
You sre humiliating and so are all the random TAMs that find excuses to blame other TAMs for wanting to work woth the same God damn doctors ! WTF everyone wants to do their job!
I guess none of you remember when TAM stood for 'thymidine analogue mutation' and SCIENCE was discussed instead of talking points.

Not sure about Andrea, but Lee is in waayyyy over his head! The word on the street is that Lee was laid off as a DM two years ago from GSK. Apparently he knew someone at ViiV and viola, he's an Area VP in charge of half the country. No HIV experience and apparently not good enough for GSK to keep around. So ViiV takes him on? Can anyone confirm this rumor?

Not sure about Andrea, but Lee is in waayyyy over his head! The word on the street is that Lee was laid off as a DM two years ago from GSK. Apparently he knew someone at ViiV and viola, he's an Area VP in charge of half the country. No HIV experience and apparently not good enough for GSK to keep around. So ViiV takes him on? Can anyone confirm this rumor?
Yes. I worked for him at Gsk Respiratory. He was let go. Had contacts at corporate. He was awful- worst manager I ever had. Got rid of good reps. Think he only had 2 years as a rep in philly- thought he knew everything. Moved out west so he could ski - total jerk- he had mental issues-

Yes. I worked for him at Gsk Respiratory. He was let go. Had contacts at corporate. He was awful- worst manager I ever had. Got rid of good reps. Think he only had 2 years as a rep in philly- thought he knew everything. Moved out west so he could ski - total jerk- he had mental issues-
Lee loved to try to get rid of those who he did not deem worthy. At the same time he took off months of leave for mental issues etc while at the same time trying to fire people who He did not deem worthy- ie too old. Spent a lot of time on disability as I remember. Total hypocrite.

Very interesting. He took paternity leave 6 months after his wife had a baby. Turned out the 2 months leave he took was at the height of the ski season. The guy is a clown! As one person said, he's in over his head.

Very interesting. He took paternity leave 6 months after his wife had a baby. Turned out the 2 months leave he took was at the height of the ski season. The guy is a clown! As one person said, he's in over his head.
Why do you care. The leave has to be used before the first year is complete, and it can be taken at anytime and in any duration that is approved by the employer. He was smart enough to use the loophole. Find something else to complain about, dumb ass.

Why do you care. The leave has to be used before the first year is complete, and it can be taken at anytime and in any duration that is approved by the employer. He was smart enough to use the loophole. Find something else to complain about, dumb ass.
I think the issue is the hypocracy involved with Lee. At another time he took almost a year off for medical leave while often giving reps a hard time when they had to take leave for medical issues. He tried to get rid of people who were long term hard working reps. As stated previously- he had about two years of sales experience before he went into management. He was worst manager I ever had at Gsk.

He’s an ass clown. Just look at his ugly mug. It says it all. You can’t fix stupid or ugly in his case. He thinks and acts like a first line leader at best. Likes to think he is the smartest & funniest in the room all the while everyone laughs behind his back. Complete jerk off in my book.

Post #30 says it all with a key word, "loophole". That's exactly this issue. He is a hypocrite and now has been exposed on Cafe Pharma for all to read and learn about. This is a leader who has created his own system of evaluating TAM's during a pandemic. A global pandemic that specifically involves Infectious Disease physicians. The exact customers we call on. These docs are spending most of their working hours in the hospital caring for patients in the ICU. Many of the ID's are practicing tele-health as they want to minimize their own exposure to COVID-19. Yet Lewis wants his people right in the middle of this global and national crisis. Has no issue pushing his TAM's in harms way as long as his sales numbers look good. Meanwhile he sits in his comfy house only going as far as his driveway to do his kegel exercises. So not only is he a hypocrite and inept at his job, he's a bonafide d-bag! I've seen many leaders in my day. Both within and outside this organization. Lewis is at the bottom of the barrel. You want to walk the talk? Mask up and get on plane. Go, on your own, and pay a visit to clinics for a week. Then go home to your family. See how that sits with your wife? Then tell her you're going to repeat that every week for a month. Not only will you be doing kegels in your driveway, you'll be sleeping there as well!

Post #30 says it all with a key word, "loophole". That's exactly this issue. He is a hypocrite and now has been exposed on Cafe Pharma for all to read and learn about. This is a leader who has created his own system of evaluating TAM's during a pandemic. A global pandemic that specifically involves Infectious Disease physicians. The exact customers we call on. These docs are spending most of their working hours in the hospital caring for patients in the ICU. Many of the ID's are practicing tele-health as they want to minimize their own exposure to COVID-19. Yet Lewis wants his people right in the middle of this global and national crisis. Has no issue pushing his TAM's in harms way as long as his sales numbers look good. Meanwhile he sits in his comfy house only going as far as his driveway to do his kegel exercises. So not only is he a hypocrite and inept at his job, he's a bonafide d-bag! I've seen many leaders in my day. Both within and outside this organization. Lewis is at the bottom of the barrel. You want to walk the talk? Mask up and get on plane. Go, on your own, and pay a visit to clinics for a week. Then go home to your family. See how that sits with your wife? Then tell her you're going to repeat that every week for a month. Not only will you be doing kegels in your driveway, you'll be sleeping there as well!
Sounds like him. He used to spend hours at CrossFit -would push reps to finish their day on ridalongs so he could do his workout routine.

All I can do is to look at the facts. COVID-19 is novel virus. It is highly contagious. It can cause both severe morality and morbidity to human beings. News outlets such as the NY and LA Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, just today, have stated that we as country are beginning to see an increase in new COVID-19 cases. Additionally, flu season is also upon us. These are facts. Apparently leaders within our organization haven't kept up with current affairs. Leaders such as L. Barrett are pushing TAM's back into the field. If I or one of my colleagues were to contact COVID-19 and or pass it to a family member who may have a negative outcome, who would be liable? ViiV Healthcare? GSK? L. Baxter? K. Fink? L. Barrett? It's a dangerous path this company is going down. Profits before people. I like the idea of our leaders getting out into the field for a month. No TAM's just the sales leaders. See what it's like out there. How many of our customers are still not seeing reps. Then see how your spouse reacts when you arrive home every night after being exposed to the frontline of COVID-19. Not one of them has or will do this. What does this tell you about our leadership?

Fink will think nothing if one of your family members gets infected because you were back in the field with high risk patients . She will sleep like a baby at night knowing your jeopardizing your health and that of your family.

Andrea is no better. Not remotely qualified to be in the role she’s in and she too is setting the precedent that everyone must be in the field. However she herself stays at home and bullys people around from the safely and comfort of her own home. Andrea is a useless piece of shit and a poor excuse for a senior leader. She continues to prove time and time again what a loser she is.

I am not one to complain but let’s have a candid chat about management. I have been successful in pharma for 20+ years. I get it that we need to sell and detail marketing messages. I have relationships with providers that I have known for 5,10,15 years. Now I am not going to look like a fool to a provider to say reward your patients, convince you etc
My regional who has never been in HIV wants to meet providers and get relationships too. So now here we are in a virtual world and all of us scrambling for time on a virtual call. After the call I expect a thank you for introducing me etc I don’t need some BS coaching advice on my 5 minute call. I mean COME ON- are managers that lost that they can’t be human and need to be a puppet for the company.
If you want the TAM’s to keep their relationships stop pushing these email metrics. Doctors are getting mad and opting out, reps don’t want managers on a call to destroy their time with a provider by criticizing your verbiage and marketing lingo. This is not how to build relationships in the real world. Stop wasting our time making this job that should be fun a nightmare.
I am sure someone is going to say leave if you’re not happy. I love these providers and my job I just don’t respect the direction new managers to HIV are taking. This is not primary care. I want management to LISTEN to what doctors are asking for and FOLLOW UP on what they want. Stop wasting time worrying about me saying some stupid shit a marketing person who has NEVER been in the field with these customers and is creating unrealistic conversations to have with HIV providers. Stop making people publicly humiliate themselves on national calls. I’ll say it again, this is not real world, not reality especially in a virtual COVID environment. Meet the customers needs and requests. That is what customers want. Reward the frickin doctors by helping them with what they are asking for. Don’t come on a call and waste their time by forgetting what they wanted you to do. This is how we will win and this is how doctors feel support for their patients.

All are assigned to you by the company you work for and the company calls the shots.

You are incorrect. None of this has been assigned by the company. AVP's have created their own activity tracking system. It's unfair and unjust. Bottom line, this needs to be taken to HR. If HR gets wind of an evaluation system that has not been run past legal those AVP's are in for a world of hurt!

How about the CDC? They are saying the U.S. is beginning to see an upward trend in new COVID-19 cases. This is similar to events taking place in European countries as well. I guess the CDC is not a valid source in your eyes.