Vendor representative credentialing

Some of my accounts want varicella/chicken pox proof of immunization or history of chicken pox. How did you guys get this? My pediatrician doesn't have my early records.

I am not giving out my social security number!

Which credentialing company/hospital makes you do that? That's got to be a privacy violation in some states.

The few I've signed up for (all were Vendormate, I think, b/c they all looked the same, if I recall), just asked for my company's Tax #, not my SSN.

Vendor Clear does it for some accounts if they request it. I got into an argument with materials about it since I don't work in OR/Cath. They went from Measles/mumps and TB to including Varicella. It seems unreasonable since it is a difficult thing to document.

The ones that are crying here are the ones that have put all of us good reps in this situation. If you didn't fight the hospitals vendor programs alll these years, like you are doing now, these credentialing companies would not be around. I like my VCS passport badge - I paid 1 time, submitted my credentials 1 time and now I can go to 20 hospitals in my territory. This is far better than waiting for my hospitals to begin their own thing and charge me and have me submit my docs over and over again. I just hope every hospital joins their thing so I can go everywhere and swipe in with my badge.

First off, if reptrax or anyone of these companies found a problem with my background record and prevented me from doing my job - I would hire a VERY good lawyer. Secondly, I know several device reps that are making big money that don't have a college degree. Will this be a problem? We'll see. To prevent this reptrax BS, some of us reps in the same territory need to step up to it and fight it TOGETHER. Imagine if all the total joint company reps refused to do reptrax in a city. What are the hospitals going to do, not allow them in the OR. Please, I would LOVE to see the surgeons go ballistic over that one.

If your baby was having surgery, or you just had a baby and it was away in the nursery, would you want a rep that was a sex offender or criminal (theft) roaming around in the department? Neither does the hospital. As reps, we have cart blanche access. So easy to be talking to the neonatal nurse about catheters and then when she elaves for a sec scoop a baby/drugs/wallet/purse. Access to the docs lounge? Of course we do. Snatch away if I have your criminal record. So I am guessing that this is why they ask for this background check.

The ones that are crying here are the ones that have put all of us good reps in this situation. If you didn't fight the hospitals vendor programs alll these years, like you are doing now, these credentialing companies would not be around. I like my VCS passport badge - I paid 1 time, submitted my credentials 1 time and now I can go to 20 hospitals in my territory. This is far better than waiting for my hospitals to begin their own thing and charge me and have me submit my docs over and over again. I just hope every hospital joins their thing so I can go everywhere and swipe in with my badge.

I call shenanigans on you. You are clearly working for VCS.

1.) No matter whether these programs are a good idea or not, no one can be as excited as you.

2.) VCS is one of the bottom-tier companies. There ain't no way your "territory" has 20 hospitals with them, unless they're all the same system.

First off, if reptrax or anyone of these companies found a problem with my background record and prevented me from doing my job - I would hire a VERY good lawyer. Secondly, I know several device reps that are making big money that don't have a college degree. Will this be a problem? We'll see. To prevent this reptrax BS, some of us reps in the same territory need to step up to it and fight it TOGETHER. Imagine if all the total joint company reps refused to do reptrax in a city. What are the hospitals going to do, not allow them in the OR. Please, I would LOVE to see the surgeons go ballistic over that one.

Ha Holy shit, please please do this asshole. Your surgeons will do nothing except get on the phone with materials and have them contact the company and get somebody in there to cover the case that put up the $100 bucks and expensed it like a normal human being. better yet i hope your surgeons realize how fucking greedy you are and throw you the fuck out. your surgeons will not fight for you, consulting agreement be damned.

I am sigend up with 4 which are Reptrax, VCS, Vendormate and Vendorclear. I am in Texas and VCS does have about 20 hospitals I can go to. The others have just a couple. Paying a fee to these is better than every hospital. I also pay Herman and HCA TX $200 each to go to 3 places. Who is next? And at every Vendormate hospital. Pick your poison. Pay a couple companies or every hospital eventually. Like I have a choice as a vendor. Pay to play or don't get commission dollars. I did get a call from the OR at one hospital looking for my Servicde so it is working i suppose.

I call shenanigans on you. You are clearly working for VCS.

1.) No matter whether these programs are a good idea or not, no one can be as excited as you.

2.) VCS is one of the bottom-tier companies. There ain't no way your "territory" has 20 hospitals with them, unless they're all the same system.

I agree (rep NY). I have onlyrun into Vendormate and Reptrax some of these other companies are just trying to lap up the spilled milk. VCS just incorprated last year.

I am sigend up with 4 which are Reptrax, VCS, Vendormate and Vendorclear. I am in Texas and VCS does have about 20 hospitals I can go to. The others have just a couple. Paying a fee to these is better than every hospital. I also pay Herman and HCA TX $200 each to go to 3 places. Who is next? And at every Vendormate hospital. Pick your poison. Pay a couple companies or every hospital eventually. Like I have a choice as a vendor. Pay to play or don't get commission dollars. I did get a call from the OR at one hospital looking for my Servicde so it is working i suppose.

Regulatory agencies screw the hospital and it flows down hill.

I deal with this bullshit everyday. Pay up, track down all my credentials, finally have them loaded in the sysytem, log in each time I come in for a case - complete waste of time. i just wish I was the one that pitched this "credentialing" idea in my area. You just know it's some ex-sales-rep thinking outside the box. Shit, every hospital in my territory has its reps go through this process!

You're dead on. He is an ex med device rep!

The ones that are crying here are the ones that have put all of us good reps in this situation. If you didn't fight the hospitals vendor programs alll these years, like you are doing now, these credentialing companies would not be around. I like my VCS passport badge - I paid 1 time, submitted my credentials 1 time and now I can go to 20 hospitals in my territory. This is far better than waiting for my hospitals to begin their own thing and charge me and have me submit my docs over and over again. I just hope every hospital joins their thing so I can go everywhere and swipe in with my badge.

One thing you forgot stupid is WHO has your personal info now? When the company sells or goes under who is going to get your info then, now that its out there for everyone to see

I am not giving out my social security number!
There is a company out there that will also gather all of the info needed for each one of these VC companies (Reptrax, Vendormate, vendor Clear, Status Blue) and keep your records so that your company doesn't have to pay someone a salary and benefits to keep track.

See? I can put up a fake name too (Jeremy Franz)

I understand hospitals wanting to verify that reps are bonafide but I don't understand charging for this crap. If a hospital wants me to take a test to prove I'm not an idiot then why don't THEY provide it? Why do I have to pay some third party company I've never heard of to prove my "credentials"? Well, there was probably some rep (just like us) for "reptrax" or whatever other companies that sold the idea to the hospitals and someone in admin who probably hasn't had any patient contact in 25 years decided to make all reps jump through major hoops. And who actually profits from this? I don't understand the expense part. I mean, why should I have to PAY company "A" to come in to hospital "B" so I can show the scrub tech how to throw a nail down a femur?
I'm not upset about having to certify myself at all. I applaud hospitals that want to make sure everyone coming in is certified to be there. If their patients benefit then who am I to complain? And it's not a matter of "greed" at all (everyone here knows they can expense it). I am sure everyone can afford it. This is a matter of principle.
I have had all my shots and vaccinations and can provide this info. I need to prove I am who I say I am-- I can upload my picture. I need to sign in everyday, of course I will. Want my contact info? Here is my business card (even personal address). Whatever. My company has liability insurance for me and I can provide that too. I am AORN certified on all OR protocols. I GET IT!! My problem is that I have to pay some third party in order to upload this crap-- and pay again to take THEIR tests, and pay AGAIN beause a different hospital required DIFFERENT tests. Bull Crap!!! Where does it end?
I mean, what's next? Will they have some metal analysis test on my implants before I can leave them on the shelf? And I have to pay another third party for that analysis?

Has anybody been hit up for this bullshit yet?
My account wanted me to pay $250.00 a year for this crap on "rep tracks" to get a fucking badge.


If the guy that started this ever runs into me in a dark alley.....
I sincerely wish him to be devoured alive by wild dogs feet first.....Reptrax is the biggest PITA my company deals with today.....and PS we will be finding a way to pass this cost on to the douche bag hospitals that subscribe to it!

If the guy that started this ever runs into me in a dark alley.....
I sincerely wish him to be devoured alive by wild dogs feet first.....Reptrax is the biggest PITA my company deals with today.....and PS we will be finding a way to pass this cost on to the douche bag hospitals that subscribe to it!

Have you run into Vendormate? How do they compare?