
Your job is to sell, regardless of what the formulary coverage is. Quit asking someone else to do your job for you. Lilly isn't willing to give this drug away so that you can cut out at 2pm every day and have the formulary drive usage. Go do your job and let the big boys worry about big business decisions.

!!!!Spoken like a Today's Man suit-wearin', scuffed up Bostonion wing tips havin' mid-level manager that hasn't convinced a doc to write one script in 15 years. You and your ilk have zero grip on today's reality, which is why the smart move is to cut dead weight (33% of you and your colleagues) and invest in some training for those that call on decision-makers in PBMs and influential payers.

Since you don't read tread mags, let us educate you: docs have dwindling influence on what gets prescribed. Payers and PBMs have never had a bigger and stronger pull than they have now.

So if telling us to close better and make more calls is the best you've got, then we don't need you. Our customers for DAMNED sure don't want you skulking around with us twice a month. They make fun of you more than WE do!

Trulicity patient here... tried the low dose
1st off the device is pretty cool but the thing stung like a wasp
I've used other diabetes inj meds and none have hurt like this
It's worse than a finger prick almost like a tetanus shot you may not see the needle coming but you sure feel was quite shocking to say the least
2nd off I have been sick to my stomach all day..had to stay home from work because of the nausea.. like I've said I've tried other 2x and 1x a day and no nausea like this caused and this is the lower dose.. Is the nausea what causes the weight loss cause I can tell you I probably won't be eating any time soon because of how sick to my stomach I am
So much for the first month free
I can't even tolerate the damn stuff

Your job is to sell, regardless of what the formulary coverage is. Quit asking someone else to do your job for you. Lilly isn't willing to give this drug away so that you can cut out at 2pm every day and have the formulary drive usage. Go do your job and let the big boys worry about big business decisions.

"Go do your job and let the big boys worry about big business decisions ."Because we all know the great business decisions the big boys are making...what a joke, the most clueless management in all of pharma!

!!!!Spoken like a Today's Man suit-wearin', scuffed up Bostonion wing tips havin' mid-level manager that hasn't convinced a doc to write one script in 15 years. You and your ilk have zero grip on today's reality, which is why the smart move is to cut dead weight (33% of you and your colleagues) and invest in some training for those that call on decision-makers in PBMs and influential payers.

Since you don't read tread mags, let us educate you: docs have dwindling influence on what gets prescribed. Payers and PBMs have never had a bigger and stronger pull than they have now.

So if telling us to close better and make more calls is the best you've got, then we don't need you. Our customers for DAMNED sure don't want you skulking around with us twice a month. They make fun of you more than WE do!

What you say above makes me think they should just cut all of us and go home. If you're what me and my fellow managers have created as our front line sales reps, then Lilly needs to just cut the whole damn thing and just invest all of our salaries into rebates for the PBMs and DTC advertising.

When did you become so impotent and pathetic in your job?

Trulicity patient here... tried the low dose
1st off the device is pretty cool but the thing stung like a wasp
I've used other diabetes inj meds and none have hurt like this
It's worse than a finger prick almost like a tetanus shot you may not see the needle coming but you sure feel was quite shocking to say the least
2nd off I have been sick to my stomach all day..had to stay home from work because of the nausea.. like I've said I've tried other 2x and 1x a day and no nausea like this caused and this is the lower dose.. Is the nausea what causes the weight loss cause I can tell you I probably won't be eating any time soon because of how sick to my stomach I am
So much for the first month free
I can't even tolerate the damn stuff

Keep posting novotroll. Keeps you away from selling.

What you say above makes me think they should just cut all of us and go home. If you're what me and my fellow managers have created as our front line sales reps, then Lilly needs to just cut the whole damn thing and just invest all of our salaries into rebates for the PBMs and DTC advertising.

When did you become so impotent and pathetic in your job?

A different rep here you don't get it managers like aren't in touch and have moronic thinking. Maybe when Lilly dumps you you'll wake up McFly.

Excuse me Texas reps don't suck, the doctors are just smarter in Texas and won't use second rate drugs.

Texas is the worst state I have ever worked in and I have worked in 5 states for Lilly. They ride off of Medicaid (on the border) and the imported DM's are all DH's and are hand picked by this one ex-athlete dude who sells real estate all day! And he picks their ENTIRE TEAMS! Many of whom SELL REAL ESTATE and he swears them to secrecy! Lilly corporate knows all of this. He hired one guy who was the brother of his BROKER/BANKER who got him all of his foreclosures! That dude NEVER worked. He managed the DMs properties and showed rental properties all day long with his DMs blessing. Then he QUIT (lol) and opened his own business and sells real estate full time (just like when he worked here). And made a killing in the AA lawsuit a few years ago. Makes you want to throw up.

It's like working in a sitcom. HR lets it all fly because all involved are DH's. One of his groupie DMs (all over 30 and pathetic) has had her whole team hand picked my him...none of them have experience or talent, all family friends or relatives). Now he is picking what DH reps on her team will make Ex Rep! And guess what? It happened!

When I say stay the hell away from this cesspool of a state I am dead serious. The stuff going on here would have never been allowed the last couple of years. This company is going down the toilet. This state is the most backward ass, laughing stock I have ever seen in my 17 years. Drs have zero respect for Lilly reps here.

A different rep here you don't get it managers like aren't in touch and have moronic thinking. Maybe when Lilly dumps you you'll wake up McFly.

I know. It's terrible to think sales reps should sell, isn't it? If you're not paid to sell, then what is it we pay you to do? Bitch and moan? Complain about everyone else?

Like I said, it's probably best Lilly just cuts bait and starts over from scratch. By the way, learn how to use punctuation sometime.

Texas is the worst state I have ever worked in and I have worked in 5 states for Lilly. They ride off of Medicaid (on the border) and the imported DM's are all DH's and are hand picked by this one ex-athlete dude who sells real estate all day! And he picks their ENTIRE TEAMS! Many of whom SELL REAL ESTATE and he swears them to secrecy! Lilly corporate knows all of this. He hired one guy who was the brother of his BROKER/BANKER who got him all of his foreclosures! That dude NEVER worked. He managed the DMs properties and showed rental properties all day long with his DMs blessing. Then he QUIT (lol) and opened his own business and sells real estate full time (just like when he worked here). And made a killing in the AA lawsuit a few years ago. Makes you want to throw up.

It's like working in a sitcom. HR lets it all fly because all involved are DH's. One of his groupie DMs (all over 30 and pathetic) has had her whole team hand picked my him...none of them have experience or talent, all family friends or relatives). Now he is picking what DH reps on her team will make Ex Rep! And guess what? It happened!

When I say stay the hell away from this cesspool of a state I am dead serious. The stuff going on here would have never been allowed the last couple of years. This company is going down the toilet. This state is the most backward ass, laughing stock I have ever seen in my 17 years. Drs have zero respect for Lilly reps here.

You must be new to Texas because that situation has been going on for 6+ years.

Texas is the worst state I have ever worked in and I have worked in 5 states for Lilly. They ride off of Medicaid (on the border) and the imported DM's are all DH's and are hand picked by this one ex-athlete dude who sells real estate all day! And he picks their ENTIRE TEAMS! Many of whom SELL REAL ESTATE and he swears them to secrecy! Lilly corporate knows all of this. He hired one guy who was the brother of his BROKER/BANKER who got him all of his foreclosures! That dude NEVER worked. He managed the DMs properties and showed rental properties all day long with his DMs blessing. Then he QUIT (lol) and opened his own business and sells real estate full time (just like when he worked here). And made a killing in the AA lawsuit a few years ago. Makes you want to throw up.

It's like working in a sitcom. HR lets it all fly because all involved are DH's. One of his groupie DMs (all over 30 and pathetic) has had her whole team hand picked my him...none of them have experience or talent, all family friends or relatives). Now he is picking what DH reps on her team will make Ex Rep! And guess what? It happened!

When I say stay the hell away from this cesspool of a state I am dead serious. The stuff going on here would have never been allowed the last couple of years. This company is going down the toilet. This state is the most backward ass, laughing stock I have ever seen in my 17 years. Drs have zero respect for Lilly reps here.

Gee, I wonder if you're the troll that's been blaming affirmative action for all of our company's ills?

Lilly will NEVER be the diabetes leader in 2020 until we negotiate to get on formularies! We've been selling Trulicity for 5 months! We should have been on more formularies by now! Also, I can't think of one Medicare Plan that Trulicity is on in our Area!! Come on Lilly, start kicking Novo's butt to get on formularies!!!! We've been downhill since 2004 and haven't been able to crawl our way out!! I've been approached by my Novo reps to fill an open position and I am considering it! Much better pay and bonuses, they pay for Internet, cell phone, and MUCH less is paid for monthly use of the company car!

You mean it is not on ALL the formularies with our crack managed health services team on the job?! Now there's a shocker!

You mean it is not on ALL the formularies with our crack managed health services team on the job?! Now there's a shocker!

Our MC/B2B reps are terrible. Don't return phone calls, lose almost every battle they go up against (unless we basically give our drugs away for free) and when you do get one to answer their phone on the golf course, picking their kids up from school or getting their nails done they almost always give you wrong information. Same old fogies have been doing those jobs forever and have no consequences for being terrible. Just another reason that Lilly is at rock bottom. Fresh people with new ideas need to replace these worn out retreads. But this is Lilly. That will never happen.

Are we back to this again? Learn to sell and quit waiting for the formulary to force usage of the product. If that's what it takes, then we don't need you.

If this were 10 years ago I would agree with you; however, since we became a 2nd rate pharma company that hasn't discovered/launched a 1st in class/best in class drug in a decade (we bought Cialis) docs have no reason to write 4th and 5th line drugs. Not when the other 3-4 have same/better efficacy and their patients can afford it.

Lilly's status as the premier diabetes company was lost years ago. Actos, Byetta etc... weren't even our own drugs. We are still riding off of our insulins that are 40 years old. Pretty pathetic but that's just reality at Lilly in 2015. If we don't have good coverage there is no reason to use our crappy products.

Texas is the worst state I have ever worked in and I have worked in 5 states for Lilly. They ride off of Medicaid (on the border) and the imported DM's are all DH's and are hand picked by this one ex-athlete dude who sells real estate all day! And he picks their ENTIRE TEAMS! Many of whom SELL REAL ESTATE and he swears them to secrecy! Lilly corporate knows all of this. He hired one guy who was the brother of his BROKER/BANKER who got him all of his foreclosures! That dude NEVER worked. He managed the DMs properties and showed rental properties all day long with his DMs blessing. Then he QUIT (lol) and opened his own business and sells real estate full time (just like when he worked here). And made a killing in the AA lawsuit a few years ago. Makes you want to throw up.

It's like working in a sitcom. HR lets it all fly because all involved are DH's. One of his groupie DMs (all over 30 and pathetic) has had her whole team hand picked my him...none of them have experience or talent, all family friends or relatives). Now he is picking what DH reps on her team will make Ex Rep! And guess what? It happened!

When I say stay the hell away from this cesspool of a state I am dead serious. The stuff going on here would have never been allowed the last couple of years. This company is going down the toilet. This state is the most backward ass, laughing stock I have ever seen in my 17 years. Drs have zero respect for Lilly reps here.

That is a major lawsuit in the making. It's coming and will be hysterical when it does.

If this were 10 years ago I would agree with you; however, since we became a 2nd rate pharma company that hasn't discovered/launched a 1st in class/best in class drug in a decade (we bought Cialis) docs have no reason to write 4th and 5th line drugs. Not when the other 3-4 have same/better efficacy and their patients can afford it.

Lilly's status as the premier diabetes company was lost years ago. Actos, Byetta etc... weren't even our own drugs. We are still riding off of our insulins that are 40 years old. Pretty pathetic but that's just reality at Lilly in 2015. If we don't have good coverage there is no reason to use our crappy products.

But, you can't give away the farm, which is what you have to do to get great coverage. Reps gotta sell. Period.

If you wanta play you gotta pay !

It's about profit, not prescription volume. Sometimes 5 Rx in a 3rd tier position is better than 50 in a 2nd tier, based on what you have to give away.

Look at what we've done with Humalog. We basically give it away to ESI, and have a 90%+ market share, but no increase in profit. Why bother?

It's about profit, not prescription volume. Sometimes 5 Rx in a 3rd tier position is better than 50 in a 2nd tier, based on what you have to give away.

Look at what we've done with Humalog. We basically give it away to ESI, and have a 90%+ market share, but no increase in profit. Why bother?

That's because Cardio reps sell it. Look at Effient. We have to give it away.