top ten incompetent senior managers at Merck now

No comment on names of people ......but any manager who ridicules and is downright condescending and offensive (whether subtle or overt) should NOT be a manager. Some managers take great pleasure in having power; others are more balanced with it. But when any manager is intolerant of team members because they are not clones of themselves there will be problems.

These types of managers are not good for, or in, management. Bias and intolerance to individuality is a flag for problems....Different folks have different strengths, different abilities and yep, different styles and personalities. We all know it. The joker is rarely the scholar; the straight and narrow is not the a shrewd cheat or rule breaker....

"Do unto others as you want others to do unto you"......a good mantra for anyone, but especially crucial for the rigid and demanding intolerants amongst us.

You don't understand: this is how Merck's leaders (SVPs, EVPs, executive committe) WANT it. Corporate culture always starts at the top. It then spreads downwards through all the branches and layers of the organization. Morals, and tolerance for individual styles are not good qualities in managers when the required corporate message is one of fear and retribution. That's why any Director (or above) with even a shred of basic humanity/decency has long ago been removed, or have left on their own. Merck's toxic culture is not an "accident" that just happens year after year. It is deliberate and by design. Any open debate/input up the command structure regarding science, sales, or anything else for that matter, is neutralized with extreme prejudice. It is a corporate version of North Korea. And it continues to implode from within. Have no illusion: Our Dear Leaders will make a clean getaway before the Titanic sinks for good.

Your problem is that you are thinking rationally.

My bud has a manager who says he's too cerebral to be a rep; it's another way of saying, you don't rate, you're not my "good ol boy" clone! Cant stop laughing, now managers are experts at career picking. Guess they're so out of the loop they cant see most doctors want someone more like them, not the giggling Barbie or a goof ball Ken....

You don't understand: this is how Merck's leaders (SVPs, EVPs, executive committe) WANT it. Corporate culture always starts at the top. It then spreads downwards through all the branches and layers of the organization. Morals, and tolerance for individual styles are not good qualities in managers when the required corporate message is one of fear and retribution. That's why any Director (or above) with even a shred of basic humanity/decency has long ago been removed, or have left on their own. Merck's toxic culture is not an "accident" that just happens year after year. It is deliberate and by design. Any open debate/input up the command structure regarding science, sales, or anything else for that matter, is neutralized with extreme prejudice. It is a corporate version of North Korea. And it continues to implode from within. Have no illusion: Our Dear Leaders will make a clean getaway before the Titanic sinks for good.

Your problem is that you are thinking rationally.

Sad if what you say is true.

Why cant living up to one's public image be based in reality?

Any company who wants to be known for it's goodness in helping the sick.....and being upstanding by doing the right thing should have no place for the darkness of fear and retribution in its ranks.

No comment on names of people ......but any manager who ridicules and is downright condescending and offensive (whether subtle or overt) should NOT be a manager. Some managers take great pleasure in having power; others are more balanced with it. But when any manager is intolerant of team members because they are not clones of themselves there will be problems.

These types of managers are not good for, or in, management. Bias and intolerance to individuality is a flag for problems....Different folks have different strengths, different abilities and yep, different styles and personalities. We all know it. The joker is rarely the scholar; the straight and narrow is not the a shrewd cheat or rule breaker....

"Do unto others as you want others to do unto you"......a good mantra for anyone, but especially crucial for the rigid and demanding intolerants amongst us.

Agree. Jokers everywhere. Ship the incompetent back

My vote also goes to rich Tillyer followed closely by John Hunter. Some of the best scientists we had left or we're let go under the "leadership" of these asses.
JH can be blamed for the disaster that is WP. We had the best InVitro and InVivo teams in the company which he decided to dismantle and try to rebuild in KW with the other clown that gets the undeserved credit for accomplishments at WP. And then they replace him with someone that knows nothing's about the invitro side of things, but sure knows how to label drawers and kiss ass. Good luck replicating what we had now that u let go a lot of the unique talent that made it happen.
Unbelievable that RP has let this go on. These people should have been first to go. I'm completely sick of this place.

My vote also goes to rich Tillyer followed closely by John Hunter. Some of the best scientists we had left or we're let go under the "leadership" of these asses.
JH can be blamed for the disaster that is WP. We had the best InVitro and InVivo teams in the company which he decided to dismantle and try to rebuild in KW with the other clown that gets the undeserved credit for accomplishments at WP. And then they replace him with someone that knows nothing's about the invitro side of things, but sure knows how to label drawers and kiss ass. Good luck replicating what we had now that u let go a lot of the unique talent that made it happen.
Unbelievable that RP has let this go on. These people should have been first to go. I'm completely sick of this place.

How true! WP had the best IVT-TEAMS. Being dismantled and crushed under the new command. And yes, all labs are labeled and one of the best kiss up people with zero knowledge of the capability in the department. Sorry this level people do not learn on job, shoes are 4 sizes too big. Quote is accurate

Lack of transparency is killing MRL. The best managers are decisive but also inclusive in the decision making process. Getting at least some buy in makes for smoother transitions in the ever changing research environment. Weber, Parmee, etc. have made their decisions in a vacuum without consideration of the people most effected. Not unlike Metters who became the face of BRGOS, they have become the face of layoffs. Everyone is forgetting their contributions to drug discovery; leaving only their legacy of the destruction of MRL.

No transparency = no trust.
No trust = no leadership.
No leadership = no Merck.

Well past time for some serious management turnover.

It's worse than u guys even know. It takes leaving that place to realize just how bad it really is there. That place is toxic to your soul.
So glad I got to leave when I did. There is so much better out there than what Merck has to offer.

MMD- Merck manufacturing corp. positision- Executive director -- Zella
L&D Corporate Learnign Eecutive Director.. Singer
Global Human heal L&D Corporate ... j...Iannetta
and so many more,,,

If Kenny had half a brain he would have HR or someone keep an eye on the senior people who are repeatedly mentioned on these boards. Where there's smoke, there's fire. How can we ever change with poor leadership?

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