SUBOXONE--Reckitt Benckiser

JB lives in Dayton-go figure. He is the most arrogant, inept manager I've ever met. He is also very confrontational and for no valid reason. This just shows his inferiority when in the company of quality, experience and professionalism--3 traits he sorely lacks. When he was conducting interviews recently, he tried, but failed to get the candidate defensive and show any signs of unprofessionalism by getting too emotional. This candidate kept her cool, she enjoyed letting him try and try again to agitate her. She didn't fall for his poor interviewing technique. But she knew right then and there, that this was not the type of manager she wanted to work for. Nor is this the right company. He is a typical example of what's wrong with pharma managers today. Yet, companies are too dumb and too cheap to hire competency. The old saying, "you get what you pay for," applies to Reckitt and their stellar prodigy, JB.

JB lives in Dayton-go figure. He is the most arrogant, inept manager I've ever met. He is also very confrontational and for no valid reason. This just shows his inferiority when in the company of quality, experience and professionalism--3 traits he sorely lacks. When he was conducting interviews recently, he tried, but failed to get the candidate defensive and show any signs of unprofessionalism by getting too emotional. This candidate kept her cool, she enjoyed letting him try and try again to agitate her. She didn't fall for his poor interviewing technique. But she knew right then and there, that this was not the type of manager she wanted to work for. Nor is this the right company. He is a typical example of what's wrong with pharma managers today. Yet, companies are too dumb and too cheap to hire competency. The old saying, "you get what you pay for," applies to Reckitt and their stellar prodigy, JB.

There are two JB's in management and they both fit the description above.

Power in the wrong hands in both cases. One is a young punk, the other a recently promoted stage actor who uses gossip, butt-kissing, and betrayal as techniques for getting ahead. Give them both some time, however, and they will learn from their peers who have years of experience in covering their bad behavior, some crafty steps to avoid being exposed. Again, this is not about good management - it is about their huge, overweening egos.

I see another breakout session for managers in Cancun.

Power in the wrong hands in both cases. One is a young punk, the other a recently promoted stage actor who uses gossip, butt-kissing, and betrayal as techniques for getting ahead. Give them both some time, however, and they will learn from their peers who have years of experience in covering their bad behavior, some crafty steps to avoid being exposed. Again, this is not about good management - it is about their huge, overweening egos.

I see another breakout session for managers in Cancun.

Gosspi, betrayel and butt-kissing. You have described him to a tee. I don't think I'd compliment him on his stage acting, you'd be surprised how many people know what he's all about!

I'd like to applaud the above posts for your honesty and accuracy. I'm especially pleased to see that someone who recently interviewed with this bunch of losers, had the balls to come on here and lend an outside view of how seriously incompetent these managers are, not to mention their hiring practices. Yet still, they insist that all the people who have left, needed to go, being that they were all just so "negative." I can just imagine the b.s. they make up about people who walk away in disgust right from the interview. Some people have clear vision. They aren't blinded by the almighty dollar. They have the gumption to say "horseshit" this is crap and I'm not taking it. You can't buy my ass. I am so damn happy to hear of someone who isn't a sell out. Dave Chappelle had it right when he said that when people get so crazy around you and you start feeling like you're crazy, then its time to get the hell out. He said something to the effect of -thats why I walked away from a 50 million dollar contract. Yes Dave, you are a real man. You know who you are, what your values are and that you won't compromise. Get over your fear people, shit what a fucking bunch of pussys. If you can't tell the truth about some asshole and continue to put up with it, then you deserve all the shit you get and then some.

CH just came to my company claiming he was responsible for the entire success of suboxone. Seems odd for a sales guy. What s he like?

If this is true and I really doubt that Mr. H would make this claim, then he is a bigger horse's ass that we even imagined. The only people who can claim responsibility for success was the original C.L.s, Dr. Ed., P. Fry, researchers, SAMSHA and of course some real great Drs/ others, other than Mr. H. So lets not make up shit here. There is enough shit going around to require a toxic squat team to come clean up. You don't have to create more b.s., it gets manufactured and stirred up by your current bunch of yahoos, just fine.

This is some truth-telling.

Be sure to look for his new book, 'White Trash Politics, from the Top Down; How to ruin a company's reputation in 1 year or less'.

And this one from his sidekick, still employed, 'Hiring and Maintaining Toxic Employees; Tips for protecting the Professionally Inept'.

In case anyone is wondering how to continue the "legacy".

If this is true and I really doubt that Mr. H would make this claim, then he is a bigger horse's ass that we even imagined. The only people who can claim responsibility for success was the original C.L.s, Dr. Ed., P. Fry, researchers, SAMSHA and of course some real great Drs/ others, other than Mr. H. So lets not make up shit here. There is enough shit going around to require a toxic squat team to come clean up. You don't have to create more b.s., it gets manufactured and stirred up by your current bunch of yahoos, just fine.

I agree, let's not make more bs. I doubt he would make that claim.

What's up in Cleveland?? The Cl position that was posted a month ago, is posted again! Could it be that JB is in charge of the decision/hiring process? I can't believe that there aren't any qualified CLs' in Cleveland, afterall, it's the home of The Cleveland Clinic, UH and Metro-3 big teaching insitutions where CLs' from other bonafide organizations received they're training & expertise. What's up here, other than the obvious. Perhaps the qualified CLs' aren't a#$%kissers--which is what JB obviously wants. Comments please.

What happened in the boston north area - same demographic - world famous medical centers/teaching hospitals - why is this territory open? Wasn't it part of the last major hiring?

What happened in the boston north area - same demographic - world famous medical centers/teaching hospitals - why is this territory open? Wasn't it part of the last major hiring?

Any info on the Boston north territory that's open. How were the numbers and who is the manager? What is the manager like to work for?

Any info on the Boston north territory that's open. How were the numbers and who is the manager? What is the manager like to work for?

I would not go to work for this company until they make some changes. There are alot of management problems and before they are worked out, most people will be miserable.

You are beyond swimming with sharks, you have gone into the deep. You have gone into the pits of hell. If you chose to igore the hundreds of posts here, you only have yourself to blame. Read any and all posts having to do with this company and I think you could figure it out.

Giant mutant Fucker Sharks, with no brains, only a ravenous appetite for blood. It's a new breed. They will kill and eat their friends and entire family for no reason, other than paranoia. Scientists have no explanation for the sudden appearance of this breed, or why they tend to congregate in shallow waters. They also noted, that due to their ignorant, vicious nature and inability to play well with other species, they should be extinct within a year. This is good news.