You guys are a bunch of whiney pussies. Can u hit the panic button any harder. Get out there and work instead of posting at 11 am, 2 pm, etc. U are the fuckin' problem if you bitch when you should be hustlin'. You are blind and not keeping up with the flow if you don't see the potential of zyflo in C.O.P.D. and CVD. A study was just completed last month by some Cardiologists in high-risk atherosclerosis patients that showed that Zyflo can stabilize plaques and keep them from rupturing. That means less M.I.'s and strokes for those in the cheap seats. The implications of that are manifold.
Hmg1 is already in phase 2 and shows efficacy in multiple disease arenas. First IV study done today which would make transitions from injections in the ICU to outpatient docs dosing the CR flawless and sensible; what the hell more do you want 5 months in. Get out and do it. I am bringing in 8-12 rx's a week and am picking up momentum; 1-2 writers every week with solid LTB4 discussions and med inquiries for COPD usage. That is the future, there is a huge market and my pulmonologists know it and are already getting great results in that arena. Stop being the anchor and grab a paddle.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry asswipe, gotta keep to the schedule. I'm a T-R, 10-2 man myself.
the anchor
You guys are a bunch of whiney pussies. Can u hit the panic button any harder. Get out there and work instead of posting at 11 am, 2 pm, etc. U are the fuckin' problem if you bitch when you should be hustlin'. You are blind and not keeping up with the flow if you don't see the potential of zyflo in C.O.P.D. and CVD. A study was just completed last month by some Cardiologists in high-risk atherosclerosis patients that showed that Zyflo can stabilize plaques and keep them from rupturing. That means less M.I.'s and strokes for those in the cheap seats. The implications of that are manifold.
Hmg1 is already in phase 2 and shows efficacy in multiple disease arenas. First IV study done today which would make transitions from injections in the ICU to outpatient docs dosing the CR flawless and sensible; what the hell more do you want 5 months in. Get out and do it. I am bringing in 8-12 rx's a week and am picking up momentum; 1-2 writers every week with solid LTB4 discussions and med inquiries for COPD usage. That is the future, there is a huge market and my pulmonologists know it and are already getting great results in that arena. Stop being the anchor and grab a paddle.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry asswipe, gotta keep to the schedule. I'm a T-R, 10-2 man myself.
the anchor