SUBOXONE--Reckitt Benckiser

Paul Fox is not only kind, but he is actually competent. I haven't spoken to him lately, but whenever I have, he is considerate, caring and sincere.

Some of the RB managers could learn from him

I worked in Pharma for over 15 years, leaving samples and stumbling over my 20 other partners detailing the same product. When approached to come on board I thought this could be a great change of pace-So far so goooood!

Thats for damn sure. Theres more lying filth in this pen than state institutions for the criminally insane. At least they don't run around in suits. Sharks from hell, pretending to be soo concerned, talking about who is and isn't safe to talk to. Pontificating about who is and isn't, who was and wasn't healthy or happy. Go lick you wounds, liars. Still practicing that sincere and half assed "I really do care" look. Give it up. YOU aren't safe to talk to. YOU aren't healthy to be around. You should be sterilized so society can be rid of your shitty,filthy assess. You have the nerve to sit around and talk about what is and isn't appropriate behavior. You continually assert that if you are anything, "its honest." YOu are so damn warped you wouldn't know honesty if someone wrapped it up and tied a bow around it. You put on the most disgusting show, trying to convince new hires with tales about how much you really care about people, that you would help them, but you just can't make unhappy people, happy. Its enough to make a person want to run for the nearest exit. Give it a rest. You are only talking about yourselves, psychos. You've worn that shit out, so you better come up with something new. You use, abuse and exploit anyone you can. No, you did'nt shut us up or kill us off. We've organized, we shared our experiences and we are stronger because of your remorseless disgusting behavior. Too bad you are so miserable and enjoy making other people miserable. How does it feel, eating a piece of your own dirtshit pie? How do you like us now? Scared? You should be. Scared of yourself.

The author identified 9 key elements that enabled them to maintain greatness for 15 years. Yes, one of them was leadership - but a different kind of leadership than most of us would expect. Collins indicates that we cannot move from good to great with leaders who have big egos. Instead, he suggests that those who want to be great leaders need to be self-effacing, quiet, humble and perhaps shy. They also need to be willful and fearless.
(There is no one with these characteristics here, thats for fucking sure)
Great companies find a way to avoid bureaucratic structure by establishing a culture of discipline, a culture which maintains accountability while encouraging entrepreneurial freedom.

There were people here with these characteristics who would have made excellent managers. Too bad they were run off by egotistic, dishonest managers that were threatened by their strengths.

Thats for damn sure. Theres more lying filth in this pen than state institutions for the criminally insane. At least they don't run around in suits. Sharks from hell, pretending to be soo concerned, talking about who is and isn't safe to talk to. Pontificating about who is and isn't, who was and wasn't healthy or happy. Go lick you wounds, liars. Still practicing that sincere and half assed "I really do care" look. Give it up. YOU aren't safe to talk to. YOU aren't healthy to be around. You should be sterilized so society can be rid of your shitty,filthy assess. You have the nerve to sit around and talk about what is and isn't appropriate behavior. You continually assert that if you are anything, "its honest." YOu are so damn warped you wouldn't know honesty if someone wrapped it up and tied a bow around it. You put on the most disgusting show, trying to convince new hires with tales about how much you really care about people, that you would help them, but you just can't make unhappy people, happy. Its enough to make a person want to run for the nearest exit. Give it a rest. You are only talking about yourselves, psychos. You've worn that shit out, so you better come up with something new. You use, abuse and exploit anyone you can. No, you did'nt shut us up or kill us off. We've organized, we shared our experiences and we are stronger because of your remorseless disgusting behavior. Too bad you are so miserable and enjoy making other people miserable. How does it feel, eating a piece of your own dirtshit pie? How do you like us now? Scared? You should be. Scared of yourself.

If your manager or any CL is doing this, you will know they are part of the problem here. They are lying and covering up some really bad behavior. Safe people do NOT gossip excessively, categorize others, or attempt to micromanage their reputations or work environment. They don't have to because they have nothing to hide. Safe people do not whitewash turnover, badmouth other CL's (past or present), form inappropriate relationships with subordinates, undermine, or create an environment where people are afraid...of everything.
To contrast, as there are few good examples of Safe in this place, here's a few pointers for what Unsafe looks like, from the book 'Safe People' by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend: (It is really helping me navigate the murky waters in this company.)

Unsafe People:
-Think they have it all together instead of admitting their weaknesses
-Defensive instead of open to feedback
-Self-righteous instead of humble
-Only apologize (in this case whitewash) instead of changing their behavior
-Avoid working on problems
-Demand trust, instead of earning it
-Believe they are perfect instead of admitting faults
-Blame others instead of taking responsibility
-Lie instead of tell the truth
-Stagnant instead of growing

Sound like anyone you know? Everyone you know?
Bottom line, Safe people and true leaders do not shift blame, control others, lie, manipulate, undermine or hide the way these people do on a daily basis. They deal with the present, communicate effectively, resolve problems, earn trust among subordinates and peers, do not act on jealousy or insecurity, motivate, uphold accountability, and manage to the strengths of others (not just talk about it and put on a show for higher ups). Safe companies have an "open door" policy, two-way communication, behavioral standards, and do exit interviews. RB does none of this.

This may sound like pie in the sky, and no one is perfect, but I have had managers who strive for this. The ones here do just the opposite, and the resulting environment feels like a grade school nightmare. They manage with their egos, projecting their insecurities and problems on everyone around them. Abuse of power is rampant, and these sickos have a million tricks up their sleeves to cover it up. New reps will only buy this crap for so long - they are new, not stupid, save a few.

For those of you running around, speaking about who is safe, healthy or not: I know, having to grow up is scary. It's hard work to take responsibility for your actions, behave like an adult, and tell the truth. Try it though, instead of coming up with new ways to rewrite the past. Your CL's might just start to respect you a little and maybe, just maybe, your peers will learn something. You can also help cut down on the turnover and lawsuits.
Sound good?

Well said. Dr. Cloud has a new book out, 'Integrity' - How six essential qualities determine your success in business. In it, he references the Collins book, 'Good to Great'. It is excellent, and reveals every character flaw in this company, esp. in management.
They really do need to fire some people here, and I am not talking about new reps who stand up to their bullshit. PL and a few of her friends should have been shown the door by now. These baddies will never change and no outside company is going to fix the mess they have made. The departure of CH, the VP of Deceit, was a good start, but he had plenty of help in destroying the morale here. Accountability, just like everything else, starts at the top.

Sign em up. There needs to be a psychiatrist present, however and after any recommendations from her, they'd be sent to the shitter. Couldn't sell carp to the Chinese.

An exorcist would probably be better. These people have deee-mons. We are talking about mean and dirty stuff, thrown out in the sheer paranoia of being exposed.

Well said. Dr. Cloud has a new book out, 'Integrity' - How six essential qualities determine your success in business. In it, he references the Collins book, 'Good to Great'. It is excellent, and reveals every character flaw in this company, esp. in management.
They really do need to fire some people here, and I am not talking about new reps who stand up to their bullshit. PL and a few of her friends should have been shown the door by now. These baddies will never change and no outside company is going to fix the mess they have made. The departure of CH, the VP of Deceit, was a good start, but he had plenty of help in destroying the morale here. Accountability, just like everything else, starts at the top.

I'm not aware of anyone standing up to their bullshit now. From what I've heard, all this bunch cares about is the money, bonus, who makes how much and who do I need to hump or @#%8 off to get ahead. In addition to sex, they crave money. Lots of money, lots of sex and who they can jump in the sack with without getting caught. Sunday face for a Saturday nite life. You are fooling no one. We don't care what church you go to confess to . There are pervs in the booths there, which were no doubt, your teachers. Ya sick bastards. Money and who they can get in bed with who, next, without getting caught. Couple of butt jumpers that like to put on a good show of being real special little boys. They'd knock of their grannies if they thought they could scratch up some attention. Pathetic little ass riding weasels and their managers they love to suck up to. The Fat Lady sang and its all over.This place is in the shitter. Very few with any sense of decency left.

Oh man, you think that above posts a joke? Most probably believe it is. Its easier to not have to see who these people really are. It would mean an overhaul... on themselves.

Interpersonally exploitative. Exaggerates achievements and talents. Believes he or she is special and should only associate with other special or privileged people. Requires excessive admiration. Has a sense of entitlement and is interpersonally exploitative (takes advantage of others to achieve his or her needs). Lacks empathy and is often unwilling to identify with the feelings of others. Believes others are envious of him or her and is arrogant. Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty. Very fragile self esteem. Expects to be given whatever they want, no matter what it might mean to others. Criticism evokes rage or a defiant counterattack. Revengeful.

Hi Ho Silver! Ride em ride em ride em, hi ho!

I see a few Metro's here, with doors swingin' in and out.
Total freaks with loads of skeletons in their designer laden closets.
Crapping in their pants daily, wondering when, not if, but when they will be exposed.

I love it here at CafePharma, but gotta run - lunch hour is over.

Until next time...

I'm not aware of anyone standing up to their bullshit now. From what I've heard, all this bunch cares about is the money, bonus, who makes how much and who do I need to hump or @#%8 off to get ahead. In addition to sex, they crave money. Lots of money, lots of sex and who they can jump in the sack with without getting caught. Sunday face for a Saturday nite life. You are fooling no one. We don't care what church you go to confess to . There are pervs in the booths there, which were no doubt, your teachers. Ya sick bastards. Money and who they can get in bed with who, next, without getting caught. Couple of butt jumpers that like to put on a good show of being real special little boys. They'd knock of their grannies if they thought they could scratch up some attention. Pathetic little ass riding weasels and their managers they love to suck up to. The Fat Lady sang and its all over.This place is in the shitter. Very few with any sense of decency left.

INITIALS PLEASE. Inquiring minds wanna know. Stop teasing and do tell. Who are the sluts?! What territories?

No sluts. Nice trying to detract from you filthy self. You sure don't fool me you prick. Oh hell no.There is no word for males, dirtier than pigs, inside and out. We are talking about the male species, not men. No, they are way to sick to be called men. Real men, act like men, they have a code of conduct and have some respect for other people. They don't sell people out and lie, then turn around and criticize other people who do the same thing. No, these psychotic runts know who they are and naming their names would actually feed their sick little egos. They always clean up, almost to excess on the outside. They are the stench of the earth on the inside, as they are rotting. Just open your eyes and ears and get out of their way. They are always lookin for a sucka.

Its a f%@#$ MF magnet here. Damn, how'd I get so lucky? More work to do than ever and gettin treated like we are lucky to get fed shit. I'm real tired of it all, real tired.