Welcome to the Novartis Board


Staff member
  • cafead   Aug 22, 2002 at 11:21: AM
Welcome to the Novartis company board. Anyone is welcome to post here, whether they are an employee of the company or not. You may post anonymously without registering (registered users please logout before posting if you wish to do so), or with a registered username.

Managers and reps are encouraged to communicate with fellow employees here. If you are interested, we can also provide you with a private, password-protected board for your pod, district, etc. Just email webmaster@cafepharma.com for the details.

Novartis is one of the most unethical,immoral companies I have ever confronted in all my carreer. This includes non-pharmaceutical. They lie, pay off and do anything they can to promote their less than effective products. Pharma means nothing to them.They are all young,inexperienced representatives that unfortunately shape the misconception of our industry.Best quote ever by a doc" Lescol XL, a little better than diet".Keep up the good work Novartis. Bottom of the barrel is quite a compliment.

On one of the other boards, it was mentioned that NOVARTIS will terminate sales reps, who during their training sessions flunk the same test twice. Do they do this on a regular basis? Is is something that is in their policybook?

Novartis seems to promise a lot of $ if you are in the top 50% of the nation. They do not consider regions/territories that their drugs are not on formularies and that is what seems to drive business plus the reps. If you have goals of being a Specialty or Hospital rep go to another company. Novartis hires 100% first outside the company and then if you are lucky they will make you jump through hoops and get a position at the same middle of the road base salary as the field reps. I cant figure that one out because Novartis will first hire outside the company at hirer base salaries then look inside. I would recommend that someone getting into the field should look at other more fair companies.

You are accurate. About 1.5 years ago, theyutilize a contract sales force to launch a new, oncology drug to sell to the Urologists. I don't understand why we break our backs to make goal and then a contract rep gets a specialty job over us. Explain this for Novartis Oncology!!!!

Yes, they do a credit check and definitely check your driving record. If you have more than 2 speading tickets in a year, they will not offer you a job. It happened to me!!!!

You are so right about specialty promotions. They'll hire nimrods from other companies at a higher base pay, and once they're here, they are less talented than those of us that have given several years of dedicated service!

This sounds like a seasoned novartis rep to me. I left 3 years ago after 4 years of abuse. The worst company in the business. Keep all young reps, pay them low, no specialty in the company. Hell, the oncology reps sometimes have room mates on the road. To all new reps. Stay away!!!! Joey D Rocks

You really should get the facts before spewing rhetoric. That speciality Urology FF was set-up to see if Novartis could break into the Urology marketplace for Prostate Cancer. The FF folded about a year ago so if Novartis had promoted reps for that FF in place of a contract force all those promoted reps would have been without a job when the FF folded. It was much more reponsible to handle it the way Novartis did it. Next time know the facts before making a fool of yourself !

Can anyone tell me why the Ciba/Novartis Chicago Region has turned over 1/3 of their region. When is their fearless leader going to be held to the same standards that they are. Produce or be gone. If you figure 500 for the region 166 have been fired or quit. That is roughly $150,000/rep. to train. Novartis just lost around $24.9 million plus another $24.9 million to train the new reps. For a $50 million dollar investment you would think they could do better than dead last. Great hire Novartis. <font color="red"> </font>

Anyone still working for the gestapo at Novartis should park the company car at the landfill and tell the manager to go to hell. The managers really are evil -ask the reps. how many managers they know have had an affair with their reps. or how many people they have protected for sex, or how many innocent people they have tried to ruin.