
How long until Natera follows Invitae by laying off 1000 people and firing it’s CEO. It’s bound to happen. They need to show investors they are serious about change & growth by shaking up the ELT.

Who else needs to go besides SC, PG, & BT?
This is so true. Natera will not survive with such incompetent and downright unethical leaders. Investors need answers down to the micro.. the lack of transparency and reluctance to change is going to sink the damn ship. Wake up call people!! Stop cheating people and do right for gods sake.

Making skin crawl is right. Phil talking about salespeople is a trip. Was my first experience meeting him in Nashville and he is a piece of work. No respect for or understanding of oncology sales. David is his whipping boy.

sw leave or get canned? Did king Phillip execute him to blame him for the mess he created? Buying yourself some time pal? hopefully you’re next followed by your court jesters, the town idiots Sf and DB.

sw executed by king Philip to cover his own incompetency. Who is next the court jesters town idiots sf and DB? Grow a pair Steve and get rid of the real problem here.we’ll give you a list but start with Philly.

Maybe they are finally realizing how many free tests his region gave away exposing the fake revenue? Noncompliance is his middle name! Popcorn in hand!
Or how much Natera paid in bonus and presidents club to NJ NY sales rep who had nothing but Medicaid for both products and one registry from a transplant center where Natera pays for tests

Or how much Natera paid in bonus and presidents club to NJ NY sales rep who had nothing but Medicaid for both products and one registry from a transplant center where Natera pays for tests

That’s actually a very fair statement. When you have that density of NPIs to give free kits to how do you not win? It will be interesting to see what happens when Natera stops paying/giving away tests. I will put money on a massive decline!

Fired from his previous 5 roles. Incapable of holding a personal or professional relationship. Burned bridges with every former colleague. Restraining orders filed by many of his former managers. Record number of HR complaints against him. Unethical. Dishonest. Morally bankrupt. Emotionally inept. Just a miserable waste of a human being. How did Natera ever hire JM?

Obviously Natera isn’t a great judge of character, just look at SC, PG, SW, CK, GG, but JM??? Makes no sense. He takes incompetency to an all new level.

Looks like JM is “open for work” on LinkedIn. Poor little guy didn’t get the VP role. I love how this failed job hopping sales representative updates LinkedIn with all the fake titles to try to scam his next organization. Should put a fiction banner up over his picture!

Looks like JM is “open for work” on LinkedIn. Poor little guy didn’t get the VP role. I love how this failed job hopping sales representative updates LinkedIn with all the fake titles to try to scam his next organization. Should put a fiction banner up over his picture!


HR did not do their job! They have one job! Especially effed because it’s a RD. Does anyone with a brain know how to hire or run a business that doesn’t involve con artists

I mean did he really expect to get the VP role after 2 years of being the biggest POS RD in Natera? The Frodo Baggins looking fucker literally did nothing but annoy his representatives daily from his shed in backyard.

The fucker never left his house. Spent two years building a shed & running JM vineyards. When he actually was “working” he harassed the shit out of his team fishing for ideas to claim as his own. Then took all the credit for his teams hard work. Now he’s VP material?? GTFOH

Looks like JM is “open for work” on LinkedIn. Poor little guy didn’t get the VP role. I love how this failed job hopping sales representative updates LinkedIn with all the fake titles to try to scam his next organization. Should put a fiction banner up over his picture!

A 3 year old with down syndrome has more emotional intelligence than JM