SUBOXONE--Reckitt Benckiser

Its just a game. If you don't mind playing the game, which is full of dishonesty, insincerity and backstabbing, then you'll be fine here. You have to be willing to use and be used, even if its round about through your manager. You have to play people, make em all think you are their friend. If, on the other hand, integrity, a sense of real accomplishment, earned without stepping all over people is what you want, then find something else to do. This is not a place for nice people with any sense of decency. You may get you butt moved up the pecking line, but it will come with a price and you'll find the furthe you move up, the more corrupt you have to be. That would include turning a blind eye and deaf ear when you see and hear other people getting screwed.

So true, but they don't care. "look at me, all cocked out with my new promotion. I have no idea what I am doing, or the first thing about leadership or integrity, but who cares, I'm a MANAGER/TRAINER/ADVANCED ASS-KISS and I just love the attention. I stabbed people in the back like crazy, but who cares b/c everyone knows how unhappy/unhealthy they were. I knew they were getting screwed, but I played my cards right and look at me now!!!!! If I just keep kissing the right asses and posing hard, there is no telling where I can go in this place. I can't really detail this product, and I've never contributed much to my team, but that's not necessary here!! Trust me, you can come on board and tap dance your way to the top in no time. You can also behave like a worthless asshole, and they don't care b/c there are no standards of behavior. You can lie and bully until the cows come home and they won't do a thing. Yes, if you play your cards right, you can chalk up all kinds of accolades on your resume before they sell, maybe even management!!!!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhh, what a great opportunity, right time and place for some good old fashioned climbing.

You aren't shit here, unless you are willing to sell someone out. Plain and simple. You have to be a serious asshole to want to play by this set of rules.
Moving up is easy. Just tell you manager lies about your co-workers, especially the ones who think you are their trusted friend. That way, you'll never be suspected for selling them out, because after all, who would do that to a friend? I'll tell you who, lots of people here. Why? because most of the people who are here are not of sound mind. Most have such serious behavioral problems, that they know, in any other industry, they'd never make it in the door. Out of fear, when a quasi-normal person is in their midst, they will cannibalize them. Yes, thats right. Remove anyone who might see through them. 9 times out of ten, its some psycho who can put on the most innocent of appearances and the rest of the mentals, buy into it. The ones that put on the "I'm so above it all" face and profess to be removed from the gossip, which they are so adept at spreading.

YOu fuckers are sick, sick assholes. May you all rot.

They won't rot, sadly, but they will spread their venom. Yeah, thats right, nasty little things. Let em scratch and claw all over each other, thats what they do best and why take away the only real activity they have to engage in. I can see em now, phony to the bone, jes a waiting to fuck each other over with a nice little lie or two. Works best if you can convince your manager that your co-worker is just so mean to you or has just hurt your widdy bitty fweewins. Yeah, such a good little actress/actor now aren't you. Practice that at home growing up did you. Enjoyed watching your siblings or friends get the shit, because you pulled a fast one on mommy? Why stope there, hey, now you have a whole sales force you can fuck over. Works every time doesn't it? Especially if you are young and attractive. Yeah, the ol manager will bite the bait, if you work that lie jes right, by god, you can have her or him hating just about anyone on your team you chose. Some have chosen alright and fucked over as many as they can, and never gotten caught. Amazing.

A good manager can spot this bs coming and that's the real issue here. These managers USE these idiots to get rid of reps that threaten them - to build their worthless little "stories" on how the competent, adult rep is just not working out. This helps support their outright lies about whoever they are trying to push out, and higher ups buy it like a bunch of clueless apes. These managers have all been named and the stories are pretty much out, so you have to really ask yourself: If they are NOT selling, what the fuck ARE they doing? Why let the assholes that Chris brought in continue to ruin the company? Let them join him over at Hythiam for some Backstabbing, Part II -
Doggie Style and take their nasty behavior outta here. I'm sure he will welcome them with open arms, and they can get off on eachothers antics til hell freezes.

Outstanding analyses, the above posts. I haven't been here in a while. I thought maybe, just maybe, things might have stablized here. Apparently, the insanity of continuing to hire very bad people into management continues. Along with that, you can expect the ongoing turnover of the decent people. Healthy minded, stable people will not stay in a company, no matter how terrific their product or how great the salary, if they have to work with or socialize with co-workers or managers who are inept and immature. Not a good idea to hire people stuck at a high school mentality.

After reading a few of the above posts, its clear to me that leaving this company early on, was the best decision I ever made. On a daily basis, there was drama, b.s., backstabbing and the worst frustration imaginable. I hear they continue to keep on the bottom of the barrel, because the smart folks left. What a waste of talent and a great opportunity to make strides in helping this desperate patient population

They lie to themselves daily about their behavior and point the finger at anyone who dares expose it. This will not change until they do some serious housecleaning. These people have made a career out of lying, gossiping, and covering their butts nomatter what the cost. Decent people just get sick of it and leave, rather than roll around in the dirt with these folks in attempt to "explain" anything. You can't explain the total lack of professionalism and/or mental illness, which is so prevalent here.

Smiling faces, smiling faces,
tell lies. They don't tell the truth.

A man or a woman with an agenda is really easy to spot, if you just let your denial get out of the way.

This person, doesn't miss a beat, going after an opportunity to use the old guise of "I'm just joking" and always has some smart ass thing to say about someone. Every time, its some one they feel threatened by. Someone who might get in their way with management.

It goes like this. You're at a POA and here comes Mr. Asshole disguised as Mr. Nice Guy. He says, "You should see so and so, she or he, looks like they can't wait to get away from everyone."

See how easy it is. Just drop enough of these easy lies in to your teams ears, a couple of more, Yuk Yuk, over a beer with your manager and bingo, you can pretty much sully up anyone you choose. Lots of dick heads here who use these tactics and laugh while saying it, like its just something every one knows. Pay attention, next POA, thats when a manager wanna be starts in with the campaign smear against anyone smarter than them. Asshole fuckers, still creepin around telling their lies.

Anyone have any information on the Houston manager? I just got a call from a recruiter regarding an expantion and back fill territory open in Houston. Are things still as bad as all of the old postings? Any positive feedback? What type of daily call reporting/call quotas, hand held computers, it major micro managing? I am grateful for any and all information! Thanks for your time!

There is definately something not right down there. In general, avoid Texas, Florida, California and the East Coast until further notice. Some would add more regions, but these are pretty scary. The product is great and the company is trying...

Go to the interview and see for yourself. A lot of the negative posts on here are from ex-employees, one in particular who can't seem to find a job.

Really? Who is that? This should be good...esp. since you and your team never do get your gossip/lies straight.

Still lying about those who left...shame on you. You are just paranoid, and covering your ass, as usual.

Go to the interview and see for yourself. A lot of the negative posts on here are from ex-employees, one in particular who can't seem to find a job.

I do believe that many people who have left are just a little too smart for you and your asswipes who send headhunters out to get info. Give it up. Their former accounts are just screwing with you too, this "one" in particular.
I love it that you are getting hung out on this site. Like so many others, you try to blame it on someone you pushed out or fired to cover your ass. That's very convenient, and consistently dishonest. You're just another washed out pharma idiot.

Most who left RB won't give these people the time of day at this point, which makes it more amusing that they are still being talked about. Like anyone who left is giving info. to manager bitch or her peers?????!!!!!!!
Who's on drugs, man? YOU ARE.

losers always blame people who left because they are too egotistical to consider the fact that people in the company actually see through them and are sick of the chaos they create.

Go to the interview and see for yourself. A lot of the negative posts on here are from ex-employees, one in particular who can't seem to find a job.

You are an asshole, lying again, and covering your ass for something. In the "entire football field" of turnover, who is it that posted everything this time? someone you screwed, lied about and trashed to get ahead or stay employed. Let's run down the list in your region...

Who made you the authority on ANONYMOUS POSTINGS, you ass-covering dickhead!

some bigtime lies went down in this region, the culprits are still covering their asses, and the reps who left are employed and have moved on.
This manager has issues, and this will shock you: I still work for the company!!!!!! Don't work in this region - it's weird

You are sick and vindictive. What is your point? To ruin RB? To make it like it was in the 'old days?' You really get off on trying to hurt people. Keep on wallowing in misery. It's amusing to read but not at all reflective of reality. Oh, sorry. This IS your reality.