Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

He can't run a successful anything with his lack of honesty, transparency, and the so called "courage and candor." His the biggest koolaid drinker there is. He only wants to hear the company line. If you don't fall in line with you, your at risk of being dismissed with his tactics of pressuring people to do certain things his way. We'll see welch. See how it turns out next half for results.

He showed up in our territories a few weeks ago and wasted everybody's time with his words of wisdom. Not only do they not have any relevance, they don't work. Maybe big Jim did it that way 25 years ago, but that doesn't work nowdays.

I forgot-he didn't do much of anything back in those days. It does make you wonder how he got to this level being so incompetent.

He can't run a successful anything with his lack of honesty, transparency, and the so called "courage and candor." His the biggest koolaid drinker there is. He only wants to hear the company line. If you don't fall in line with you, your at risk of being dismissed with his tactics of pressuring people to do certain things his way. We'll see welch. See how it turns out next half for results.

He showed up in our territories a few weeks ago and wasted everybody's time with his words of wisdom. Not only do they not have any relevance, they don't work. Maybe big Jim did it that way 25 years ago, but that doesn't work nowdays.

I forgot-he didn't do much of anything back in those days. It does make you wonder how he got to this level being so incompetent.

Nepotism is alive and well at Mother merck. His dad was a big wig way back when. Made sure that little Jimmy had an easy fast track

Nepotism is alive and well at Mother merck. His dad was a big wig way back when. Made sure that little Jimmy had an easy fast track

His dad was a really decent man, and a good manager...one of the legendary Merck DMs...an icon...

not the sharpest tool in the shed either, but a good man...

Wacky should just do the right thing and step down...he is totally incompetent and
not up for the task of any corporate job...should be down at the beach on his board...

Cowabunga!! Surfs up Wacky!!

You should hear him at exec meetings. He's got his pets, but not many of them. Be smart and give him the company line and you're probably fine. Challenge him on anything-even if he's wrong-and it's a big mistake. He only wants to hear the positive side of things. You have to make him feel like he's in control and knows all-though not many of us believe that.

It's rotting from the inside-he just doesn't know it.

What do you mean "its rotting from the inside." What you should have said is "it's rotted." There's no fixing what whacky has done to the region until he gets canned or leaves. He's dishonest, a liar, and poor excuse for any kind of leader. He was never a leader in his life-either as a rep, or as a manager. How does a guy like this make it this far without others seeing how pathetically weak he is at what he does?

just learned of a new whackyass tactic that he's employing in the region. tell you what whack-just because of that I will be working even less than I do now. im not giving this place anything extra with guys like you around. you just don't get it do you.

some of the things being said during these teleconferences make me sick to my stomach. im going to start making things up to see how much I can get you to believe which shouldn't be too hard. like a previous poster said, it shouldn't be too difficult because you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Don't make me laugh whack. You want honest questions? You actually think you're going to get any? Yeah, right. From a total liar about courage and candor and transparency, you'll get what's coming to you in time. Don't you understand? Nobody trusts you. When the TC ends, we'll all be on the phones with each other talking about your lack of honesty, and you're incompetence. It's easy for all to see. Don't think it's any other way.

I like it because you know everybody reads cp, and everyone talks about you when you leave the room. thats not a good thing. but you keep it up. youre like all your LER's-you count on others to make the TC content because you are incompetent to do it yourself. How weak and pathetic

sitting on pins and needles to hear the townhall this week whacky! Cant wait to be filled with your wisdom and fake enthusiasm. You're in trouble, the regions in trouble, and everybody knows it.

My prediction is a horrendous 2nd half and you running around calling teleconferences and meeting to "discuss" how we can turn it around.

We only turn it around with a new leader. Period.

Karma whacky. Never fails

Ill enjoy sitting back and listening to all the S3's adding their 2 cents worth when whackyass talks. You know they're just sitting there thinking what they could say that's good for the ultimate brown-nose experience.

Im not looking forward to it. Theres nothing here but whacky-spin

good ol' Whacky comes through again! Whacky-you knew something has been in the works for a long time. You call this transparency? You want trust? You want value? Get real.

I can't wait to hear your take/spin on the survey results. Looks like there's no difference between Merck and many other big pharma companies. You all sit around and scratch your ass trying to figure out what's wrong with the company. It's not that hard to figure out. Just think in terms of what you've removed from us and you'll have your answer.

You really need to leave. You don't have a grip on the business or how business is being run these days. Did you ever know? Oh, that's right-you never really worked.

Go figure.

I could barely sleep last night knowing we have whackass townhall meeting today! I'm so looking forward to his BS that I can laugh at behind a muted phone. Its sad really but not according to whackass.

Im with you on the whackass spin. This guy is one of a kind when it comes to that. I second the notion about how dishonest he is with business. Can't say much but also have first hand experience. now let's get ready to have a townhall with whackass and his team of clowns and misfits(S3's).

Pump it up! Innovation! Quality discussions! Lets think about new ways of doing business(yeah right-with this culture of corruption, double speak, PC, and policy letters). Lets be engaged! Lets be impactful! Lets be transparent! Lets differentiate ourselves from the competitors!
