Vendor representative credentialing

I am in hospital administration and will offer my $0.02...

1. The hospitals recive no revenue from vendor credentialing services.
2. The Joint Commission standards posted above are just the start... if TJC does a tracer analysis on a patient and comes across anything vendor related they will want to see all of those credentials you provide. These systems provide a quick and easy way to pull up the information they want to see. A hospitlas accreditation could be hanging in the balance.
3. You have no right to be anywhere near a patient unless you are providing a service or product that the hospital or patient care team has requested. Family and visitors do have a right to be with the patient, unless they failto follow hospital policies. If they don't they area asked to leave. That is the huge distinction between you and family/visiors you all are failing to miss.

If vendor reps did not feel they have a right to run unchecked through a hospital (which you all obviously do), this would not be an issue.

Just some things to think about...

I don't have a problem with most of the concerns that you are delineating. Having the necessary vaccinations, background checks, HIPPA certifications, etc. are tolerable. It is the profit that these 3rd part credentialing services are making on the millions of dollars paid by manufacturers and medical device representatives to them by just going into a healthcare facility and present technology to hospital staff employees. That is just unjustifiable extortion.

As an independent rep/distributor with a multiple state territory I find these credentialing programs to be cohersive. I have no choice now but to pay the $250 vendormate, $200 reptrax and so on per hospital. Fortunatly for me, Mr. Admin, I have proprietary devices and DO NOT discount for ANY hospitals who require me to purchase VCS programs. One hospital I work with in Pennsylvania requires the surgical coordinator to call and confirm with OR that rep is coming in, then rep must make a request online @VCS when granted, all followed by an email to the OR Manager so she can put you on the schedule. Needless to say that system is just about bureaucratic.

At the specific request of many leading medical device and pharmaceutical companies, IntelliCentrics, Inc. has consolidated the vendor credentialing industry. Reptrax is THE industry standard with approximately 3,000 installed facilities. The premium membership is a rep’s passport to all Reptrax facilities at a single price.

The price for the Reptrax premium membership has been $150 for the past four years. During this time, IntelliCentrics has consolidated three services while improving security, efficiencies, and productivity for all customers. To reflect these enhancements, effective Feb. 1, 2012, IntelliCentrics is adjusting the price of the premium membership to $229. As always, reps with base memberships will continue to enjoy the same service at no charge.

Offer for February Reptrax Anniversary Dates

For all registered reps whose anniversary dates are in February, IntelliCentrics is offering the previous price of $150 provided that the membership is renewed by Feb. 15. If you choose not to renew your membership by Feb. 15, you can do so at any time in the future for the new price of $229. Click here to log into your Reptrax account and renew.

Serving you every day,

The Reptrax Team
An IntelliCentrics, Inc. Company Service

At the specific request of many leading medical device and pharmaceutical companies, IntelliCentrics, Inc. has consolidated the vendor credentialing industry. Reptrax is THE industry standard with approximately 3,000 installed facilities. The premium membership is a rep’s passport to all Reptrax facilities at a single price.

The price for the Reptrax premium membership has been $150 for the past four years. During this time, IntelliCentrics has consolidated three services while improving security, efficiencies, and productivity for all customers. To reflect these enhancements, effective Feb. 1, 2012, IntelliCentrics is adjusting the price of the premium membership to $229. As always, reps with base memberships will continue to enjoy the same service at no charge.

Offer for February Reptrax Anniversary Dates

For all registered reps whose anniversary dates are in February, IntelliCentrics is offering the previous price of $150 provided that the membership is renewed by Feb. 15. If you choose not to renew your membership by Feb. 15, you can do so at any time in the future for the new price of $229. Click here to log into your Reptrax account and renew.

Serving you every day,

The Reptrax Team
An IntelliCentrics, Inc. Company Service

This is what happens when have mergers and aquisitions.

This is all one big scam! Many Rep territories have many of these ..all wanting their individual "pay off" so Rep has the honor of getting into his Hospitals! So companies pay hundreds each year. Really kills the Independent Reps who pay out of pocket. Also some of their $60-$120 per course need to be repeated every year! Really?
There should be Only One National Credentialing agency if there even really needs to be any at all

But I guess if The Socialist is re elected we will have more to worry about than the above, he may put us all out of a job as he is ruining our industry

I love the immunization crap for general access...Like I didn't get a measles shot when I was born. I hope they check the doctors' immunization records, after all I was not born in a third world country.

What a joke!! Infringement on one's personal health choices and a royal pain to boot!! It makes me sick!!

Some of my accounts want varicella/chicken pox proof of immunization or history of chicken pox. How did you guys get this? My pediatrician doesn't have my early records.

I am currently encountering all of this BS!! I received shots 30+ years ago and have NO documentation stating that I have had them! I had no choice but to get vaccinated and I am not happy about it one iota! And to boot, needed to show proof of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, as well as chicken pox! There is no proof without a blood serum titer analysis. Needless to say I underwent these lab tests only to find out that I was immunized for 3 of the 4 diseases (all but the mumps, which I know am already immunized for), as my mumps titer came back equivocal (neither positive or negative). So, now I have to wait 2 weeks to have it re-tested or go receive the mumps vaccine ASAP or I'm not permitted in the OR! The frustration and expense are quickly increasing by the day and I would have to say that my body and immune system belong to me, not big brother and bureaucratic nut jobs seeking reign!!

I am currently encountering all of this BS!! I received shots 30+ years ago and have NO documentation stating that I have had them! I had no choice but to get vaccinated and I am not happy about it one iota! And to boot, needed to show proof of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, as well as chicken pox! There is no proof without a blood serum titer analysis. Needless to say I underwent these lab tests only to find out that I was immunized for 3 of the 4 diseases (all but the mumps, which I know am already immunized for), as my mumps titer came back equivocal (neither positive or negative). So, now I have to wait 2 weeks to have it re-tested or go receive the mumps vaccine ASAP or I'm not permitted in the OR! The frustration and expense are quickly increasing by the day and I would have to say that my body and immune system belong to me, not big brother and bureaucratic nut jobs seeking reign!!

What about the thousands of other people who walk thru their doors everyday? Why single out a small minority? It's all about control and making every effort to keep salespeople out of the hospital. Nonsensical BS at its finest.

What about the thousands of other people who walk thru their doors everyday? Why single out a small minority? It's all about control and making every effort to keep salespeople out of the hospital. Nonsensical BS at its finest.

I couldn't agree more. I'm so frustrated by this bull shit vaccine crap. Do the visitors going to the ICU have their vaccines? What about all the couriers delivering shit? Really fed up with this crap. The flu vaccine is almost as big of a scam as Reptrax and Vendormate are. Fuck these agencies and the hospitals who buy into this shit. Out.

When a person gives up their hard earned cash, there is usually something they receive in return. If you get a shot and the doctor charges you, a person received something even though they really didn't want it. Clearly it was forced on them by Reptrax.
If Reptrax charges a fee, the person is not receiving anything. If this were a tax, at least a person would still receive some type of service (better roads, water service, etc.). The hospital receives the service of knowing our whereabouts. The hospital should pay the full expense. The hospital forces vendors to join GPOs which also drives prices up. Everyone charges the hospital the extra 2% for this "pay to play". Small wonder why hospitals are going bankrupt.

I mean REALLY? A 5 day hospital stay for uncomplicated IV fluid administration w/ no monitoring in a semi-private room runs $30,000 with a CT, VQ and EKG.....

Insurance premium for a High Deductible run of the mill POS for Employee and Spouse in a large group health plan running $1,100 and this is where you stake your line in the soil? RepTrax and vendor credentialing fee assessments..... Seems totally acceptable to charge folks for shit until the shoe is too snug for your fat commission bloated feet....

What a sad, sad or GTFO of the industry..ask half the trick drivers that carry your special cargo the fees they have to pay out of pocket to deliver your precious cargo to a distribution center...they make a 1/3 of what you make...doing 4 x the work.... amazing.....

I am sure if you could expense your tissues and diapers for all your baby crying your doing, you would....

I mean REALLY? A 5 day hospital stay for uncomplicated IV fluid administration w/ no monitoring in a semi-private room runs $30,000 with a CT, VQ and EKG.....

Insurance premium for a High Deductible run of the mill POS for Employee and Spouse in a large group health plan running $1,100 and this is where you stake your line in the soil? RepTrax and vendor credentialing fee assessments..... Seems totally acceptable to charge folks for shit until the shoe is too snug for your fat commission bloated feet....

What a sad, sad or GTFO of the industry..ask half the trick drivers that carry your special cargo the fees they have to pay out of pocket to deliver your precious cargo to a distribution center...they make a 1/3 of what you make...doing 4 x the work.... amazing.....

I am sure if you could expense your tissues and diapers for all your baby crying your doing, you would....

Self explanatory!! If you can't figure it out, get out of the PROFIT making business.$200000-for-same-procedure-government-report-reveals/

What about the thousands of other people who walk thru their doors everyday? Why single out a small minority? It's all about control and making every effort to keep salespeople out of the hospital. Nonsensical BS at its finest.

Yup, this credentialing is nothing more than a forced tax these companies can get away with. They provide nothing except for themselves. I love the " it's about patient safety and privacy" bs. Meanwhile, if we don't sign the latest parking policy we are not allowed in, while someone with malaria can walk right in the front door and wander through the entire hospital, walk into patient rooms, and cough, hack and spit on everyone they see. This credentialing is total bs.

Yup, this credentialing is nothing more than a forced tax these companies can get away with. They provide nothing except for themselves. I love the " it's about patient safety and privacy" bs. Meanwhile, if we don't sign the latest parking policy we are not allowed in, while someone with malaria can walk right in the front door and wander through the entire hospital, walk into patient rooms, and cough, hack and spit on everyone they see. This credentialing is total bs.

My entire career has been in the OR until the past year and a half, and I'm now selling healthcare IT/EMR. The only people I'm talking to are hospital execs, and yet I am still required to adhere to the same BS vendor credentialing policies. I'm going nowhere near the OR, patients, exam rooms, etc. And just like always, there is no standardization across accounts regarding what credentialing company they use. So I pay a couple hundred bucks to get into this account each year, a few hundred more for this account, etc. I have long speculated that accounts must get some kind of kickback from the credentialing companies for forcing vendors to sign up; I wouldn't doubt if Materials and Purchasing people have their bonuses tied to compliance too. Does anyone know if the kickbacks idea is true? That would explain a lot. If so, that's probably how they compete against each other - by negotiating kickback rates. And I absolutely hate how RepTrax requires you to add every account to your profile in advance... so, if I show up to a new account a couple of states over for an appointment but haven't added that account to my profile (b/c I didn't know they were a RepTrax facility), then I'm hosed. The whole thing is such a snow job. The comment about acknowledging "parking policy" having nothing to do with "patient safety" is so true and so telling about out of control egos and bureaucracy. What a bunch of crap.

The problem is that all the vendors can't agree to boycott this nonsense. There are a whole bunch of us in my area that would like to band together and tell the hospitals to pound sand and not go to cases for a week. See how they like their hospitals shutting down because they can't do any case without a rep. Here's the problem, the low lying idiot companies will step right in and go, "oh, oh, use my crappy product because I complied with credentialing". Don't forget, it's also time to get your mandatory flu shot.

The problem is that all the vendors can't agree to boycott this nonsense. There are a whole bunch of us in my area that would like to band together and tell the hospitals to pound sand and not go to cases for a week. See how they like their hospitals shutting down because they can't do any case without a rep. Here's the problem, the low lying idiot companies will step right in and go, "oh, oh, use my crappy product because I complied with credentialing". Don't forget, it's also time to get your mandatory flu shot.

-r u serious....hospitals shutting down....can't do a procedure without you there...give me a break! There are maybe 3 specialties that benefit from a rep being in the're arrogance is disgusting.

Vender credentialing is legalized extortion. There has not been ONE SINGLE TIME where I've gone into a hospital and a DOCTOR asks me if I have signed into VCS/Vendormate/Reptrax. It's always the hospital staff that is brainwashed by materials management who gets brainwashed by the vendor credentialing companies. What's funny is the few times the hospital staff gives me shit about not signing in, I just say, "Ok, then you can tell the surgeon that he can't have his instruments and implants because I was not allowed in the OR." Every single time they cave...what does that say about the importance of vendor credentialing???