Whackyass Welch to the Rescue!

Journalism? YOur kidding?
And whack...keep your freaking nose out of our business. Every time you get involved our business only goes one way. Be a DCO and not a CTL. Oh but wait, our CTL sucks ass just like you so whats a clown to do?

Thanks for all the posts and 36k reads. Next week 50% of you are whacked. JW

Hey Whackyass-please let me go. I hope for it. I collect my severance and get to go forward with job interviews to get out of this shit for brains company with the likes of you "leading" the region. You act like it's the worst thing in the world that someone might not be with this company. Total arrogance. Take a hint from your latest leadership council teleconference to see how well your liked and what others think of you.

That teleconf was whacked. RWatt totally blew his cool in defense of whackyass. Nobody was buying it though so Rwatt exploded. Next thing you know whacky, rwatt, and another member of the council had a seperate teleconf. Couldn't believe it. This was one of the clowns on display for all of us to hear! This guys a manager?

Fitting that he's on the whackyass best circus show in town team

Wow rwatt-keep gripping!

Thanks for all the posts and 36k reads. Next week 50% of you are whacked. JW

Continued..... and I have a percentage of cuts I must make. I am not told who to cut, rather, how many. I am looking at my portal hr computer screen right now. ALL my direct reports..reps are listed. Who do I select for cuts? Those who support me not backstabbers posting whacky comments in the midst of the night. "Be well". :)

Thanks for all the posts and 36k reads. Next week 50% of you are whacked. JW

Continued..... and I have a percentage of cuts I must make. I am not told who to cut, rather, how many. I am looking at my portal hr computer screen right now. ALL my direct reports..reps are listed. Who do I select for cuts? Those who support me not backstabbers posting whacky comments in the midst of the night. "Be well". :)

I can tell you I'm well whacky. Im well if I stay and and even more well if I go. Severance package an all. Who cares about your punk ass lists. Your on a list too, youre just too stupid to know it. KARMA bitch. It will get you in the end no matter what. Boo-hoo. Im going to cut the people who dont support me! Dont you know that I understand business? Especially after I got my degree in journalism! After all, Im the greatest!

be well

Continued..... and I have a percentage of cuts I must make. I am not told who to cut, rather, how many. I am looking at my portal hr computer screen right now. ALL my direct reports..reps are listed. Who do I select for cuts? Those who support me not backstabbers posting whacky comments in the midst of the night. "Be well". :)

My selections have been made. You will be advised tomorrow. Keep on posting though. JW

My selections have been made. You will be advised tomorrow. Keep on posting though. JW

Hey, me too whack!
I'll take the package as well. Nothing like having drips like you run the ship while others who have successfully been producing for years get cut
Love the motivational messages
Great to hear your dillusional advice on our last t/c

My selections have been made. You will be advised tomorrow. Keep on posting though. JW

Hey, me too whack!
I'll take the package as well. Nothing like having drips like you run the ship while others who have successfully been producing for years get cut
Love the motivational messages
Great to hear your disillusion advice on our last t/c
Nice to know your so unattached to reality
Do you have any idea of how to run a business?

whats up lickdick? Ill look forward to hearing from my manager tomorrow. please let me be the one chosen to leave! I want my package and cant wait to get away from your punkass "leadership." Im so sick of hearing your voice on townhalls, district tc's and the like. Even if I make the cut, Ill look forward to double dipping anyway. Your a moron and all moron go to their rooms.

whats up lickdick? Ill look forward to hearing from my manager tomorrow. please let me be the one chosen to leave! I want my package and cant wait to get away from your punkass "leadership." Im so sick of hearing your voice on townhalls, district tc's and the like. Even if I make the cut, Ill look forward to double dipping anyway. Your a moron and all moron go to their rooms.

You are one pathetic dude posting day and night plus weekends. Cannot wait till you are gone. Face it. Anyone over 35 in sales is a schlep rep passed over and couldn't make the cut. Yeah you will get severance taxed out your a hole. Bonus payout? Not for you. You won't find a job after this my schlepster, not at your compensation. Maybe you should be a CP moderator for the west. You spend enough time on the site. Hey, I hope you are ready for turkey day. Your family will be so proud when you tell them you are unemployed. Be unwell and FU.