pack

Just tell Whackyass what he wants to hear. Anything less than that puts you at risk with him. He can't handle the truth, so just feed him full of company koolaid. Any flavor will do, just make sure it's nice and sweet. He's too stupid to figure out what really needs to be done to ensure success. He sure can't go with experience because he didn't do it as a rep. So the short story is: we're screwed.

When do we get to have another townhall? Please let it not be too far away.

I am so sorry to work for a company that is run with people like jw. maybe I wont be for long. maybe not such a bad thing. I agree with previous poster-maybe better to leave the place as soon as I can for the package and time to start searching for something else

anything to save jw's whackyass is what the games all about

POS jw is all he is

the asswhacker has it all figured out as we speak. He knows who is leaving and who's staying. Totally dishonest. If he thinks things are slipping now, just wait. All the teleconferences, the bullshit of job displacements, and the phoney townhall type of things will have a huge impact. And also his removing of our best access tool-RFM's-gone! Your a real piece of work whacky. Some might even say a POS

i dont get this whole thread. its great comic relief but whackyass welch to the rescue? What can he rescue us from? I don't get it. from my view he hasnt rescued us from anything but he has been able to ruin a doctor relationship i had from a visit months ago. dont get it?