Mark "my Hair is on Fire" Stevens, from Chicago
100% agree
Mark "my Hair is on Fire" Stevens, from Chicago
I'll second that
Don't forget Lisa Monk on this list.
You all should read this article, pass it anonymously to your managers...directors...
JOHN HUNTER. Hands down.
MVID's Top Ten:
1. Todd Nichols
2. Willie Deese
3. Linda Rooney
4. Thomas L. Lyon III
5. Rom Ferrero
6. Paul Cruz
7. Jamie Garrison
8. Elliot Zarett
9. Phil Beasley
10. Dr. Julie Gerberding
I second Quentin Roach has sessions that he makes people get up and present and he yells and mock's them in front of room of people & and call's in's to hear his rant's.
As a former direct report to QR, i speak from experience. Rants, management by fear and ego dominate his leadership style. And, sadly, he is not that smart. Don't challenge him. You'll be drown by the institution. Fortunately the parting gifts are handsome.
He is a bully
JOHN HUNTER. Hands down.
Robin Blackburn. She is now heading up Integrated Health Systems but really has no clue. She just has a few talking points to fool some with but no real command of information
Like what? She seems all right.
MGAMs have the BEST job at Merck, hands down! Mostly washed up CTLs, hospital reps and mabaged care reps. Big $$$$$$ for zero work, just setting up worthless conference calls and taking credit for my work and relationships. Only Merck would be stupid enough to believe they are worth $1, if that.
Watch out because their new leader excels at Machiavellian tactics.