Vendor representative credentialing

until someone gets or has already had enough from these guys they will just keep piling on the shit to justify their existence.

Now if you really wanted to do something, hire a law firm to get into these "services" shit and check their HIPPA compliance with our personal medical records. Even better would be to somehow prove that a hospital is being reimbursed by a credentialing service, (which I think could be questionable and possibly an illegal practice).

Think how many hours you've had to research your records, stay on the phone with a ten dollar an hours person to justify you deserve to be in the OR. How many cases you've missed or had to beg to be in the hospital.
Think of the size of the class action with all the pissed off, inconvenienced representatives decided just to fuck with them. Untill we punch this bully in the nose they will keep coming and you know your company really doesn't give a shit.

Until someone gets or has already had enough from these guys they will just keep piling on the shit to justify their existence.

Now if you really wanted to do something, hire a law firm to get into these "services" shit and check their HIPPA compliance with our personal medical records. Even better would be to somehow prove that a hospital is being reimbursed by a credentialing service, (which I think could be questionable and possibly an illegal practice).

Think how many hours you've had to research your records, stay on the phone with a ten dollar an hours person to justify you deserve to be in the OR. How many cases you've missed or had to beg to be in the hospital.
Think of the size of the class action with all the pissed off, inconvenienced representatives decided just to fuck with them.
Until we punch this bully in the nose they will keep coming

its liability. SHUT UP STOP COMPLAINING > YOU ARE A PEDDLER < YOU ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT> I have been on the OR since the late 80's , things will always change .Either embrace it or get out .

-r u serious....hospitals shutting down....can't do a procedure without you there...give me a break! There are maybe 3 specialties that benefit from a rep being in the're arrogance is disgusting.

Wrong!! And yes, I'm really arrogant. You must be that nurse that can't even get a needle count right because you are constantly on your phone and leave the room every 4 minutes to find something.

Wrong!! And yes, I'm really arrogant. You must be that nurse that can't even get a needle count right because you are constantly on your phone and leave the room every 4 minutes to find something.

I have to agree here. Paid by the hour help -VS- paid by performance are two different worlds. If you can't identify the difference you must have not been a performance based pay person.
Slavery is not dead in The good old USA. Consider minimum wages vs what it would cost an to house, feed, clothe and provide adequate medical attention????

Yes, I believe slavery is alive and well in The USA.

This guy claiming his importance is a fucking idiot. I have been a rep for 10 years now (spine and endovascular) and think the credentialing is fair and easy. Is it annoying...yes. a few smart reps saw an opportunity and exposed it. To think you actually matter so much to an OR is a joke. You are a SALES rep, not a surgeon, PA, RNFA nor even a tech. Soon we will have very limited access in the OR and things will be just fine...

Some facts/differences that have been omitted in these post about the relevancy of a rep in the OR an there role they play with the surgeon vs OR hospital staff. Here are some I can come up with:
1. Which scrub tech or nurse is going to take the doctor out to dinner latter and spend $350.00 or more telling the doc how wonderful they are?

2. Which scrub/nurse is going to take time away from their family on the weekend to go to an expensive car auction and entertain the doctor out of their own pocket?

3. Which scrub/nurse is going to accept blame for Hopsital admins BS policies that cause lengthy OR wait times due to missing equipment and implants.

4. Which scrub/nurse is going to go to Fed-Ex on their own time to pick up and deliver supplies without pay when hospital admin spoofs?

5. Which scrub/nurse is going to volunteer their off duty time to set up and deliver multiple pans of instruments and implants to the Hopsital the days before a case and then set through the case for hours to have their implants never implanted? With no pay ?

6. Which scrub/nurse is volunteering to go by the docs office after hours to look at x-rays of a hip stem so they can tell the surgeon which hip stim companies it is for free?

7. Which scrub/nurse wants to marry the surgeon for all of his/her money and quit their job?

Really too many freebies that a doctor and hospital get to mention in a post. I would love to NEVER STEP INTO AN OR AGAIN and only sell this stuff and go home and turn my phone off.

Some facts/differences that have been omitted in these post about the relevancy of a rep in the OR an there role they play with the surgeon vs OR hospital staff. Here are some I can come up with:
1. Which scrub tech or nurse is going to take the doctor out to dinner latter and spend $350.00 or more telling the doc how wonderful they are?

2. Which scrub/nurse is going to take time away from their family on the weekend to go to an expensive car auction and entertain the doctor out of their own pocket?

3. Which scrub/nurse is going to accept blame for Hopsital admins BS policies that cause lengthy OR wait times due to missing equipment and implants.

4. Which scrub/nurse is going to go to Fed-Ex on their own time to pick up and deliver supplies without pay when hospital admin spoofs?

5. Which scrub/nurse is going to volunteer their off duty time to set up and deliver multiple pans of instruments and implants to the Hopsital the days before a case and then set through the case for hours to have their implants never implanted? With no pay ?

6. Which scrub/nurse is volunteering to go by the docs office after hours to look at x-rays of a hip stem so they can tell the surgeon which hip stim companies it is for free?

7. Which scrub/nurse wants to marry the surgeon for all of his/her money and quit their job?

Really too many freebies that a doctor and hospital get to mention in a post. I would love to NEVER STEP INTO AN OR AGAIN and only sell this stuff and go home and turn my phone off.

You should crosspost this in the S&N and Wright Medical forums. These points are exactly what will bring down Syncera. An alarmingly high number of hospital execs and even surgeons have absolutely no idea what happens between when a case is scheduled and when it occurs. I work for a distributor, and docs/hospitals seem to think that giving me 2 days notice for a revision is no problem, because they aren't the ones who have to track down instruments and implants...sometimes driving 5 hours one way to get them.
I know this is off topic from vendor credentialling, but your post had so many valid points that I needed to respond

This guy claiming his importance is a fucking idiot. I have been a rep for 10 years now (spine and endovascular) and think the credentialing is fair and easy. Is it annoying...yes. a few smart reps saw an opportunity and exposed it. To think you actually matter so much to an OR is a joke. You are a SALES rep, not a surgeon, PA, RNFA nor even a tech. Soon we will have very limited access in the OR and things will be just fine...

Fair and easy? You sound like a dipshit materials manager that is thankful a third party does a lot of your job for you, so you can hide all day and sneak out back and smoke. Now get back to work and contribute by revising a parking policy.

Can anybody tell me why the Zoll lifevest PSR (people who fit the patients in the hospital) are not Credentialed? They are PRN but Zoll pays them to go and educate and fit the patient with the device. ANYBODY?

Gambro Healthcare Agrees to Pay More Than $500 Million in Medicare Fraud Case

The relator in the case received more than $45 million for helping the government to uncover allegations that Gambro Healthcare:

Anybody want money??? Zoll "strategic PSR" break this first rule. They pay the RN that are employed by the hospital that work in PCU, ICU and telemetry ( areas that have patients with EF of 35% or less and MI or NICM, Dilated LV) to look at the charts and identify the patients that meet criteria for life vest and pay $160 to fit them with the Life vest.

Two things on the credentialing crap: I spoke to a head nurse today who told me they got "dinged" by JCAOH (spelling?) for not having a system in place. Then it should be standardized, maybe by the government? Another thing I recently have seen is a program by Owens and Minor that makes reps input implants used in a case into a system to get a PO. So, now we are order entry people, and it's one less thng for materials management or purchasing to do. Brilliant idea, but they will just keep finding ways to put more respnsibility on the reps and get it for free. Wait 5 years when the only reps will be stryker meatheads making 50 a year and not able to tell anterior from posterior on a patient. Then staff will wonder what happened to all the good reps they used to work with years ago.

Off my soapbox now. I feel better that I got that off my chest.

Two things on the credentialing crap: I spoke to a head nurse today who told me they got "dinged" by JCAOH (spelling?) for not having a system in place. Then it should be standardized, maybe by the government? Another thing I recently have seen is a program by Owens and Minor that makes reps input implants used in a case into a system to get a PO. So, now we are order entry people, and it's one less thng for materials management or purchasing to do. Brilliant idea, but they will just keep finding ways to put more respnsibility on the reps and get it for free. Wait 5 years when the only reps will be stryker meatheads making 50 a year and not able to tell anterior from posterior on a patient. Then staff will wonder what happened to all the good reps they used to work with years ago.

Off my soapbox now. I feel better that I got that off my chest.

So it's a JACHO violation if a hospital dos not have all vendors credentialed? I know a company that knowingly does NOT tell or credential there "PRN" people that put the product on the patient in the hospital and then pay them. Is this a JACHO violation?

Having been on the administrative side of the hospital, I know the reps that are in the OR and patient care areas are looked at as employees as far as the insurance providers are concerned. Every respectable hospital has all their nurses and docs comply with vaccines and background checks so you have to comply also.

It is seen as a CYA procedure for the facility; if something happens they can say the credential agency didn't do their job, not them. The cost is what's BS, I don't see how they justify it but it is what it is.

I'm against any security measure that does not increase security, but only inconveniences the ones that are coming to provide a legitimate service to the hospital or the patients. If someone is coming to the hospital with malicious intent, it's not going to be one of the reps.

until someone gets or has already had enough from these guys they will just keep piling on the shit to justify their existence.

Now if you really wanted to do something, hire a law firm to get into these "services" shit and check their HIPPA compliance with our personal medical records. Even better would be to somehow prove that a hospital is being reimbursed by a credentialing service, (which I think could be questionable and possibly an illegal practice).

Think how many hours you've had to research your records, stay on the phone with a ten dollar an hours person to justify you deserve to be in the OR. How many cases you've missed or had to beg to be in the hospital.
Think of the size of the class action with all the pissed off, inconvenienced representatives decided just to fuck with them. Untill we punch this bully in the nose they will keep coming and you know your company really doesn't give a shit.

Can anybody tell me why the Zoll lifevest PSR (people who fit the patients in the hospital) are not Credentialed? They are PRN but Zoll pays them to go and educate and fit the patient with the device. ANYBODY?

I work for Zoll fitting patients for the vest and was HRS cert / Certified Cardiac Device Specialist as well as a Clinical Specialist among other things. 7 yrs in the pacing industry and 7 years as an EP RN- Where are you from that they are not credentialed ?

I don't have a problem with most of the concerns that you are delineating. Having the necessary vaccinations, background checks, HIPPA certifications, etc. are tolerable. It is the profit that these 3rd part credentialing services are making on the millions of dollars paid by manufacturers and medical device representatives to them by just going into a healthcare facility and present technology to hospital staff employees. That is just unjustifiable extortion.

Ummmm, where do you work? Is it HIPPA? Or HIPAA :) You should be ashamed

These vendor credentialing sites should be reported. First, no one tracks! Doctors have told me they don’t check these sites. This is a violation of privacy especially whenever asked for health related information. That is a violation of HIPAA. Asking for vaccine info or whatever they ask on phone or electronically violates privacy in so many ways and the database can be shared with is more violations! This is a money making scam in my opinion charging reps $200-$1000 or more per year to just enter a hospital with most machines not working to log in.