Three day field rides

Following them into an office just hurts business.

So true. If I kept a scorecard on Field rides over the past 5 years, it would look something like this:

  • # scripts gained b/c Mgr was there: maybe 3 or 4 (that's being generous!).
  • # of lunches/ appts. that got side-tracked b/c Mgr talked out of turn, "stepped" on detail, or just brought up a random unrelated subject (usually his kids, or sports) and HCP's ran out of time without getting back on topic. In other words, manager exhibiting poor self-awareness: 20+
  • # of offices that asked me to never bring manager back: >10
  • # of prescriber interactions that did NOT happen b/c manager was standing beside me at the window: probably 50 or more. This number is offset very slightly by a handful of HCPs who want to do me a favor because my Mgr is with me. But this happens very rarely. More often, it hurts chances of seeing a prescriber.

Seems pretty clear to me. Field rides do way more to hurt business than help.

I have no issues with field rides. It’s important dealing with various reps to understand how each person conducts business and catch onto what works/areas where they can improve and try to strengthen the total team. Most importantly, keeps everyone on their toes and ACCOUNTABLE for the job they already get paid VERY WELL to do! Most importantly, this is a collaboration, not just an observation. I can’t help if other colleagues stand silent and mute to observe. It’s our bottom line too so we just need to work together.


So true. If I kept a scorecard on Field rides over the past 5 years, it would look something like this:

  • # scripts gained b/c Mgr was there: maybe 3 or 4 (that's being generous!).
  • # of lunches/ appts. that got side-tracked b/c Mgr talked out of turn, "stepped" on detail, or just brought up a random unrelated subject (usually his kids, or sports) and HCP's ran out of time without getting back on topic. In other words, manager exhibiting poor self-awareness: 20+
  • # of offices that asked me to never bring manager back: >10
  • # of prescriber interactions that did NOT happen b/c manager was standing beside me at the window: probably 50 or more. This number is offset very slightly by a handful of HCPs who want to do me a favor because my Mgr is with me. But this happens very rarely. More often, it hurts chances of seeing a prescriber.

Seems pretty clear to me. Field rides do way more to hurt business than help.
Dumb. Ass. Rep.

Psychological diagnosis from an idiot that went to college to deliver coffee and write their name in a square on a calendar as a job. That type of ill-advised decision is why your absurd and fantastical wish of no field rides will never happen.

Your bitterness suggests that maybe you tried to become a Pharma rep but couldn’t quite get there. I’m sorry you’re in pain.

Psychological diagnosis from an idiot that went to college to deliver coffee and write their name in a square on a calendar as a job. That type of ill-advised decision is why your absurd and fantastical wish of no field rides will never happen.

Hypocrite, your armchair diagnosis is so far off it’s not even funny. Talk about not qualified, now go approve my expense report monkey!

Psychological diagnosis from an idiot that went to college to deliver coffee and write their name in a square on a calendar as a job. That type of ill-advised decision is why your absurd and fantastical wish of no field rides will never happen.

well said by an idiot that went to college and was promoted to watch someone write their name on a calendar and help carry in the coffee.

if most managers actually had contacts and connections and were able to work with you to grow the business that would be great. Unfortunately- most are like the poster above …a previous sample dropper that has little vision and equates success with checking a box.

well said by an idiot that went to college and was promoted to watch someone write their name on a calendar and help carry in the coffee.

if most managers actually had contacts and connections and were able to work with you to grow the business that would be great. Unfortunately- most are like the poster above …a previous sample dropper that has little vision and equates success with checking a box.
At twice your pay plus equity, dumbass. You aren’t even clever enough to make sense. Run your response by your manager since we don’t allow you to think on your own. Thanks for demonstrating why. Now, polish that name tag, you have pound cake slices to deliver.

At twice your pay plus equity, dumbass. You aren’t even clever enough to make sense. Run your response by your manager since we don’t allow you to think on your own. Thanks for demonstrating why. Now, polish that name tag, you have pound cake slices to deliver.

well if you’re a sales manager, do you really feel much better about what you do? Because from what I have seen you do even less than sales reps. And did you have all this self-loathing the years that you were a rep? I’m assuming you didn’t just become a sales manager without first being a rep. I feel bad that you hated yourself all those years.

well if you’re a sales manager, do you really feel much better about what you do? Because from what I have seen you do even less than sales reps. And did you have all this self-loathing the years that you were a rep? I’m assuming you didn’t just become a sales manager without first being a rep. I feel bad that you hated yourself all those years.
Sorry, my manager role was a rotation, never been a rep. You should cry some more on this site, kiddo. That will help makes things better.

If it helps in this spat, I think both reps AND their managers are worthless to the business.
..Without Reps to manage there are no DSM's... And without DSM's and Reps, the need for commercial operations is greatly reduced. ..So your job is just as dependent on reps as vice versa. If WE go away, YOU go away. Why is hard to understand that by continuing to send managers into offices with reps, Pharma is hastening the ultimate the ultimate demise of the Sales Rep, and by extension - YOU!!!

No one is suggesting that reps not be managed and held accountable, just do it away from where people go to get their healthcare! I get it, seeing a rep do their thing in an actual Doctor's office is what's best for YOU, but it's not what's best for our Customers (HCP's) and their patients!

At twice your pay plus equity, dumbass. You aren’t even clever enough to make sense. Run your response by your manager since we don’t allow you to think on your own. Thanks for demonstrating why. Now, polish that name tag, you have pound cake slices to deliver.

maybe I make less money than you but at the end of the day I know that I have had genuine and positive interactions with the customers I call on. Opposite of your day speaking to reps, who fake interest in your blathering and secretly wonder what that polished name tag would look like shoved up your left nostril.