top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

Time for this thread to float back to the top like the floaters in question! 2017 coming to a close. another LINK mixer to top off accomplishments, call out sick for a week, cry to management a few times, go for a jog, hide in bathroom, something’s broken.. can’t get any work done, blame others.. Another year down! Life’s good

Time for this thread to float back to the top like the floaters in question! 2017 coming to a close. another LINK mixer to top off accomplishments, call out sick for a week, cry to management a few times, go for a jog, hide in bathroom, something’s broken.. can’t get any work done, blame others.. Another year down! Life’s good

Yikes that hurts Remember the boss had to push and defend to the LT. Thank the VP and his reports for allowing the behavior to be rewarded. The stink reaches far, better choices in the department and other departments and all now need to justify why or how this happened. Thanks to "King of Pain".

Yikes that hurts Remember the boss had to push and defend to the LT. Thank the VP and his reports for allowing the behavior to be rewarded. The stink reaches far, better choices in the department and other departments and all now need to justify why or how this happened. Thanks to "King of Pain".

OMG true! No resistance from leadership team!!!! And maybe top bucket At year end! Cry, blame, get upset with questions and make lunch launches to the top. Contibuted zero except write scribble notebook and knit. So proud not to be in Neuro. Few promotions in Pharm but deserve.

OMG true! No resistance from leadership team!!!! And maybe top bucket At year end! Cry, blame, get upset with questions and make lunch launches to the top. Contibuted zero except write scribble notebook and knit. So proud not to be in Neuro. Few promotions in Pharm but deserve.

parasite paradise! No accountability nothing accomplished and nobody cares. Stink shield means nobody will waste their breath, just nod and roll eyes behind back. Please fire and hire real scientist. R1 replacement or post doc will contribute FAR more. Why is this person given golden charity package??? Wtf?! Ability to fool management is amazing

parasite paradise! No accountability nothing accomplished and nobody cares. Stink shield means nobody will waste their breath, just nod and roll eyes behind back. Please fire and hire real scientist. R1 replacement or post doc will contribute FAR more. Why is this person given golden charity package??? Wtf?! Ability to fool management is amazing


How fitting.

The self-appointed critics of senior management can't manage to complete a coherent thought.
The latest posts are embarrassing and incomprehensible. (And this poster is no advocate for current senior management.)

Stacey Starkman. Comes to a Team building exercise and threatens the team! Says she’ll walk anyone out the door who undermines another, but she’s done it for years!!! Good people leave, quit, transfer, etc. HR is useless. She’s unstable, threatening and she gets to keep her job???

Thomas L. Lyon III, the legendary narcissistic micromanager who came to power because his daddy was a famous business professor so he was hired as a favor but is a nightmare to work for as a rep, account manager or manager reporting to him.

Hands down, Thomas L. Lyon III one of the worst and most selfish backstabbing corporate psychopaths in the history of Merck management.

The bloodbath is over and Merck, in its infinite wisdom, has retained Dave Haas as CTL over some far more deserving, outrageously competent managers. This will not bode well for the new team and, conspicuously, has Sadowski’s signature all over it. The third party vendor selection process is obviously false. Haas has been reported to HR several times for numerous violations. One of his recent teams conducted an intervention as a last resort before reporting him to HR. He isn’t capable of an original thought or creative idea and likes to “borrow” from others. He is a management bully using, threats, intimidation and ultimatums. His micro managing is time consuming, brutal and mind numbing. He follows policy where he sees fit, or not. Haas has no concept of true leadership or setting a great example. Other than his hand selected pets (all female) Dave’s team can barely restrain their contempt. Doctors and their staff despise him therefore reps are limited as to the offices they can take him to on field visits. When Haas came over from Schering several years ago (he has NOT been with Merck for 30 years) the managers here were warned about him. Countless rumors of management conflict and bickering with him abound with past and present CTLs. None of his peers respect him and he is the source of many deserved jokes. He has been the ruin of many a fine career at Merck. Although some of the separations were warranted, Haas deprived a lot of WONDERFUL PERFORMERS of recognition, promotions and VP Awards. The competition has benefited accordingly. For those of you placed recently under Haas, get your resumes updated and your Linked In profiles polished and get out! This guy is going to be the bane of your existence until you do.

The bloodbath is over and Merck, in its infinite wisdom, has retained Dave Haas as CTL over some far more deserving, outrageously competent managers. This will not bode well for the new team and, conspicuously, has Sadowski’s signature all over it. The third party vendor selection process is obviously false. Haas has been reported to HR several times for numerous violations. One of his recent teams conducted an intervention as a last resort before reporting him to HR. He isn’t capable of an original thought or creative idea and likes to “borrow” from others. He is a management bully using, threats, intimidation and ultimatums. His micro managing is time consuming, brutal and mind numbing. He follows policy where he sees fit, or not. Haas has no concept of true leadership or setting a great example. Other than his hand selected pets (all female) Dave’s team can barely restrain their contempt. Doctors and their staff despise him therefore reps are limited as to the offices they can take him to on field visits. When Haas came over from Schering several years ago (he has NOT been with Merck for 30 years) the managers here were warned about him. Countless rumors of management conflict and bickering with him abound with past and present CTLs. None of his peers respect him and he is the source of many deserved jokes. He has been the ruin of many a fine career at Merck. Although some of the separations were warranted, Haas deprived a lot of WONDERFUL PERFORMERS of recognition, promotions and VP Awards. The competition has benefited accordingly. For those of you placed recently under Haas, get your resumes updated and your Linked In profiles polished and get out! This guy is going to be the bane of your existence until you do.
You make great remarks-- But keep in mind- corporate knows full well everything you say-- which is why i suspect they kept him as opposed to other arguably so much more competent, etc. They need a CTL they can count one to do whatever they say. Takes marching orders no matter what they are. Period. Keeps HR and directors one stepped removed from any action that well could end up in court. And allows the upper crest to keep their finger nails clean. Many dastardly deeds done to good people since certain people came to Merck--funny how the same people seems to be connected to all these deeds. MEEck counts on him to fulfill his role, he knows he won't get a gig anywhere else. He wasn't kept for the competencies that you would have hoped for. It's the dark competencies that matter. But remember ... no one is untouchable. Not one company, not one person. We are witnessing a sea change in corporate America that is long overdue and even the most expensive attorneys cannot stop the truth. These lawyers don't know what to do because the bully threats they have used against simple employees using their multi million dollar legal budgets have worked for decades.
But no longer. We have seen that with M Lauer of today show. And the fall of the Weinstein studios. Why? Because a tipping point has been reached and enough people are no longer afraid, Or intimidated (or worse)into silence. more and more people every day in so many industries are inspired to expose the wrong doers. And this time when the people tell of the abuses or wrong doings, they do not just tell the hotline or HR person. The lower level employee has gotten wise and inspired by others. now they not only report to HR but simultaneously tell several people in and out of their organization-- and document everything-- So that the cover ups of yesterday cannot work. Merck would dump this CTL in a second if the tipping point was reached.