top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

The bowl of turds needs to be flushed! CONTRIBUTE ZEROOO. How is it possible? should have been flushed 3 reorgs ago. transition from bench job to LINK committee and get r5 promotion while taking credit for others work behind closed doors!

Neuro promoting based on whoever asks nicest and organizes good lunch. Where is the science? All talk, cry until others do work. Have 1 person manage 1 person, why? Actual scientists suicidal while turd scientists spreading stink fumes. Can't hold breath much longer!

Will leaders ask this at the next voice survey? Will they listen? Another shot to morale. LT is to blame Dept is not improving. Now you understand why can't keep talent.

The bowl of turds needs to be flushed! CONTRIBUTE ZEROOO. How is it possible? should have been flushed 3 reorgs ago. transition from bench job to LINK committee and get r5 promotion while taking credit for others work behind closed doors!

Neuro promoting based on whoever asks nicest and organizes good lunch. Where is the science? All talk, cry until others do work. Have 1 person manage 1 person, why? Actual scientists suicidal while turd scientists spreading stink fumes. Can't hold breath much longer!

Will leaders ask this at the next voice survey? Will they listen? Another shot to morale. LT is to blame Dept is not improving. Now you understand why can't keep talent.

organizing LINK lunches and poster sessions + taking credit for others benchwork >>for years!<< and crying to management = R5 promotion. Wtf????? LOL work 10-3 w 2 hr lunch. take a jog too.. dang, work it girl!

ELI5! Gosta get me a job like dis. Merck is off the hook. Ain't be right takin credit for shizzle u don't do. SMH..... DAE agreez?

The bowl of turds needs to be flushed! CONTRIBUTE ZEROOO. How is it possible? should have been flushed 3 reorgs ago. transition from bench job to LINK committee and get r5 promotion while taking credit for others work behind closed doors!

Neuro promoting based on whoever asks nicest and organizes good lunch. Where is the science? All talk, cry until others do work. Have 1 person manage 1 person, why? Actual scientists suicidal while turd scientists spreading stink fumes. Can't hold breath much longer!

Most talent has left neuro group, big talkers and parasites remain. Remaining good scientists keep head down and hide from the embarrassment left over. Last drug from this group made by leaders long gone, current leadership comical. Recent R5s didn't do anything to deserve it, management creating illusion of hard work going on. Implosion imminent.

Most talent has left neuro group, big talkers and parasites remain. Remaining good scientists keep head down and hide from the embarrassment left over. Last drug from this group made by leaders long gone, current leadership comical. Recent R5s didn't do anything to deserve it, management creating illusion of hard work going on. Implosion imminent.

managment contine to allow non deserving folks promotions not first unfairness, favoritism or oppression decision occur at department level sends frightening message learn how non deserving attain, leave or rot in merck band forever culture rewarding meager will continue because meager are malleable

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managment contine to allow non deserving folks promotions not first unfairness, favoritism or oppression decision occur at department level sends frightening message learn how non deserving attain, leave or rot in merck band forever culture rewarding meager will continue because meager are malleable

Sent from my Droid

Droid? Pice of junk.

Is this English or trying to write without anyone being able to find you? Anyone understand this person?

Neuro is doing little, we all know. Management is young and trying best. Good luck

Droid? Pice of junk.

Is this English or trying to write without anyone being able to find you? Anyone understand this person?

Neuro is doing little, we all know. Management is young and trying best. Good luck

Attempt of undercover not to be found. We all know neuro doing little. Management is never a time to try your best. Who was this jackass posting trying best? This isn't a knitting club. Agree with broken English get real and promote the best leaders. Team lost leaders in past year Where the inability to keep some talent is where all departments suffer Neuro response was promoting inexperience with learn on job development plan. Recent promotion rumor one person to retain and other fir organizing yummy baked bean lunches. Glad I pulled out when I did.

Attempt of undercover not to be found. We all know neuro doing little. Management is never a time to try your best. Who was this jackass posting trying best? This isn't a knitting club. Agree with broken English get real and promote the best leaders. Team lost leaders in past year Where the inability to keep some talent is where all departments suffer Neuro response was promoting inexperience with learn on job development plan. Recent promotion rumor one person to retain and other fir organizing yummy baked bean lunches. Glad I pulled out when I did.

have you seen the crown idiot knitting at work? Knitting is like a fidget spinner for this person, keep their mind at ease during meeting to lessen outbursts and awkward comments.

Are people knitting during meetings in other divisions at Merck?

have you seen the crown idiot knitting at work? Knitting is like a fidget spinner for this person, keep their mind at ease during meeting to lessen outbursts and awkward comments.

Are people knitting during meetings in other divisions at Merck?

Have only witnessed the crowned knitting at MRL. Social awkwardness and lessens outburst.....move over Martha Stewart...

managment contine to allow non deserving folks promotions not first unfairness, favoritism or oppression decision occur at department level sends frightening message learn how non deserving attain, leave or rot in merck band forever culture rewarding meager will continue because meager are malleable

Sent from my Droid
Frightening message! Tells department hard work isn't highly regarded They stole morale what is next? Kiss everyones ass and cry gets you ahead here with some data hijack to make you look productive. Excuse me while I puke.

Most talent has left neuro group, big talkers and parasites remain. Remaining good scientists keep head down and hide from the embarrassment left over. Last drug from this group made by leaders long gone, current leadership comical. Recent R5s didn't do anything to deserve it, management creating illusion of hard work going on. Implosion imminent.

Big talkers have to make up for other inadequacies. Last round exhibited 2 means to move up. Cry, beg, steal or land a job to leverage money They think we are idiots