
never in my sales career have I ever felt on the edge of my seat just waiting for the next big fraud to be exposed... so creepy. Does anyone else feel their skin crawling around certain people? Hate to say it but collecting a paycheck until something better comes along. There are so many slimy degenerates who have job security for life. Makes you wonder..

Making skin crawl is right. Phil talking about salespeople is a trip. Was my first experience meeting him in Nashville and he is a piece of work. No respect for or understanding of oncology sales. David is his whipping boy.

Right? The guys broken so many compliance rules and offended half the organization yet still has a job. He must have a picture of PG and SC engaging in some sort of sexual act as blackmail. The most incompetent human being I've ever encountered in my professional career.

Fired from his previous 5 roles. Incapable of holding a personal or professional relationship. Burned bridges with every former colleague. Restraining orders filed by many of his former managers. Record number of HR complaints against him. Unethical. Dishonest. Morally bankrupt. Emotionally inept. Just a miserable waste of a human being. How did Natera ever hire JM?

Obviously Natera isn’t a great judge of character, just look at SC, PG, SW, CK, GG, but JM??? Makes no sense. He takes incompetency to an all new level.

Right? The guys broken so many compliance rules and offended half the organization yet still has a job. He must have a picture of PG and SC engaging in some sort of sexual act as blackmail. The most incompetent human being I've ever encountered in my professional career.

That’s funny! Must be a few hot pics going around for so many stupid fucking bros to be employed at the top. Company being run into the ground by morons. Shareholders need to sue.

That’s funny! Must be a few hot pics going around for so many stupid fucking bros to be employed at the top. Company being run into the ground by morons. Shareholders need to sue.
compliance has been violated by all of the individuals mentioned above and their job security is blackmail. Who wants to work for a company ran by frauds?

The same dude responsible for all bad hires and still in charge smh. As long as PG employed the place will be ruled by his unethical dictatorship. Stupid is as stupid does. Cut the cord steveo you’ll be ok without your sweetie.

The same dude responsible for all bad hires and still in charge smh. As long as PG employed the place will be ruled by his unethical dictatorship. Stupid is as stupid does. Cut the cord steveo you’ll be ok without your sweetie.

How long until Natera follows Invitae by laying off 1000 people and firing it’s CEO. It’s bound to happen. They need to show investors they are serious about change & growth by shaking up the ELT.

Who else needs to go besides SC, PG, & BT?