
The whole division is a joke. It’s embarrassing at the low quality people at this farce of an organization!

Every organization has good people and bad people. It’s challenging to grow at the speed that Natera has grown and hit a home run with everyone unfortunately. Do I think they could do a better job at screening talent ..... sure. But Natera was faced with the challenge of hire two sales teams within less than a year just in this specific division. That is a very challenging thing to do.

When are you going to learn that sending rambling moronic emails to an entire organization without title or credo has ramifications. Get off here you angry low IQ & zero EQ troll. Stop trying to find faults in other good people and fix the faults in yourself.

hey disinterested party here. Is it ok to have an uneducated manager supervising educated people? It’s a fair question

Where did you come from that you think this is good money?
This while division is clueless! No one knows what they’re doing and the people in leadership roles are an absolute joke! Then role down a bit and look at some of these transplant reps hired—most were running from last employer cause they were incompetent there.

I have to agree with all of this on FH without being over the top. This guy is a terrible manager with no skills, education or ability to relate to people in general. No EQ is the perfect way to describe him. Some of the emails he sends and comments he makes are strange and don't fit into the topic that is being discussed. His entire team will leave. They all want to and are looking. I do not know how a person like that got promoted.

I think a lot of these comments about transplant at Natera are a little harsh though. Great products and a lot of talent. There are some bad apples but that is how it is in every organization.

Is JH next ? Hard to believe he is an RD. when he was a rep for 6 months prior, he was 'kicked out' of two institutions (who knows how many offices) due to lack of professionalism. It will take several Rep HR exit interviews for Natera to wake up, what a joke, contaminate to the sales organization.

Is JH next ? Hard to believe he is an RD. when he was a rep for 6 months prior, he was 'kicked out' of two institutions (who knows how many offices) due to lack of professionalism. It will take several Rep HR exit interviews for Natera to wake up, what a joke, contaminate to the sales organization.

As a rep it is embarrassing for me to point out the coachable moments to our senior leadership.

JH has been turned in for compliance issues as well as making inappropriate comments to his reps. HR calls it "rough around the edges." Cisgender protections aside, you can't make inappropriate comments about "hot guys" or your sexual escapades with other boys. What's wrong is wrong.

How in the hell did you get it so wrong about FH? How? You let someone with blatantly observable deficiencies manage and manage out other people and then we find out he wasn't even degreed. Gee, what a shock.

Coachable moments.

BIG difference in management versus Leadership, we need Leadership!

Excellent point!

As for all the FH stuff come on. The guy busted his ass and with the right management training and coaching, could have made a good manager. Natera failed him. It’s sad that a disgruntled employee (I won’t post your initials but we all know who you are) went savagely after his/hers former boss which in the end could have attributed to a negative outcome. I’ve never seen anything like this.

Sure Natera has some challenges and such but try to focus on the fact that you can pay your bills and then some because of this job you have. Natera kept us ALL employed during this pandemic. They could have easily cut the salesforce. Try to look at some of the positives. I know this isn’t the forum for it but maybe it can become one? Just a thought.

Excellent point!

As for all the FH stuff come on. The guy busted his ass and with the right management training and coaching, could have made a good manager. Natera failed him. It’s sad that a disgruntled employee (I won’t post your initials but we all know who you are) went savagely after his/hers former boss which in the end could have attributed to a negative outcome. I’ve never seen anything like this.

Sure Natera has some challenges and such but try to focus on the fact that you can pay your bills and then some because of this job you have. Natera kept us ALL employed during this pandemic. They could have easily cut the salesforce. Try to look at some of the positives. I know this isn’t the forum for it but maybe it can become one? Just a thought.

Thanks Frank!!

Whose idea was it to hire a failure with a track record of being incapable to hold down a job? And then promote said person with no managerial experience, no interpersonal skills, no sales skills, and zero talent? How does ELT not know this person is toxic and a joke and the most hated person in OH?

Million-dollar transplant question
How the hell did JM get his RD job?
How the hell does he still have his RD job?

Answer 1: One good quarter and a lot of luck and timing. Attached himself to the VP. Pretended to know how to be a leader and quoted a few Ted talks.
Answer 2: Talented/Smart representatives on team to farming ideas and pass as own to ELT. Strong numbers from the team said person was lucky to inherit. 2x-3x the number of NPIs compared to all other regions in the entire company. The majority of volume is paid for via studies or given away as free kits so once that goes away bye bye said persons success.

Said person has created a toxic culture where people fear for jobs. If said person doesn’t like you, even if your numbers are strong, will make your life miserable and work to dissolve your territory. Total control freak. Said person has never been successful in career as a representative or has any sort of managerial experience prior to this position. Has the maturity of middle school child. Is one of the most hated people in Transplant. All in all, tons of luck with minimal talent. I hope this aided in shining some light on your questions.

Sure nepotism and favorable hiring happens a little at almost every company. Natera, however, bases every hiring and promoting decision off of this. This is EXACTLY why it has the WORST culture, ethics, management, SLT, decision-makers in the entire Dx space. Truly something to analyze and teach business leaders to never replicate this model. Highest turnover due to uneducated idiots not playing fair in the sand box..