top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

The bloodbath is over and Merck, in its infinite wisdom, has retained Dave Haas as CTL over some far more deserving, outrageously competent managers. This will not bode well for the new team and, conspicuously, has Sadowski’s signature all over it. The third party vendor selection process is obviously false. Haas has been reported to HR several times for numerous violations. One of his recent teams conducted an intervention as a last resort before reporting him to HR. He isn’t capable of an original thought or creative idea and likes to “borrow” from others. He is a management bully using, threats, intimidation and ultimatums. His micro managing is time consuming, brutal and mind numbing. He follows policy where he sees fit, or not. Haas has no concept of true leadership or setting a great example. Other than his hand selected pets (all female) Dave’s team can barely restrain their contempt. Doctors and their staff despise him therefore reps are limited as to the offices they can take him to on field visits. When Haas came over from Schering several years ago (he has NOT been with Merck for 30 years) the managers here were warned about him. Countless rumors of management conflict and bickering with him abound with past and present CTLs. None of his peers respect him and he is the source of many deserved jokes. He has been the ruin of many a fine career at Merck. Although some of the separations were warranted, Haas deprived a lot of WONDERFUL PERFORMERS of recognition, promotions and VP Awards. The competition has benefited accordingly. For those of you placed recently under Haas, get your resumes updated and your Linked In profiles polished and get out! This guy is going to be the bane of your existence until you do.

The bloodbath is over and Merck, in its infinite wisdom, has retained Dave Haas as CTL over some far more deserving, outrageously competent managers. This will not bode well for the new team and, conspicuously, has Sadowski’s signature all over it. The third party vendor selection process is obviously false. Haas has been reported to HR several times for numerous violations. One of his recent teams conducted an intervention as a last resort before reporting him to HR. He isn’t capable of an original thought or creative idea and likes to “borrow” from others. He is a management bully using, threats, intimidation and ultimatums. His micro managing is time consuming, brutal and mind numbing. He follows policy where he sees fit, or not. Haas has no concept of true leadership or setting a great example. Other than his hand selected pets (all female) Dave’s team can barely restrain their contempt. Doctors and their staff despise him therefore reps are limited as to the offices they can take him to on field visits. When Haas came over from Schering several years ago (he has NOT been with Merck for 30 years) the managers here were warned about him. Countless rumors of management conflict and bickering with him abound with past and present CTLs. None of his peers respect him and he is the source of many deserved jokes. He has been the ruin of many a fine career at Merck. Although some of the separations were warranted, Haas deprived a lot of WONDERFUL PERFORMERS of recognition, promotions and VP Awards. The competition has benefited accordingly. For those of you placed recently under Haas, get your resumes updated and your Linked In profiles polished and get out! This guy is going to be the bane of your existence until you do.
Excellent and so true of a lot of companies in this industry. It takes a few brave souls to embolden those who live in denial, continue to suck up, or think it won't happen to them. It will! Safety in numbers for those too intimidated to go it alone. HR has a hard time fighting an entire district or even 3 or 4. Throw the bastards out before they ruin this company completely.

Big talkers have to make up for other inadequacies. Last round exhibited 2 means to move up. Cry, beg, steal or land a job to leverage money They think we are idiots

good penmanship and being a meeting host/lunch architect are top qualifications for advancement on scientific ladder. Can admin apply for scientist position now? Why are failure scientists still running free?