SUBOXONE--Reckitt Benckiser

I like this jerk who comes on here and keeps saying the only people with criticisms are gone. Come on man, we all have had it. We all are ready to blow, save the ones who can't find anything elsewhere. My managers a dick and you must be too. Wait, myabe you are him? One tequila, two tequila, Cancun, out the door.

I love tequila. Tequila sunrises, sunsets, shooters, hooters and ringsof saturn, tequila on navels, fuzzy navles, when can we get this party started. I'm already there, nearly. Got my cocktail shaker packed, among other things, so somebody bring a strainer and some limes, will ya?

Signs Your Company is Planning a Layoff
• CEO frequently overheard mumbling, "Eeny, meeny, miney, moe."
• Dr. Kervorkian hired as "Transition Consultant."
• Windows 95 shutdown screen reads, "It is Now Safe to Start Looking for Work."
• Company softball team downsized to chess team.
• Sudden proliferation of teen-age geek interns.
• Your boss keeps asking you when he can "show your cubicle."
• Company president now driving a Hyundai.
• Annual company holiday bash moved from Sheraton banquet room to abandoned Fotomat Booth.
• Guard at front desk nervously fingers his revolver whenever you pass by.
• Giant yard sale in front of corporate headquarters.
• Employee Discount Days discontinued at Ammo Outlet.
• Company dental plan now consists of pliers and string

Weed the dogs out. You let them sit in your sandbox much longer and there will be more than just turds piling up. These snarky lying snakes are just revolting. When are you going to wise up? RP run for you life, do not stay here. Do not fall for their innocent acts. You are in it up to your earlobes, pal. They don't make waders that are bodysuits. You've got to catch on man or hit it. Somebody, way on up there, clean your house. Don't you know what social deviants are? Not enough Lysol to do the job, man. No, you need a psych team and a lock down unit for these sorry dogs.

I see a big house cleaning coming up. No being a family man or woman, as the case may be, won't help you. You are going to be exposed for who you are. Marriage/children facade isn't going to help you one bit. In fact, it makes your behavior even more vile. Get ready for the POA, assholes, no one will want to even be seen with you. You may have Mr. P fooled, but that would be the extent of your influence. I believe a reality moment is on its way to a couple of blonds, a few brunettes and a black man, very very soon. The checks, that would be reality checks, are in the mail. Enjoy assholes.

You left some out. They will be in Cancoon alright. They'll be strutting around, smiling their fake, b.s. smiles, smugly thinking "Aren't I just fooling them all?" Got my designer suit on and my most innocent look playin. Hahahahahah. Don't think so asshole. Who you are speaks so loud, no one can hear your b.s. anymore. Everyone knows your veneers aren't just on your teeth. They'll be like penquins, stuffed in their suits. You will see them all acting sickeningly polite, just to make sure no one catches them being theirselves. You fuckers will get yours.

It would be a lot more helpful if the same three folks who have done 95+ of these postings would give it a rest so those of us who are trying to honestly evaluate a job with the company could get a more balanced view.

These are the comments that really make us howl. Yeah, uh right, you're just evaluating the company. Look too-stupid-to-see how transparent you are, we know they think they have the right to stop freedom of speech here in the U.S., but they don't. Pulease.

Anyone evaluating a company obviously would be able to do so without complaining that they are getting the unscreened truth. Not the laundered version, trumped up by some corporate stepford suit.

We hate them because they are such bullshitters. We hate them because they don't do shit, unless their managers get on their backs. We hate the phony corporate games of "play acting" by your current "wanna be" managers. They don't know the first thing about leadership and couldn't detail you on Suboxone if their lives depended on it. We have a bunch of immature idiots that don't even know that its unprofessional not to gosspip about their own team members. All they know is to beat us up about passion and negativity. Yeah, thats the extent of the skill you have instilled in them. Not impressive to anyone who has actually had a real manager. Some of us actually have experience in sales, so if you want more stupid mouthy bragging idiots like the ones you've hired in the last year, just keep hiring people with no medical sales experience. So hellllll no, we don't consider them managers. They listen to their favorite ass-covering rep and actually believe the gossip they spread on their team mates. These idiots have friendships born out of necessity and are so loyal to their ass cover, they could care less about the rest of their team. They will spend days, hours on the phone with their ass cover/suck up best buddy, just to get as much dirt as they can on the rest of the team. Meanwhile, the rest of their team, hates them. Anyone, remotely more intelligent than they are, will get screwed royally by these pairings. If you don't know who they are, "ask" you idiots. Eveyone, on every team, knows who their managers best little buddy is. You need to fire each and every one of these fuckers. They are toxic and insidious. They haven't the least clue on professionalism because they are mentally ill and in many cases, closet substance abusers. Yes, unfortunately you've hired a bunch of incompetents that couldn't do a C.L.'s job properly if they had cliff notes. So, thanks for the reminder. What we have learned, is that the Peter principle is in full force. NONE of us, that have half a brain, would aspire to be in management here and we have our resumes floating.

Looks like our new folks are catching on to the real RB. These "managers" and their best buddy reps are all a bunch of talk-show trash. Lowlife, stupid, insecure and inept are the key terms we are dealing with. Just look at them. Whoever mentioned the "missing link tribe" hit the mark, dead on. Many of these people have been fired from other companies or could never be promoted to management with professionals. Random drug testing alone would disqualify many (yes, Xanax and Valium are terrible too - you know who you are).
For those with sales experience, stay quiet, calm and look for something else. You have tons of people who have been in your shoes and trust me, in the end the joke is always on these morons, because they KNOW you are better/smarter than them, that you don't need to gossip and backstab to stay employed, and that you will leave them in your dust.
They know nothing about passion, other than their extramarital activities with coworkers (that they passionately try to hide and cover, though the entire company knows), and the continuous drone of "negativity" is pure projection of their own guilt and sin. Real managers and companies don't have to talk about that shit on a nationwide basis, they simply deal with the individual. They are insulting your intelligence by implying that at least 70+ individuals who have left were all "negative". Funny how many of them were highly respected until the day they left or were mysteriously fired. With the exception of a few, they all confronted the bullshit in their regions on some level, so here's your new understanding of "negative" in RB, special needs terms.
The more it continues, the more people outside of the company find out and their reputation is already at the bottom of the shitter. The term "at will" has been grossly abused by small-minded pharma rejects/wannabees who are getting even with the world of highly competent, intelligent sales professionals. They probably break chairs over eachother's heads up in the Richmond office, just before the daily viewing of Howard Stern.
Oh well, what can you do? They're just trying to make a buck, what's the harm?

Is that true - have 70 (!) reps left or been eliminated since this contract started?! I've never heard of such a high number; that is extremely troubling but strongly indicative of major internal problems. I almost applied for an opening in danvers, mass a few weeks ago, but after reading these posts, decided against it; I've since noticed another opening just posted in brookline, mass. I cannot fathom how the ongoing eliminations are tolerated; does the company just ignore it and figure that they will just continually replace reps as they get hired, then leave?

Is that true - have 70 (!) reps left or been eliminated since this contract started?! I've never heard of such a high number; that is extremely troubling but strongly indicative of major internal problems. I almost applied for an opening in danvers, mass a few weeks ago, but after reading these posts, decided against it; I've since noticed another opening just posted in brookline, mass. I cannot fathom how the ongoing eliminations are tolerated; does the company just ignore it and figure that they will just continually replace reps as they get hired, then leave?

What happened to the representative in the Brookline Ma territory. Were they fired or did they leave?

she was fired-and she was just hired in January 2006 I think. What the hell is going on here? I am new with RB and I am unsettled with all I see and hear. My manager has also said some inappropriate things to me as well as done some highly inappropriate things when with me in the field. He is always talking about his marriage. How strange!!????

Welcome to the nuthouse. You are one the normal ones, who will be made to feel crazy by the inappropriate, unprofessional, unethical and sometimes illegal behavior of those around you. Unfortunately, it sounds like your manager is hitting on you. When he does this, try changing the subject by asking a question pertaining to work. Hope this helps for now, but you might want to start looking for something else because everything on these threads is true.

she was fired-and she was just hired in January 2006 I think. What the hell is going on here? I am new with RB and I am unsettled with all I see and hear. My manager has also said some inappropriate things to me as well as done some highly inappropriate things when with me in the field. He is always talking about his marriage. How strange!!????

Any other details about why she was fired?

I just heard that she was fired and that a few others in the NE were too.

I am definitely looking. I appreciate the advice and I will continue to keep changing the subject to work, but it seems like he would rather talk about everything but work... HR would have a field day with all of this info.

HR doesn't care, because the sociopathic managers here have twisted the truth and made anyone who dares tell the truth out, to be seen as the problem. All the managers here are sick, so if you want to remain sanel, get yourself out, yesterday. You wait one more day and you are well on your way to HELL. The only regret I have, and most people who are half way sane that managed to escaped this toilet, is that I didn't listen to the people who saw it for what it was and left as soon as they saw it.

she was fired-and she was just hired in January 2006 I think. What the hell is going on here? I am new with RB and I am unsettled with all I see and hear. My manager has also said some inappropriate things to me as well as done some highly inappropriate things when with me in the field. He is always talking about his marriage. How strange!!????

Are you talking about Lou S, the DM in the NE? I interviewed for one of the vacant territories, but Pat L gave me the "thumbs down"; after reading these posts, I'm sure she realized I was more intelligent than any of the management and would quickly figure things out.