Unfortunately there a many losers/whiners in the Lilly Diabetes Sales Organization.
We wouldn't be whining if we were selling Afreeza.
Come on John, why not cut a deal with Sanofi?
Unfortunately there a many losers/whiners in the Lilly Diabetes Sales Organization.
What Lilly needs to do is get on more formularies!!! Lilly has NEVER been good at competing against Novo! They continue to brag about getting on big PBMs like ESI because of number of lives yet fail to get on large Regional Plans or any Medicare! Why do ALL Lilly drugs need to be priced higher than our competition??!! I guess it's to pay John's high salary!! Get your head out your *ss and start negotiating!!
What Lilly needs to do is get on more formularies!!! Lilly has NEVER been good at competing against Novo! They continue to brag about getting on big PBMs like ESI because of number of lives yet fail to get on large Regional Plans or any Medicare! Why do ALL Lilly drugs need to be priced higher than our competition??!! I guess it's to pay John's high salary!! Get your head out your *ss and start negotiating!!
That's an interesting take - why have YOU if they simply negotiate a preferred position on a formulary? You need to learn to sell and quit relying on your formulary to force people to use Trulicity. Don't expect the company to give away the product so that you can feel happy about moving some volume. If Novo is better than Lilly, it's because schmucks like you get outsold every day, not because of formulary position.
Wow... Being a diabetic who recently tried Trulicity, I wish I would have read this before I tried it. I understand you all have a job to do, but do you realize there are actual PEOPLE behind your stats and stupid bantering back and forth between your companies. You all have lost the perspective that you are supposed to be helping people have a better way of life.
I love the benefits of Trulicity. It is doing what it is supposed to do by lowering my BG levels and my insulin intake, which is a miracle for my extremely insulin resistant body. In saying that, the side effects of being nauseous and loss of energy, due to the nausea, does not really help my jobs of being a wife and caring for my children and my house. If I knew the nausea would diminish after my body adjusts to the new med, then I would stick it out. But if not, I can not lay around the house doing nothing due to the nausea. I need something that is going to help me and allow me to continue with my life schedule and business. My husband said the same, that the results are great, but the effects make him feels like he has lost me.
In all honesty, the attitudes behind this thread makes me want to go to the herbal side of things and try out something that can help me naturally, instead of your manufactured answers. Thanks for an eye opening thread.
Now Trulicty has a cardio warning regarding AV. No other GLP-1 has this. WTF?
all glp1 cause nausea. trulicity hands down has the easiest device to use.
the big challenge is just changing habit, doctors agree it is the best device on the market. by far it is