
If HR has been contacted, it should solve all these problems. Just let the system do what it's designed to do.

Meaning nothing will happen and management will be rewarded handsomely and more than likely have some promotions in the works. What a wonderful reward system. Reps will be punished somehow in this. Maybe additional 50 hours of mandatory compliance testing?

Meaning nothing will happen and management will be rewarded handsomely and more than likely have some promotions in the works. What a wonderful reward system. Reps will be punished somehow in this. Maybe additional 50 hours of mandatory compliance testing?
they don't do that any more (compliance testing for faux pas) you will be bounced. It's more convenient that way.

#83 is being sarcastic. But there is a lot of truth is his post. That's exactly what will happen. The manager who encouraged TAMS to become exposed to COVID will get a ceremonial hand slap but behind the scenes get high fives. The the field will be stuck taking Patient First Testing. The theme will be a scolding that we as a field team should see something say something. Such a joke! The manager who created this system should be shown the door asap!

I guess nothing is going to happen to the leader who has put forth their call activity program which encourages face to face customer engagements. Why do I say this? Just look at all of the postings on workplace! You have Fink & Journey cheek to cheek at a dinner event. RSD's & TAMS embraced arm and arm. There are several of these pictures that have recently shown up over the past few days. Sure they are all wearing masks, none of them N95. So it's obvious, ViiV has its own set of health guidelines it creates and follows. To hell with the CDC recommendations of wearing a mask AND social distancing at least 6 feet from one another! Leaders in this organization are a complete joke! Hypocrites and self centered! Shame on them! I pray we all stay safe.

As a company which promotes "health & science" why are we not following the CDC recommendations? Why is it ViiV & GSK decide when the "guidelines" should be followed? Good when we want customers to prescribe our products, bad when we as company should be adhering to them. It's not just hypocrisy, it's bad decisions making! Who are the people behind these decisions? Really? RSD's out in the field? So so dumb!

The answer is that we are no longer an independent company. We are GSK. And we all know what and how GSK operates. It was only a matter of time. Get ready because the worst is yet to come. I think there will be another shoe dropping soon.

That's right! I worked for GSK, I guess I still do as ViiV is really just a division of GSK and not a separate company, and remember that display vividly. What really need to happen is to have our leadership revamped. If you have GSK management in your lineage, get rid of em!

If you have an AVP who has developed their own ranking system that forces employees to engage in customer facing interactions during a pandemic, that person should be fired! Endangering employees, their families and customers by creating a system like this is beyond unacceptable! It is dangerous and demonstrates poor leadership. HR, please do the right thing and rid this company of dangerous individuals like this!

Perfect example of our leadership making dumb and reckless decisions. NYC saw it highest COVID infection rate in months today. And where were our leaders last week? NYC! Both Fink and Journey taking a joint selfie standing cheek to cheek! Amazing! Way to go leadership team! But hey, if you want to go into the field it's up to you. Of course we will be ranking you against others who are making face to face calls..but it's up to you. What a joke!

Perfect example of our leadership making dumb and reckless decisions. NYC saw it highest COVID infection rate in months today.

Why is that even a valuable metric to look at? Much less use as the basis for suspending most civil rights? So 3 out of 100 slobs who get tested were positive, instead of 2 out of 100 ?

If you have an AVP who has developed their own ranking system that forces employees to engage in customer facing interactions during a pandemic, that person should be fired! Endangering employees, their families and customers by creating a system like this is beyond unacceptable! It is dangerous and demonstrates poor leadership. HR, please do the right thing and rid this company of dangerous individuals like this!

Again , look for somebody who spearheaded this idea to be promoted for orginal thinking .Look for the reps that were pushed into this to be fired or seriously reprimanded with punishment.

Fink face to face with another employee in a selfie. This picture should be circulated among GSK to show that being a jackass is still alive and well. I'm sure alcohol was involved in some form.

It was circulated throughout GSK via Workplace. They don't care! That's the problem. The CDC clearly states that ALL people should maintain at least 6 feet social distancing. Those two idiots are literally hugging one another and posing. An absolute joke of a management team! Now you are beginning to see an increase in COVD infections throughout the country. Those two should be fired! I'm sorry, but they do not have the skills necessary to lead a company. They just don't.

It was circulated throughout GSK via Workplace. They don't care! That's the problem. The CDC clearly states that ALL people should maintain at least 6 feet social distancing. Those two idiots are literally hugging one another and posing. An absolute joke of a management team! Now you are beginning to see an increase in COVD infections throughout the country. Those two should be fired! I'm sorry, but they do not have the skills necessary to lead a company. They just don't.

It took a covid faux pas for you to realize Fink was incompetent?