
Have y’all seen JM’s leadership posts on LinkedIn. It’s some funny shit. JM couldn’t lead a fuckin camel to a watering hole. He’s the most self centered POS to come out of Pennsylvania.

The fucker never left his house. Spent two years building a shed & running JM vineyards. When he actually was “working” he harassed the shit out of his team fishing for ideas to claim as his own. Then took all the credit for his teams hard work. Now he’s VP material?? GTFOH

He’s barely qualified for an entry level, junior associate primary care pharma role.

The fucker never left his house. Spent two years building a shed & running JM vineyards. When he actually was “working” he harassed the shit out of his team fishing for ideas to claim as his own. Then took all the credit for his teams hard work. Now he’s VP material?? GTFOH

So true haha. JM is a failure. Ive never met someone with such a lack of awareness and emotional intelligence in my life. I think he actually believes all the bullshit he spews. Entire team hates him and is looking forward to his departure.

I'm sorry, but this is the person you hired to be the the Vice President over an entire sales team at a publicly traded company? Is this a fucking joke?

Apparently, Phildo got rid of SW to bring over his WH cigar smoking %)%*)%* crony buddy who won't expose his shady shit. Enjoy this video of the new VP for transplant. I'm sure the sales meetings will be all-nighters...

The Natera clown show. Got to love it. I certainly do. JM, PG, MM, BT & SC along with the rest of the ELT have to be the worst group of leaders ever assembled. Sometimes I feel like it’s worth sticking it out here just to watch the ship burn (or until I get a better job elsewhere)

You’ll literally be retaliated against if you even do the slightest thing to make the company look bad on the internet but the same rules don’t apply to all.. clearly. HR is a joke!

Heard the new VP is trying to bring his WH BS to transplant? Six face-to-face calls per day? Seriously? I don't make six calls per week or per month. Nice video you cocky SOB. Go back to WH and leave me alone. Where's SW? He was're a cocky dick!

Heard the new VP is trying to bring his WH BS to transplant? Six face-to-face calls per day? Seriously? I don't make six calls per week or per month. Nice video you cocky SOB. Go back to WH and leave me alone. Where's SW? He was're a cocky dick!
He’s coming out the gates so arrogant and unrealistic! That comment alone just shows he knows NOTHING about this space. Go back to WH where you can get away with being an overpaid under qualified “leader” (for lack of a better term) on an ego trip. Next, going to bring all baggage and drama from billing practices to micromanagement abuse. This division has gone through enough as is. Last thing it needs is another corrupt person in a position of way too much power they don’t do any good with. Sorry there have been awful ppl but WH takes the cake.. managers are absolute trash and a shit show. Don’t pollute!! For Gods sake hire a normal frickin person how hard is it?!

Wait JM didn’t get VP with his 2 years of management experience? I just sent RSVP in to attend his promotion party at the backyard shed. This totally comes as a shock to me being he told everyone for weeks he was going to be the next VP. But tbh he will probably put it on his LinkedIn like the rest of the lies assembled on it.

Oh my *&$!* I just watched this. How in the world did Natera hire this man let alone promote him? This isn't widgets or car parts sales this is transplant healthcare where people die and donors put their lives on the line. If I'm the competition I'm showing this to every major account along with published stories of Natera going after patients with collection agencies. If I'm CareDx I'm showing this to every transplant surgeon out there. Next time Natera gets bad press for billing practices the networks need to show this. This is where patients hard earned money and where transplant center budget dollars are going, so this fool can drive around in his lambo and pop some bottles.
How does this guy still have a job?