Quick story for you guys....Status Blue, yet another vendor compliance firm, runs the show in my territory. I recently changed company representation, and logged onto my account to change my profile information, upload new and current files, etc....
To my dismay, Status Blue 'locks' you out, so to speak, from updating this information. In my desire to be a respectful and upstanding individual in the eyes of the almighty compliance gods, I contacted Customer Support asking if they could kindly update this information for me, and I will handle the file upload portion on my end.
In an expression of gratitude unmatched this Christmas season, my information was deleted, my account deactivated, and a request sent to my e-mail to pay AGAIN to sign back up and enter new representation information. This, after having renewed just four months ago. Per Customer Support explanation, once you change companies, you are OUT of the system, and must sign up again with new credentials/information.
As you can imagine, I'm quite ecstatic as to redo/restart this entire fucking process.
Quite simply, this entire premise has gone completely awry. Specific rules must be put in place....one company, one compliance formula....