Stay Away From this Piece of Shit Company

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You guys are a bunch of whiney pussies. Can u hit the panic button any harder. Get out there and work instead of posting at 11 am, 2 pm, etc. U are the fuckin' problem if you bitch when you should be hustlin'. You are blind and not keeping up with the flow if you don't see the potential of zyflo in C.O.P.D. and CVD. A study was just completed last month by some Cardiologists in high-risk atherosclerosis patients that showed that Zyflo can stabilize plaques and keep them from rupturing. That means less M.I.'s and strokes for those in the cheap seats. The implications of that are manifold.

Hmg1 is already in phase 2 and shows efficacy in multiple disease arenas. First IV study done today which would make transitions from injections in the ICU to outpatient docs dosing the CR flawless and sensible; what the hell more do you want 5 months in. Get out and do it. I am bringing in 8-12 rx's a week and am picking up momentum; 1-2 writers every week with solid LTB4 discussions and med inquiries for COPD usage. That is the future, there is a huge market and my pulmonologists know it and are already getting great results in that arena. Stop being the anchor and grab a paddle.

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Sorry asswipe, gotta keep to the schedule. I'm a T-R, 10-2 man myself.

the anchor

You guys are a bunch of whiney pussies. Can u hit the panic button any harder. Get out there and work instead of posting at 11 am, 2 pm, etc. U are the fuckin' problem if you bitch when you should be hustlin'. You are blind and not keeping up with the flow if you don't see the potential of zyflo in C.O.P.D. and CVD. A study was just completed last month by some Cardiologists in high-risk atherosclerosis patients that showed that Zyflo can stabilize plaques and keep them from rupturing. That means less M.I.'s and strokes for those in the cheap seats. The implications of that are manifold.

Hmg1 is already in phase 2 and shows efficacy in multiple disease arenas. First IV study done today which would make transitions from injections in the ICU to outpatient docs dosing the CR flawless and sensible; what the hell more do you want 5 months in. Get out and do it. I am bringing in 8-12 rx's a week and am picking up momentum; 1-2 writers every week with solid LTB4 discussions and med inquiries for COPD usage. That is the future, there is a huge market and my pulmonologists know it and are already getting great results in that arena. Stop being the anchor and grab a paddle.

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Why don't ask some of our scientist at CRTX. We are struggling with our pipeline that's just the facts.

you are a piece of shit for thinking so, but you have the right to free speech/thinking. it is the children that aren't adding to the zyflo earnings that are stealing from all of our own future wealth. are you blind... some idiot who posts here brags about his lousy work ethic while those kind of habits steal from your own inheritance. real shrewd and sharp you are. with 80 reps, your laziness makes a lot more difference to the overall revenue than at your previous company. maybe you need to run back to the warmth of a pod and let some of us that can sell and are actually out there, shed your dead and ignorant weight.

about the pipeline, i have talked to three of the scientists and have spent time probing upper mgt on how things look. they have never told me there have been any unusual stumbling blocks other than the normal pursuit of a molecule. it takes time- most of us have been here 5 months or so and are expecting to have a new med to launch this spring. i think the fact that we are where we are so far is impressive, look at how long companies sometimes have to spend developing their products. the stock goes down a bit, times get a little tough and you work harder to get it done, unless your lazy and for that there is no medicine. you bums and the cheerleaders are the reason the industry is in the doldrums. and no, before some dipshit deluxe makes a comment like "mgt should not post here" or "keep drinking the kool-aid" i will set the record straight, i am a rep/stockholder just like most of us here and would really like to do my 1/80 to make my options grow in value. boasting of your 10-2 working hours are not only hurting yourself and your future, but all of us in this tight-knit company. I want you to think long and hard about this: some of us are doing very well and have noticed business really picking up with a QID/LFT required med that no doc thought they would use the first time we went into their office!!!Have you thought back about the looks you got the first week. Now docs are inventing/seeking places to use this strong drug and the efficacy is more than ample.

Hey believe what you want and good luck. I'm out of here and believe me I won't let the door hit my ass on the way out. I've talked to the scientist also and they tell me a different story. But time will tell. I'm very close to closing the deal on my new company and I'm very happy with my decision. As for the rest who remain and are happy I think that's great.

you are a piece of shit for thinking so, but you have the right to free speech/thinking. it is the children that aren't adding to the zyflo earnings that are stealing from all of our own future wealth. are you blind... some idiot who posts here brags about his lousy work ethic while those kind of habits steal from your own inheritance. real shrewd and sharp you are. with 80 reps, your laziness makes a lot more difference to the overall revenue than at your previous company. maybe you need to run back to the warmth of a pod and let some of us that can sell and are actually out there, shed your dead and ignorant weight.

about the pipeline, i have talked to three of the scientists and have spent time probing upper mgt on how things look. they have never told me there have been any unusual stumbling blocks other than the normal pursuit of a molecule. it takes time- most of us have been here 5 months or so and are expecting to have a new med to launch this spring. i think the fact that we are where we are so far is impressive, look at how long companies sometimes have to spend developing their products. the stock goes down a bit, times get a little tough and you work harder to get it done, unless your lazy and for that there is no medicine. you bums and the cheerleaders are the reason the industry is in the doldrums. and no, before some dipshit deluxe makes a comment like "mgt should not post here" or "keep drinking the kool-aid" i will set the record straight, i am a rep/stockholder just like most of us here and would really like to do my 1/80 to make my options grow in value. boasting of your 10-2 working hours are not only hurting yourself and your future, but all of us in this tight-knit company. I want you to think long and hard about this: some of us are doing very well and have noticed business really picking up with a QID/LFT required med that no doc thought they would use the first time we went into their office!!!Have you thought back about the looks you got the first week. Now docs are inventing/seeking places to use this strong drug and the efficacy is more than ample.

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Management shouldn't post here - keep drinking the kool aid, dipshit deluxe.
Thats all the response a genius like you needs.
As for me, I am going to continue my T-R schedule. It works for me and I am doing well enough to escape notice from my RSM. Plus, it bugs the shit out of assholes like you. See, everyones a winner

u don't bug me kool-aid boy. i just think u are in the wrong place. startups are not for people like u. i am sure your rsm is on to u whether u think so or not. and with your work ethic boasts, u will eventually get cut loose. seen your kind come and go. no one ever remembers people like u when u leave, no one wants to...keep up the lying and stealing, should make u feel proud.

u don't bug me kool-aid boy. i just think u are in the wrong place. startups are not for people like u. i am sure your rsm is on to u whether u think so or not. and with your work ethic boasts, u will eventually get cut loose. seen your kind come and go. no one ever remembers people like u when u leave, no one wants to...keep up the lying and stealing, should make u feel proud.

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r u 4 real?

Didn't know prince was an can say what you want, but we both know that it does bug you. You can't stand it that I am getting away with working part time, getting paid full time and probably doing better than you are. Sucks to be you, fuckface

u don't bug me kool-aid boy. i just think u are in the wrong place. startups are not for people like u. i am sure your rsm is on to u whether u think so or not. and with your work ethic boasts, u will eventually get cut loose. seen your kind come and go. no one ever remembers people like u when u leave, no one wants to...keep up the lying and stealing, should make u feel proud.

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what a little bitch you are - FUCK YOU

Did anyone read that post under "Training"? Someone said they were hired at low 6 figures. I wasn't pissed until I read that! Now I am going to look for a new job, they got me cheap!

No one got hired in the low 6 figures as a rep. As matter of fact no rep got hired in the 80 or 90's so relax. I still advise you to look for another job just like I am. Jobs are paying in the mid 80's to low 90's for specialty reps. If you are going to put up with bullshit you are better of getting paid for it. This place is a joke that has no idea what hell they are doing. Our marketing and sales leadership are to busy loving themselves and believing that they are the greatest thing for basic everyday things they come up with. I made a hUGE mistake joining this shithole and it's only going to get worse. My RSM is to busy kissing Anne and his BUD's Ass because he/she wants to get promoted.

Did anyone read that post under "Training"? Someone said they were hired at low 6 figures. I wasn't pissed until I read that! Now I am going to look for a new job, they got me cheap!

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I wouldn't make career decisions based on what you read on cafepharma!

I bet everyone of them is in the bottom of the barrel of sales- Anyone worth a damn is doing well and is happy. However most of the people who post on here are like the people who had a bad experience at a restaurant and want to tell everyone about their woes. If you are shopping now, then you cannot handle the fact that you cannot perform when it's all on you.

I bet everyone of them is in the bottom of the barrel of sales- Anyone worth a damn is doing well and is happy. However most of the people who post on here are like the people who had a bad experience at a restaurant and want to tell everyone about their woes. If you are shopping now, then you cannot handle the fact that you cannot perform when it's all on you.

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Wow, glad you know my situation so well. What's that? You don't know shit??? That's amazing, I never would have guessed. If you are lucky enough to have a good situation, more power to you. But, if you have been in this industry for more than 5 minutes, you will know that your manager has a huge impact on your happiness. I can sell and my numbers are probably as good as yours are. But, and this is a big but, I have a horrible RSM. Plenty of people have posted about her already, so I am not going to add in. Lets just say that if you had her, you would either be out already or at least looking for something else.

Sorry did not know it was that dire. I wish you the best- you are right about a DM making life hell. All I can say is goodluck and involve HR/BUD's in three party discussions to make adjustments. She may not read these posts and may be clueless as to the effect she is having. My opinion is that upper mgt would rather know about an issue and work thru it together than have a minor exodus which costs a fortune on a small company.

What H.R. dept.? We have nothing in place that protects the employee. As a matter of fact no one is willing to talk to H.R. because of the consequences. Some individuals have experience it first hand already.

This is VERY true about HR. DO NOT TRUST THEM! I spoke off the record, in confidence to the head of HR and within 48 hours, I was explaining what I meant by some of my comments to my manager. She wouldn't say where she heard these comments (she said she had heard them from "several" individuals) but since I only spoke to HR, I knew where she got her information. I am still waiting to see what the fallout will be, but I made the mistake of trusting HR and now my future is very much in doubt with this company.

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