Welcome to the Novartis Board

I think that the generally accepted practise in novartis is to control. the idiots don't realize that when you controll people they become mindless followers and the organization loses its enthusiasm and creativity. therefore.....

I've just been scheduled for an interview with Novartis. How many interviews can I expect? What is the current base and comission structure for primary care reps? How do you like working for the company? How do they treat employees? Are you constintally feeling watched over by Big Brother?

I've just been scheduled for an interview with Novartis. How many interviews can I expect? What is the current base and comission structure for primary care reps? How do you like working for the company? How do they treat employees? Are you constintally feeling watched over by Big Brother?

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Good questions. Maybe I can help. Yes, I like feeling my big brother's watch. You should definitely expect many interviews. You can primarily base your salary on the commission structure. Employees are definitely a treat, and how! Does that answer your questions?

Any chance of a retail pharmacist getting into pharmaceutical sales? No sales experience but plenty of pharmaceutical knowledge. Any suggestions of how to get into this field?

Any chance of a retail pharmacist getting into pharmaceutical sales? No sales experience but plenty of pharmaceutical knowledge. Any suggestions of how to get into this field?

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Where do you live? Lilly would be a good one to look at, also Merck.

I live in Morris County, New Jersey. I have applied to Merck but haven't heard anything yet. Also, how long do you have to go away for to do the training and are the programs usually in New Jersey? Any info would be helpful.

Im going on an interview this wednesday to meet with the National sales director for the springfield MA territory. Im trying to come up with a question list for me to ask him. could someone give me some tips?

Novartis hires from outside the company so they can give the same BS about 25K plus bonuses as an average to some naive person desperate for a job. This is the same BS they gave us and thats why we are posting and complaining now. RUN THE OTHER WAY FOREST!

I worked for novartis for 4 years , I was a newbee and and a vertern so I know the inner workings of the company. The best summation is they were a good company with free spirit until they choose to be like Pfzier. Now the reops and managers have so much ctrap to do there is no time to sell. You have tio do spreadsheet after spreadsheet of crap and they expect you to do this on your own time. There is no work life balance. Also they go so far into the grey area when promoting drugs is crazy. Im glad I choose to have a life and leave. If you think i dont know what Im talking about ask 10 Novartis reps of they like there job- I bet a million dollars they maybe 2 say yes. Go to Takeda and it will be the other way aroundl They are ethical adn allow you to get your job done, and work life balance does exist

Right on with this comment. Novartis is notorious for hiring outside and creating sales forces and laying them off a few years later. Then hiring them back and the cycle starts all over again.

you are an idiot-I believe you are a forest rep- the most illegal ones out there. shameful. It is funny- the forest rep in my territory has been thrown out of 4 offices for sexual harrassment :