
Lewis is the one who should be investigated. He created his own ranking criteria. He has not shared the criteria other than there is point system he created. He places higher values on face to face customer interactions. So in other words, get out in front of customers. I've been out for the past three weeks and the reception I have received has been close to hostile. I'm just curious if corporate is aware this?

Lewis is the one who should be investigated. He created his own ranking criteria. He has not shared the criteria other than there is point system he created. He places higher values on face to face customer interactions. So in other words, get out in front of customers. I've been out for the past three weeks and the reception I have received has been close to hostile. I'm just curious if corporate is aware this?
At corporate we are aware of those in certain circumstances being welcomed back with open arms, and some (particularly those with poor relationships) not being welcomed back. It appears sales may not be the best fit for you.

Who ever pulled the trigger on hiring Fink after she had been fired from Sanofi and Novartis all within 16 months should be cleaning out his desk tomorrow and escorted by security out of the building with a taser in him.

If HR has been contacted, it should solve all these problems. Just let the system do what it's designed to do.
HR should be contacted if you feel unsafe in your work environment. Then document that and contact OSHA and file a complaint. If you have others you work with become part of the complaint it is helpful. In addition contact your state health department and inform them of your complaint with your HR department and OSHA. Just giving you the info that I have learned about how to approach a complaint about workplace safety. Heard it from a lawyer.

HR should be contacted if you feel unsafe in your work environment. Then document that and contact OSHA and file a complaint. If you have others you work with become part of the complaint it is helpful. In addition contact your state health department and inform them of your complaint with your HR department and OSHA. Just giving you the info that I have learned about how to approach a complaint about workplace safety. Heard it from a lawyer.
why aren’t you working from home if you don’t feel safe? Seems like you would prefer to be furloughed or laid off? Should we get paid to stay home and not work for possibly 2 years? What is your solution

Great question! Here is my solution. TAM's work in the field based on multiple factors. 1. What is the national, regional, and local government guidance regarding vendors calling on customers. 2. Is the customer willing to meeting with you face to face. 3. Families with children who are being home schooled( because schools are not allowing face to face learning) be allowed leeway. Must I point out that we are dealing with a situation that has caused the entire world to shut down. No call metrics at this time, PERIOD! We are under a global and national pandemic!! Sorry, but the morons who cam up with this should be fired on the spot!

The business model of our company is such that chronic medications continue to be prescribed and filled at the pharmacy. In other words, we remain profitable. Very very profitable! Now, if you would like to furlough or lay off reps, that is certainly an option. Not necessary but an option. If that occurs there is a trickle up effect. What would RSDs do? AVPs? VPs? Might as well furlough them as well as they have no one to manage. As has been said before, reps are a very necessary evil in the pharmaceutical industry. But, if you want to lay us off, go for it! Personally, I would begin to have discussions with individuals who are 59+. Offer them a severance package they can't refuse. 2 years salary. Get's most of those individuals to social security age of 62. This would free up cash flow and offer stability to the rest of the organization. I would also look to get rid of rouge and inept sales leaders. This would be the perfect time for that. So there is my solution. The only problem is that it makes too much sense. Our company seems to always choose a more complicated way of conducting business. It's GSK after all, what else would you expect?

I would like to see more ethnic diversity at this hypocritical company. I see a ton of women, mostly white, in leadership roles. Walmsley, Waterhouse, Baxter, Fink, Maier, All white women. The male leader out West is a young white dude. The common theme here is "white". How about a little love for men of color? Asian, Hispanic or African American? Time to walk the talk ViiV.

As a male minority, it's difficult to hear white leaders claim to understand what it's like to be a minority. If they feel so bad, how about opening up leadership roles for people of color? How about not stacking the "white" deck? The person above hit the nail on the head! GSK / ViiV has an all female executive leadership team. While Martinez is a Latina, she's a woman. I think we've check the female affirmative action box at this point in time. Time for a little color on your leadership and executive teams...and a little testosterone.

Let Fink take one for the team in putting a minority in a leadership role. She's caused enough carnage and corporate bullying in Sanofi and Novartis to last a lifetime . This would be an easy decision.

I’ve been saying for years, once they think they have milked the white male for as much as they can, the next target will be white females. It’s not about ability to them, it’s about pulling people down to their level by claiming to be victims- the above posts are what’s next in the war on rewarding excellence based on performance

Lewis is a white male. He's certainly demonstrated his incompetence. I can only surmise that he is here do to white nepotism. He was laid off as a district sales manager at GSK. Magically, he becomes an AVP for the Western U.S. So he really didn't get laid off..he got a promotion! WTF? Perhaps, just perhaps, there may have been an internal minority candidate who could have better filled that role? ViiV hires a white incompetent male? So when I hear Lewis speak of systemic racism, it hurts my ears. He is the living example of white privilege within our own company. If he actually knew what he was doing I wouldn't have much of an issue with him. Hypocrisy is alive and well at ViiV.

Lewis is a white male. He's certainly demonstrated his incompetence. I can only surmise that he is here do to white nepotism. He was laid off as a district sales manager at GSK. Magically, he becomes an AVP for the Western U.S. So he really didn't get laid off..he got a promotion! WTF? Perhaps, just perhaps, there may have been an internal minority candidate who could have better filled that role? ViiV hires a white incompetent male? So when I hear Lewis speak of systemic racism, it hurts my ears. He is the living example of white privilege within our own company. If he actually knew what he was doing I wouldn't have much of an issue with him. Hypocrisy is alive and well at ViiV.
One of my best managers at GSK was a black female. She was helpful and wanted to help me understand all of the new expectations at GSK. Last I hear she was in vaccines. Hope she is still there. I had Lewis as a manger and he was the worst jerk I have ever experienced. He tries to talk the talk but does't walk the walk. He tried to manage out experienced reps he thought were "older"....and went with his reps who did Crossfit workouts with him.. Screw him...I have left GSK and wish him ill. Good luck folks-- he is who GSK wants in control right now so maybe re think your career path. He did his best to manage good people out and for that I hope he gets what he's due!

All I know is that Lewis was the worst manager I ever worked for! Chauvinistic and holds a very high opinion of himself. If you are over 50, watch out! He will look to exploit any weaknesses and begin to work you out of the company. Seen it happen and it was ugly! When I heard that he was hired by ViiV I knew it would only be a matter of time until posts like this showed up. Can't believe ViiV hired him. He must have known someone and pulled a favor.

Hey Lewis. We can't breath! You have not listened to your people. They have told you that your micromanagement was a bad idea. That in-person calls puts our health, our families health and the health of our customers at risk. That COVID-19 is real and that our employees are becoming infected. I call for a new internal movement I will call TLM. TAM'S LIVES MATTER. We can't breath!

As a male minority, it's difficult to hear white leaders claim to understand what it's like to be a minority. If they feel so bad, how about opening up leadership roles for people of color? How about not stacking the "white" deck? The person above hit the nail on the head! GSK / ViiV has an all female executive leadership team. While Martinez is a Latina, she's a woman. I think we've check the female affirmative action box at this point in time. Time for a little color on your leadership and executive teams...and a little testosterone.
It is a sad day that color of skin is being discriminated against and that you even talk about your color or someone else’s as a reason to be a good or bad leader. Shame on you for saying the color of skin is what makes or breaks a bad leadership team. Now you are creating issues based on skin color? what else can you twist and manipulate- very scary world that we love in.

I’ve been saying for years, once they think they have milked the white male for as much as they can, the next target will be white females. It’s not about ability to them, it’s about pulling people down to their level by claiming to be victims- the above posts are what’s next in the war on rewarding excellence based on performance
Spot on - “privileged” white females beware - they want handed to them what you’ve earned.

Hey Lewis. We can't breath! You have not listened to your people. They have told you that your micromanagement was a bad idea. That in-person calls puts our health, our families health and the health of our customers at risk. That COVID-19 is real and that our employees are becoming infected. I call for a new internal movement I will call TLM. TAM'S LIVES MATTER. We can't breath!