Vendor representative credentialing

Why not?Hospitals have been working the manufacture system and their reps for years!!
Everytime I sold an instrument they always wanted a ton of freebees and busted my balls everyother week for this or that!THEN, when I supplied them with everything for 3 years and took care of their every need they turned around when they needed a new instrument and bought someone cheaper without even thinking of having any loyality to the present vendor.So Fu*k Them they want to have fee's then so can the vendors.Most of the hospitals can't buy sh*t anymore without at least a 3 year feasibility study!!

I've done the same exact thing. I'm charging my accounts loaner fees when they need a tray. It's all about working the system and until they stop charging me ridiculous credentialing fees I will continue to charge the loaners. Simple as that.

Another thing- when stuff breaks and the hospital begs for a loaner I am now charging them loaner fees where I once would have let them borrow it for free. AND I label it as a 'credentialing service recovery fee'. Don't like it? Cancel the case.
I can be clever too.

That's a great idea, hope it works for you. I can't pull that in my area or the hospital would call another company and throw me out as the doc's have 0 say and do what they are told.

What gets me is the hospital are paying these credentialing companies to do this!!! Why the hell would they do that?? All hospitals are broke right now, so why don't they dump these clowns and charge us $250/head to generate their own revenue?

Reptrax is B.S. A purchasing agent has banned me from entry into hospital because I will not provide proof of flu, diptheria, tetanus and a host of other shots, plus the other credentials they are requesting. I think a class action lawsuit is in order. They are discriminating against a subset of people entering the hospital! Do they require shots etc. as a patient visitor? Do they require same of patient? Charging us to do our jobs! They need to be stopped I don't appreciate being descriminated against, just trying to do my job.

Reptrax is B.S. A purchasing agent has banned me from entry into hospital because I will not provide proof of flu, diptheria, tetanus and a host of other shots, plus the other credentials they are requesting. I think a class action lawsuit is in order. They are discriminating against a subset of people entering the hospital! Do they require shots etc. as a patient visitor? Do they require same of patient? Charging us to do our jobs! They need to be stopped I don't appreciate being descriminated against, just trying to do my job.

maybe if you had those shots; you wouldn't be frothing at the mouth.....and give that discriminated spelling another shot when you get a minute.

Reptrax is B.S. A purchasing agent has banned me from entry into hospital because I will not provide proof of flu, diptheria, tetanus and a host of other shots, plus the other credentials they are requesting. I think a class action lawsuit is in order. They are discriminating against a subset of people entering the hospital! Do they require shots etc. as a patient visitor? Do they require same of patient? Charging us to do our jobs! They need to be stopped I don't appreciate being descriminated against, just trying to do my job.

They are using this as a smokescreen to keep reps out of the hospital, which they have been trying to do for years.

I am an independent distributor of several spine and ortho devices.

I believe the whole "pay to play" vendor credentialing scam has gotten out of hand.

I have a very novel solution and could change the landscape of how the entire process is handled. I am looking for early adopters.

It addresses many of the problems vendor credentialing falsely purport to solve. They have provided a way for hospital to pass the buck, and charge an arm and a leg to do it.

My idea has already gotten the thumbs up form one surgeon practice and they are willing to start a pilot program.

it could actually become the basis for creating more profits for the vendor.

If you have and interest, I would like to start a movement. Please give me your thoughts and I will forward you an NDA if you have more interest once we have communicated.

Has anybody been hit up for this bullshit yet?
My account wanted me to pay $250.00 a year for this crap on "rep tracks" to get a fucking badge.


I agree completely... this is Bullshit!! I've been doing field service for 20 years in Hospitals and surgery centers... now I'm being asked to pay for the privelage? I'm not having to do this yet... as most of my customers know me and I don't need a friggin' badge, but new business requires it and it's pissin' me off...

this is nothing more than a tax...a tax to go to work...

and in return for my tax I get absolutely nothing...why I'm not even represented...

Its basically as unamerican as you can get...taxation without representation....

we went to war over this crap 240 years ago.......just saying

Anyway around these vendor credentialling sites? Vendormate wasn't so bad, but it seems like reptrax is asking for an arm and a leg, plus my firstborn. Hepatitis shots, chicken pox, Diploma, criminal background check...I mean Sh*t, is it that serious just to be in the OR? Who hasnt had chicken pox or at least the vaccination? I've read that some reps just walk right in. Is it really that simple, or are they serious about this and have watch dogs that make sure you sign in? I find this utterly ridiculous that there isn't one unified system and you have to shell out $150+ for each vendor. Ri-damn-diculous

Anyway around these vendor credentialling sites? Vendormate wasn't so bad, but it seems like reptrax is asking for an arm and a leg, plus my firstborn. Hepatitis shots, chicken pox, Diploma, criminal background check...I mean Sh*t, is it that serious just to be in the OR? Who hasnt had chicken pox or at least the vaccination? I've read that some reps just walk right in. Is it really that simple, or are they serious about this and have watch dogs that make sure you sign in? I find this utterly ridiculous that there isn't one unified system and you have to shell out $150+ for each vendor. Ri-damn-diculous

than go find A-noth-er job douchebage. I find it utterly ridiculous that you are bitching about $150 when your in an industry when 100k + is the norm. You obviously are not in the industry and my opinion is that if you just got hired you probably won't last long. The bitching has already begun and you haven't even seen 1 percent of what's coming. Vendor programs should be the LEAST of your concerns... you have tougher roads ahead.... godspeed, your gonna need it.

Anyway around these vendor credentialling sites? Vendormate wasn't so bad, but it seems like reptrax is asking for an arm and a leg, plus my firstborn. Hepatitis shots, chicken pox, Diploma, criminal background check...I mean Sh*t, is it that serious just to be in the OR? Who hasnt had chicken pox or at least the vaccination? I've read that some reps just walk right in. Is it really that simple, or are they serious about this and have watch dogs that make sure you sign in? I find this utterly ridiculous that there isn't one unified system and you have to shell out $150+ for each vendor. Ri-damn-diculous

Unless you're an independent, you should be able to expense anything related to gaining hospital access, right? Even if you are an independent, it's a write-off. Don't get me wrong - I hate everything about jumping through these hoops, but the cost of doing it matters not.

Yea, Im an independent through a distributor and they should take care of it. But the amount of things reptrax requires compared to vendormate is almost an atrocity. Maybe the hospital that i used vendormate with doesnt require all that stuff compared to reptrax as a whole. Vendormate only asked for HIPPAA and the TB test, and maybe the bloodborne pathogen test or OR test. Reptrax is at least 10 items. So damn tedious

I'm interviewing for a sales position and I know I have to go through credentialing. I do have a felony on my record. Would this prevent me from selling in the hospitals or entering the OR? Has anyone had success working in this environment with a felony record?

Thats the reason medical device companies won't hire you pharma douchebags. Vendor credentialing companies have been around for awhile and you are just now blogging about it. WTF!

Pharma is the reason these sites exist. Two drug reps put on scrubs and tried to "catch" their doctor in the OR....and vendor credentialing companies have not been around that long, been in the industry for 15 years and can't stand dealing with this stupid shit. Our companies drug test, train, do background checks, why are we all paying these sites $250 to be glorified filing systems? I also don't like having all my personal information on the site. It's not necessary. Love to start a petition to get this crap out of the hospitals

I'm interviewing for a sales position and I know I have to go through credentialing. I do have a felony on my record. Would this prevent me from selling in the hospitals or entering the OR? Has anyone had success working in this environment with a felony record?

Sadly, all hiring Companies do background checks, vendor sites just accept what your company approves, and I've not heard of anyone with a felony in device, and not sure on pharma side.

More and more hospitals and facilities are resorting to this type of "arrangement". I know Vanderbilt charges $100 for each and every rep for the priveledge to sell there. Think of every single rep in every single med device and pharma company and I am sure this is adding a nice chunk of annual revenue to the hospital.

What can you do? Just suck it up and pay it. Most of us can expense it to our company and move along. The one benefit to this is that they do keep you up to date by letting you know when you need to update your Healthstream records or if it i time to get another shot.

If you try and bully them, the hospitals will simply tell you to go away until you pay.