top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

I second Quentin Roach has sessions that he makes people get up and present and he yells and mock's them in front of room of people & and call's in's to hear his rant's.

quite correct. I was one of those people. I have seen competent procurement professionals being told in front of an audience who merely dial in for the entertainment, that they are not worthy to be working for merck. he has destroyed the procurement function in merck.

Whoever had been listed here has just been replaced by ALL OF Merck's IT management. The incompetence and ignorance that allowed this global hack and shutdown of IT is beyond description.

most mangers in primary care. They are all trying so hard to stay employed. I heard some managers have field visits on Mondays and Fridays to look busy!!! What a joke, reps laugh at how lame they are. Good luck to those idiots who have never had a job outside of shit Merck.

Judy Nguyen is still at Merck, now an Oncology manager? Where?
Ruining the lives of 1/2 the OKAMS across the country, in a business segment she hasn't the will to learn, because this is merely a "rotation" for her. And she treats us that way. Like stones to step on as she crawls upon others in her quest for the top. Selfish scumbag.

Ruining the lives of 1/2 the OKAMS across the country, in a business segment she hasn't the will to learn, because this is merely a "rotation" for her. And she treats us that way. Like stones to step on as she crawls upon others in her quest for the top. Selfish scumbag.

What a shame. Nguyen was a decent, hard-working, and sincere person at one time. But to advance in an org that lost its way over a decade ago, those who aspire apparently abandon principle and run toward the $$$$$. Pathetic.

organizing LINK lunches and poster sessions + taking credit for others benchwork >>for years!<< and crying to management = R5 promotion. Wtf????? LOL work 10-3 w 2 hr lunch. take a jog too.. dang, work it girl!

You KNEW all along? had to tell young buck and old captain how amazing I am. top talent recognized!!!! better perks than ol' union. WTF be the neuro leaders thinking? SNL needs replacement Spicier

organizing LINK lunches and poster sessions + taking credit for others benchwork >>for years!<< and crying to management = R5 promotion. Wtf????? LOL work 10-3 w 2 hr lunch. take a jog too.. dang, work it girl!

this turd needs to be flushed! CONTRIBUTES ZEROOO. How is it possible? should have been flushed 3 reorgs ago.

Neuro promoting based on whoever asks nicest and organizes good dept lunch. Where is the science? All talk, cry until others do work. Have 1 person manage 1 person, why? Actual scientists suicidal while turd scientists spreading stink fumes. Can't hold breath much longer!

Inexperience leadership. promoting the ordinary. Organize a picnic and yes sir = raise.

The bowl of turds needs to be flushed! CONTRIBUTE ZEROOO. How is it possible? should have been flushed 3 reorgs ago. transition from bench job to LINK committee and get r5 promotion while taking credit for others work behind closed doors!

Neuro promoting based on whoever asks nicest and organizes good lunch. Where is the science? All talk, cry until others do work. Have 1 person manage 1 person, why? Actual scientists suicidal while turd scientists spreading stink fumes. Can't hold breath much longer!

Thomas L. Lyon III, the legendary narcissistic micromanager who came to power because his daddy was a famous business professor so he was hired as a favor but is a nightmare to work for as a rep, account manager or manager reporting to him.

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