Your job is to sell, regardless of what the formulary coverage is. Quit asking someone else to do your job for you. Lilly isn't willing to give this drug away so that you can cut out at 2pm every day and have the formulary drive usage. Go do your job and let the big boys worry about big business decisions.
!!!!Spoken like a Today's Man suit-wearin', scuffed up Bostonion wing tips havin' mid-level manager that hasn't convinced a doc to write one script in 15 years. You and your ilk have zero grip on today's reality, which is why the smart move is to cut dead weight (33% of you and your colleagues) and invest in some training for those that call on decision-makers in PBMs and influential payers.
Since you don't read tread mags, let us educate you: docs have dwindling influence on what gets prescribed. Payers and PBMs have never had a bigger and stronger pull than they have now.
So if telling us to close better and make more calls is the best you've got, then we don't need you. Our customers for DAMNED sure don't want you skulking around with us twice a month. They make fun of you more than WE do!